So in case of shutdown Spacex, Homeland Security and ICE contractors don’t get paid and have no way of getting backpay once it’s over, unlike federal agencies. Ok.
Contractors are screaming that with all the firings and cuts by Trump and musk, and after doing the work and putting out cash, they are not getting paid now, so what changes.
Yes. And Social Security and Medicare as well as other security basics continue working but we default on other bills. Which have already been cut or will be with these goons. Just wondering if Schumer made up his excuse for voting yes because of his contractual stocks. it is SAFE to say that all smart Americans are MORE than ok with those groups above NOT getting paid. And if those illegal doge brats also don't get paid. FUCKING GOOD!!!
This is one time I wish I was still on Twitter. Trump must have pictures of Schumer fuckin' a goat ... that's the only explanation for this tone-deaf decision.
If he lets Trump slow burn this shit, it’ll just make it easier for MAGA to stomach. He’s got this all fucking wrong. The energy is high now, the time is now. Show MAGA who trump is.
Drag him for the spineless, feckless coward he’s turned out to be. How can he even show his face knowing how many ordinary lives he’s allowing to be destroyed by just giving up and letting the horrible CR skate through without a fight? Go away Schumer. You will never be forgiven for this one.
He can repeat it as many times as he wants, that does not make voting for the CR right. He has done NOTHING in congress to stop what's happening so far. Voting with GOP to destroy our government is absolutely unacceptable.
I was angry but I’ve changed my mind. Just enough Democratic vote yes, keep the status-quo, courts & judges ARE getting involved, allow Tesla to keep tanking.
Closing the gvmt gives Trump control of reopening ONLY what HE WANTS to reopen.
They are feeling the heat - let’s keep that fire burning.
Calling any of these numbers for traitor fuck Chuck gets you:
I’m sorry Senator Schumer’s line is not available.
Will try early tomorrow AM,
One of the lines is still saying:
‘Thanks for calling, Happy Holidays’
Done with this, I will never donate or support any Dems until this old fuck RESIGNS. 🤡🖕 vm is full so write him an email. WE NEED FIGHTERS NOT COWARDS! Tell him to vote NO for the CR & CLOTURE! #ResignSchumer #SchumerResign #Weak #SchumerCaves
Coward. He will single handedly ruin the Democrat Party. The base is unlikely to trust leadership again. I, for one, have no plans to donate to any sitting Democrat. I will however donate to the primary challengers of any Democrat who collaborates with the Republicans.
Good because he knows he fucked up. His posts are being ratioed. Time for us to go to our democratic town halls in full force and start primarying these moderate appeasing fascist sympathizing democrats.
They will blame it on us Dems no matter what. This vote is not performative. We are in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. Wake up. Start fighting back. Take a risk that will be supported by all Dems. Show us your spine and we will fight as never before.
Yeah, if you have to yell at your constituents about why you're making a decision when they obviously don't want it, you're no longer actually representing their interests.
Schumer's idea that he, with his votes, will save the US from "an even greater evil" is a manifestation of grandiose delusion, frighteningly similar to Musk's.
Any participation in the interests of evil always leads to its legitimization and further consolidation.
Also, a well paying job, a secure pension, and plenty of private corporations willing to hire him if he leaves the Senate. He has no clue on what pain his constituents will endure.
Fighting them may lead to a dictatorship, but giving them what they want will surely do so. Schumer has been bought and will join McConnell in history as the betrayers of our republic.
Schumer voting to cut $1B in DC funding and gutting DC public schools is the kind of bold strategy Dems need in finally bringing the party to an end.
Compost the Democratic Party & start something new.
'Yes, they're cattle cars they're telling us to get into. But do you know what the alternative is ? If we complain, if we refuse ? If we protest ? Then they'd take away the option of giving us a ride. We'd have to walk. And it's miles and miles to Auschwitz. So get in, it's the least worst option'.
So, Schumer’s worried things are going to get worse with a shut-down.
But the world already knows things are going to get much much more worse with the passing of the bill - as Trump/Elon feel even more empowered by what the bill gives them.
Not sure if true, but I read Schumer said Republicans might jam the Dems in September but thinks Trump will be less popular and some Republicans will stand up to him. 🤣🤣🤣 omg I have no words for Schumck. He truly lost the plot.
He's running scared. You can't even reach his office when you call. I said his name and the stupid AI operator kept asking me what state I live in....At this point your state doesn't even matter. Mine never has since I have those idiots Coryn and Cruz as "senators".
Good to know. Someone said the VM was shut down. I really think these dingos never paid attention to the whole no taxation without representation bit. Meanwhile those who aren't taxed (the billionaires) get representation and then some.
To any Democratic senators who choose to vote to help fascism in this Congress we Democratic voters expect you to hand in your resignations forthwith. We have no confidence in your ability to serve this party or this country.
I don’t know how Chris didn’t lose it at him. It looked close a few times. But I don’t normally watch the news, I prefer to read. But I saw two buck chuck was going to be on and needed to hear his excuses
we need leaders who are willing to stand up to oligarchs. This is a bend over and F*ck us more move. Step aside Schumer. Let someone with some creativity and courage take over.
A view from the other side of the world - bearing in mind that there a lot billionaires in red hats, is it possible that huge sums of secret money is being paid under the table to sway some liberal views. Fetterman, now Schumer? Everyone can be bought (or blackmailed). Just a thought.
Why does he even still exist in the Senate, much less as Minority Leader? I don't get why the results of the last election wasn't a demand for new leadership?
He's trying to argue a very unpopular stance. Chris Hayes' interview with him was great. Chris held his feet to the fire. The interview proved just how out of touch and clueless Schumer is
Keep up the pressure. Every New Yorker should be dialing his office and sharing their thoughts nonstop. Take the Amtrak down to DC asap and go to his office in person if you have to.
The Dem party dies tomorrow, this will demoralize many who are left, they will quit politics to go enjoy life as best they can. It already happened in the 2024 election, millions of Dems did not vote because Garland was so weak and Biden would not touch the filibuster to expand the Supreme Court.
…so 34felonies isn’t a good look for the brand, huh….might want to find a better spokes person Elon, one that actually knows the vehicle’s name, maybe…
t’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap
Chuck, just admit you're old and tired. You've made some cash and are just keeping a seat warm in the Senate. Giving in to this will destroy any legacy you have and will absolutely kill book sales.
We need a world wide national day of action against trump and the trumpians. We march against tryanny and fascism. All across the world,touching and agreeing. Let's do this.
Schumer is past his prime - it's time he moved on and let someone with a backbone do the job. Time to kick these bureaucrats who cannot deliver to the curb.
Clearly, he's not the person for this job.
IF #Democratic Senators DO NOT Vote Down This #MAGAGOP CR, Then #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump WILL SAY, "And Now I Own The Democrats too, Schumer!"
"High Horse On A High Road"
IS NOT The Right Course For #America Right Now!
🇺🇸 🗽
Hassan (202) 224-3324
Peters (202) 224-6221
Durbin (202)224-2152 no vm
Schatz (202) 224-3934
King (202) 224-5344
Shaheen (202) 224-2841 vm full
Fetterman (202) 224-4254
Cortez Masto (202) 224-3542
Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
(202) 224-6542
Closing the gvmt gives Trump control of reopening ONLY what HE WANTS to reopen.
They are feeling the heat - let’s keep that fire burning.
Siri, I've absolutely had it with you
It removes the ONLY skill Schumer had that helped, raising money. He was good at it, cannot gainsay that.
Call him the “Merrick Garland of the United States Senate”.
I’m sorry Senator Schumer’s line is not available.
Will try early tomorrow AM,
One of the lines is still saying:
‘Thanks for calling, Happy Holidays’
Done with this, I will never donate or support any Dems until this old fuck RESIGNS. 🤡🖕
He does not know what is going on around him or how to handle it.
Netanyahu is Israel's version of D☭Иald TЯ☭M₽
I can cite chapter and verse for you.
He was good at raising money. That was it.
Dems move right now is to REMOVE HIM and Durbin (who is even more useless if that is possible)
And it’s 2025.
Just terminal.
It's a war of the haves vs the have nots. And ladies, we are in the have nots.
Any participation in the interests of evil always leads to its legitimization and further consolidation.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
We don’t resign
All of us
Compost the Democratic Party & start something new.
But the world already knows things are going to get much much more worse with the passing of the bill - as Trump/Elon feel even more empowered by what the bill gives them.
Isn’t ‘worse’ better than ‘even more worse’?
I’m no politician, but that sounds illogical to me.
That description
DC office: 202-224-6542
Don't fuckin apologize! This is what we want. Fight man!
He's letting us all down.
The Democrats wonder why they lose at the polls? Chicken Schumer and all those like him are the reason.
We want someone on our side not rooting for the other side.
Just like this fat fuck.
DNC not a penny until he steps down as leader
Krasnov is the russian spy name. This is not difficult .
Norms are useless againt maga.
representatives that do not represent us.
senators that do not represent us.
Trump does not represent us.
Elon does not represent us.
Defenestrate them.
On the streets tomorrow, in their homes on the weekend.
Last. Term. is caving. Let him hear from you right now.
“They’re mad now but in a year they won’t even remember. That’s how dumb they are.”
Prove him wrong. Exact justice in the long term.
“Play dead Chuckles “
“Beg Chuckles”
“Good boy Chuckles “
“Thank You Master Trump”
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
Schumer is the Merrick Garland of the Senate. Jeffries said in public he, Jeffries, has no idea of what to do.
Here’s my litmus test: if Dems can’t break a little china to oust both of them, what hope is there they can do anything effective?
This is how Hitler took power in 1933. A paper Reichstag relinquished any power it once had.
Thanks for helping the Nazis, Chuck. Fool.