Ketamine “techno genius” has no clue how internet works.
Claiming that successful DDOS attack could be performed from one foreign country IP ranges is utter bs. Blocking IP range is the easiest solution, so DDOS is never performed from a particular IP range.
So the “Ukraine area” would most likely be R U S S I A!!!! Whoever stated Elon was a genius should be flogged. He is showing us that “Genius” is a self reported title
I don't have twitter. If someone would be so kind as to help me out... Are the people over there eating his excuses up? Is there any sign of common sense?
It must be nice to have no ground in reality. I can't imagine much bothers you when you're nothing more than a skin suit that stays partially inflated from disinformation supply.
Yes, of course. He has forgotten when he visited Kyiv to offer his Starlink connection paid by Poland. We should look deeper into the Steele dossier and find some connection between Musk and Russia...
So many enemies to choose from…I hope whoever it was does it relentlessly and successfully every day. Hit the lying “truth social” also while you’re at it please.
This interview was for MAGA…imagine being part of a collective that is assumed to be so damned ignorant, they think they can just feed you absurd talking points & it’ll be spread like the bullshit that it is.
*cue my FB friends ranting this exact talking point today…
(I live in a red state😖).
That's not how DDoS works. "Distributed" Denial of Service are, you guessed it, distributed. DDoS attacks come from compromised computers and devices all over the world which is why they are so hard to combat. It's near impossible determine where the hacker that initiates it is. He's lying.
Leon is a LOSER! It will end badly for both of them.
CALL TODAY, Wed & Thurs
White House Comment Line
11am-3pm EST
Eggs, Elon & the Economy😉
#Resistance BE HEARD!💙
Please share✌🏻💙✊🏻
This. Also, hang out here for a bit with me. Zelensky was in Saudi Arabia. Bezos is investing in Saudi internet.. I can’t help but the billionaire club is fighting. Ukraine is a means to an end and being used by them. Which is gross.
He may be no technology genius (he is talking utter codswallop) but this message is not for those who know the
difference between a king sized load of bollocks and a glittering jewel. It's for the millions upon millions of unpolishable turds who vote for Bonespurs.
Of course the Musk-rat is going to blame Ukraine. He lies as much as Krasnov. It looks like Europe’s support & Ukraines ability to hit Moscow last night without US support gave the Ukrainians enough leverage to get the US to be more reasonable in todays extortion demands in Saudi Arabia.
Has he never hard of IP spoofing before? Jesus, tech genius my ass. They also use bots on hijacked computers to make it seem like it's from a specific place, is he all of a sudden a cyber security specialist too?
Elon isn't a tech genius. He is very good at investments. He invested in Tesla, not it's founder. He invested in Space X. He overpaid for Twitter. None of them he started. He's a rich boy who buys things.
I've been patiently waiting to see if the anonymous group might get involved! Hoping for some zero day level stuff but only focusing on the oligarch assholes!!
Honnestly, it would be a sweet revenche if this attack has been set by Ukraine, considering the betrayal from Trumpett and Musk. They both deserve to be kick in the ass.
That's right, Phony Stark. Ukraine, a country fighting for its right to exist, has time to hack your private nazi circle jerk to make you look bad.
And people think this guy is smart?
Shit, there aren't close to enough computers in Ukraine to levy such an attack. And further suggesting all the traffic could make it through a single IP address is laughable.
And his supporters don't understand a word of what I just typed and I dumbed it way the fuck down.
That happens a lot with the MAGA crowd, they are perpetually confused and angry, shunning all and any intelligence that makes them feel threatened.
Must suck to live like that
A DDoS attack will come from a dozen different countries, normally. One of the IP blocks may be Ukrainian but that means nothing. Why doesn't he list the other IP country block owners? Oh because then he wouldn't be able to make misleading claims.
WTF??? This is what happens when a scum sucking hedge fund, Elliott Investment Management, takes a position and kills one of the best, well run airlines in history for an extra an extra dollar with only 19% stock position, what about other 81%. #luv #southwest
Elon Musk Is a Morally Bankrupt Billionaire.
Elon Musk Is Untrustworthy.
Prerequisite For Working For Trump.
The Most Untrustworthy Human Being On The Third Rock From The Sun.
I'm thinking all this Hegseth's "stop offence on Ruzzia" was a childish move to destroy NAFO )) They still believe NAFO operates using the USA taxpayers money )))
ELMO demonstrates his lack of internet knowledge. The hackers could be mere miles away, or around the world someplace. It’s call IP spoofing. Many servers and nodes are utilized with hacking for anonimity.
He is doing his best to build that anti-Ukraine sentiment so the backlash isn't so bad when they sell it out to Russia. How long will it be before he starts blaming Ukraine for the the tanking economy in the US?
Ketamine Cowboy always lies to fit his delusional narrative. Always. We as a country must insist that our leaders and those our leaders cede power to to tell the fucking truth or be kicked to the curb. This clown knows every word out of his mouth is a lie.
France says the funding for the US war for independence was a LOAN, and is now demanding $150 trillion in interest to be paid by signing over trillions of dollars of our rare earth minerals!
How can you be touted as a genius in the tech world & not be able to determine the origins of DOS attacks? Answer: You're lying! Larry Kudlow and POLITICIANS DO YOUR JOB! Fact check!!!!! BTW, Social Security & Medicare are NOT Entitlements! Illegal immigrants don't collect Social Security!
X is banned in Russia and in China
X is a cancer for any democracy so it should be banned in most countries
Europe should ban it as well as Canada , Australia and Japan.
They already banned RT which is Russian propaganda but X is as dangerous if not more and should be banned without shame.
So this is the asshole that's going to make us more efficient? Seems like a moron to me. It hasn't even been a month this time. President Fulashit has rolled out of his Bag of Cheetos Sleep Chamber and unleashed ...
OH ELMO you're full of shit - I thought you were this technology genius - guess not - but here is another idea and i am just spitballing here - perhaps you should focus your talents towards fixing your companies that you have already fucked up instead of playing politics and fucking up our system
Trump does Putin's bidding
in Ukraine,
always obeys, as if
sucking his d*ck on demand.
(A metaphor)
I have not evidence that he
actually sucks his d*ck.
It just seems that way.
(Or is it a simile?
I always get those two
mixed up.)
I just finished setting up my system to use for up 1000 queries/day for free forever. I'm just a guy with a computer. Sample dataset below. The paid services will get to the city block.
The point is, Musk either knows precisely or he doesn't know.
For Trump, it's all about what concessions he can deliver to Putin on a silver platter. Half of Ukraine? All of Ukraine? Zelenskyy's resignation? Zelenskyy is unlikely to accept any reward for Putin's war of aggression. These "discussions" in Saudi Arabia will accomplish nothing.
Elon. You are a world class asshole. The list of people and groups with motives includes most of the fucking world.
Ukraine certainly has motive but so does most of the world.
I would personally take you out with unmitigated joy if you came within ten feet of me.
Ahem, Ukraine is focused on other things these days.
We all know know xitman, of xitter, and pawning of swasticars is a liar and evil spawn, and that's putting it mildly.
I can throw a small axe and hit a target up to ten feet away. Anything else is luck after that. My buddy owns an axe throwing business. He sets up a booth at fairs, trade shows, birthday parties etc. We throw axes as we chat until someone wants to try it out. You get good fairly quickly.
“Country that frequently experiences mass power outages executes sophisticated hack that couldn’t possibly have come from anywhere else.” More at eleven.
As said elsewhere, if there has been a massive attack leading to disruption to X then there is only one way out.
X must sign over half of their assets and apologise for instigating the attack on itself.
Never understood why he didn't rename Twitter to Twatter after acquiring it. Now he's falsely blaming someone 'in the Ukrainian area' for attacking his platform, while for all I know, it could have been his own black hat hackerboys.
Any parent still reading Alice in Wonderland can now say ELON when mentioning the Mad Hatter! The two are one and the same! He’s not a genius! He’s crazy as a ‘bed bug!’ IMO!
He's lying about it anyway! He's trying to create an excuse to cutoff Starlink! If he does that, we all need to make sure NOTHING of his EVER works again...somehow!
I didn’t realize NAD (Narcissistic Attachment Disorder) was so contagious. I’ll alert the HHS Secretary immediately, as he will want to start the heroin/cocaine treatments immediately.
Elon is such a fucking moron: the name DISTRIBUTED denial of service…. The attacks come from a ton of ip addresses all over the fucking world. He is no genius.
This is the excuse/precursor to cut off Starlink in Ukraine.
After the peace talks inevitably fail, Ukraine will be assigned all blame by the USA. Musk will then announce he “can no longer support all the deaths in this war” or something similar.
Indeed, VPN not an appropriate answer I guess for most likely the russians attacking. The man is an idiot, I sincerely hope tesla crashes as does space x and reality bites hard!
I literally have a 5th grade level education in computer sciences but even I know how easy it is to spoof your IP address. Lennie from Mice and Men is so bad at lying.
Ukraine is primarily at war with Russia. Does he really think they’re trying for a war on two fronts? That aside his or anyone’s techie boys can make it look like an ISP address comes from anywhere I’m sure. Aren’t there tools to HIDE them?
Claiming that successful DDOS attack could be performed from one foreign country IP ranges is utter bs. Blocking IP range is the easiest solution, so DDOS is never performed from a particular IP range.
*cue my FB friends ranting this exact talking point today…
(I live in a red state😖).
Musk is building a super weapon.
Elon Musk is the only person on the internet who doesn't know what VPN's are.
and nazis in the streets are paid by george soros
and the people protesting tesla are obama trained agitators
Boo hoo hoo!
He lies with impunity.
Millions of followers on his platform read what he says, yet Elon is the biggest liar on Twitter.
For 3 years running, Elon has used his platform to spread lies and disinformation with no regard to the consequences.
Cyber security, Finance, and public sentiment - all things he has demonstrated little to no knowledge of.
It would be hilarious if X were doxxed to a stand-still by people pretending to be in Ukraine.
That, folks, is technology in action.
CALL TODAY, Wed & Thurs
White House Comment Line
11am-3pm EST
Eggs, Elon & the Economy😉
#Resistance BE HEARD!💙
Please share✌🏻💙✊🏻
Dumb as a fucking stump!
Click your "IUAM" button in your CloudFlare dashboard and suck it up. No one wants to listen to you whine, Musk. 😊
Neither of which he has ever learned. Whether through luck or support, the repercussions have never been severe enough when things go bad.
Bittersweet but true: at some point, enough people will stop giving leeway out of self preservation.
difference between a king sized load of bollocks and a glittering jewel. It's for the millions upon millions of unpolishable turds who vote for Bonespurs.
It's all BS.
And people think this guy is smart?
And his supporters don't understand a word of what I just typed and I dumbed it way the fuck down.
Must suck to live like that
Elon Musk Is Untrustworthy.
Prerequisite For Working For Trump.
The Most Untrustworthy Human Being On The Third Rock From The Sun.
You know you could stop a DDOS attack, #Musk? Bill muthafuckin’ Gates.
France says the funding for the US war for independence was a LOAN, and is now demanding $150 trillion in interest to be paid by signing over trillions of dollars of our rare earth minerals!
X is a cancer for any democracy so it should be banned in most countries
Europe should ban it as well as Canada , Australia and Japan.
They already banned RT which is Russian propaganda but X is as dangerous if not more and should be banned without shame.
Your product sucks and so do you. Go back Africa you pathetic little whinny shit stain.
I was gonna get up and find the broom, but then Ukraine (la-la-ta, ta-ta-ra-ra)
My room is still messed up, and I know why (why? Man)
'Cause Ukraine, because Ukraine, because Ukraine (la-la-ta, ta-ta-ra-ra)
Wait, Sarge first I need to orchestrate this DoS attack against this social media plattform in the US.
in Ukraine,
always obeys, as if
sucking his d*ck on demand.
(A metaphor)
I have not evidence that he
actually sucks his d*ck.
It just seems that way.
(Or is it a simile?
I always get those two
mixed up.)
The point is, Musk either knows precisely or he doesn't know.
Then again, why let a little thing like evidence get in the way of a Cowardly lie from a Russian Agent, eh Elonskirat!
Russia likely did it to try and get Starlink blocked in Ukraine
Musk knows this
Ukraine certainly has motive but so does most of the world.
I would personally take you out with unmitigated joy if you came within ten feet of me.
We all know know xitman, of xitter, and pawning of swasticars is a liar and evil spawn, and that's putting it mildly.
X must sign over half of their assets and apologise for instigating the attack on itself.
Can we show these hackers some respect please!
Can't wait for the leaked server data showing all his coordinated illegal bullshit
How stupid does this person actually think his environment is?
After the peace talks inevitably fail, Ukraine will be assigned all blame by the USA. Musk will then announce he “can no longer support all the deaths in this war” or something similar.