I’ve only seen those two listed as definite yes’s, which is why it’s kinda strange to see all the blow ups on here tonight. Republicans need 8 Dems to vote yes for the CR to pass. Maybe people are assuming enough Dems will vote yes since Schumer has already said he would?
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
Schumer and some other Democrats are part of a Controlled Opposition that give the illusion of an opposition. They function as a mole, now acting with the government in power.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
Fucking sell out. This motherfuckers only worked for one group of people in this country anyway. He is a turncoat a traitor and a useless old man who needs to pack his shit and go home. We already have Trump to fuck us we don't need our employees to fuck us too
Trump touched him. Chuck is going to expire now because we know that everything Trump touches dies or goes broke and bankrupt. Chuck, your clock is ticking.
Schumer and some other Democrats are part of a Controlled Opposition that give the illusion of an opposition. They function as a mole, now acting with the government in power.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
I'm tired of getting fucked over by protected and unbothered white people. It's a good thing I took the day off tomorrow; I'm having a hard time censoring myself.
We're surrounded by hate, stupidity, and complacency. At the end of the day, why would any of them care? They're never the victims.
I worked in and around politics my entire career. Started as journalist. Later a lobbyist in KY. This turns my stomach. Schumer has to go. I need fighters not a guy living in a world a decade ago.
"Sen. Mark Kelly, an Arizona Democrat, “If it shuts down, what is Elon Musk going to allow to open back up? That’s a big concern of mine,” Kelly said. “How many more veterans is Elon, and this administration, going to fire? So, there’s not a good option here.”
No, but FFS, get something in return! Force DOGE to testify and prove all this waste and fraud it has supposedly found! May not be B&W, but it's not that hard!
The minority can't *make* anyone testify. My understanding is that it requires the majority party to approve subpoenas & no one has to appear w/o a subpoena. The minority party simply doesn't have a lot of real power. The courts, however, do & 34-felon is losing in the courts.. but that takes time.
"hard" isn't the problem. Accomplishing the objective (protecting democracy and the country!) takes thought & strategic planning. ⬇️ If shutting down the government looses the war/objective, is that smart?
If @schumer.senate.gov enjoys a single day in NYC for the rest of his life without being told to go fuck himself at least once, then NYC will have utterly failed as a society #FuckChuck
They all get concussions which lead to comas and eventually death. The bar is praised as a hero. It apologizes for what it did to Anthony Ammirati, and the sincerity of the speech brings everyone to tears. Its presidential run is seen by later historians as the solution to wars in the Middle East.
I’ve come to a realization that politics are just dirty, on both sides of the aisle. Citizen’s United was the beginning of the end and here we are now. Trump just brought the truth to light for us all to see how the game is played. Pay to play. Now is the time for us, the people to call checkmate.
Spear Emeritus Nancy Pelosi is so qualified as a trusted source for administration of the legislative process and fiscally vetted budgets that the MAGA House (Republicans) are using her outlined budget plans as their primary source for the current budget.
All the old white men just a jokin' and a smokin' while the rest of us are robbed blind. It's a good ol'boys club. Just gettin'paid for destroying our country. Fuck every last one of them.
@schumer.senate.gov please save your reputation and vote NO today. It's not too late yet, but if you vote Y you will be on the wrong side of what follows
Why would anyone of good character speak with this dipshit maniac? (And this whole Al Smith Dinner adultery with religion and government needs to go -- donate to help people without needing to wear a tie, eat fancy food, and pretend all is well in the world!)
I support Schumer. This is not going to be a two week shut down. They may shut down the federal government for years, and dismantle everything. These are not normal times. Don't expect normal efforts to reverse a shut down. A shut down gives autocratic power to Musk and Trump. This is an emergency.
No! A shut down closes the federal courts, the only hope the opposition has. Trump can literally begin arresting political opposition with impunity, even senators. If you don't think that's coming you haven't been paying attention. These are not normal times. Avoid a shutdown at all cost.
It does not shut down the courts. But shutting down the government stops paychecks to DOGEboys. The CR just gives Musk/trump a slush fund to do what they want and move money out of programs they don’t like
Schumer knows the Oligarchs behind this destruction personally. He is an elite. He is not speaking out against the Elite class. The people who wrote Project 2025.
See my pinned on The Heritage Foundation.
Not a peep about the plan to ditch our Constitution and hand it all over to Oligarchy.
I've recently watched Blacklist...and damn if this isn't perfectly aligned with the Cabal (secret government criminal sect) on the TV show. Holy crap...fiction is reality. WTAF
I was unaware of this dinner and its supposed purpose. The little of it that I watched creeped me out. It had a cronyism and criminality vibe that was palpable.
It’s a long-standing tradition that aims to get opposite sides together to show politics can be civil. The point of it is to get pols to talk to each other in polite behavior, tell jokes in good natured roasting. When trump is there, it is creepy
If that is the case - that it’s an opportunity for civility - then it’s another case of Trump being subject to sociopathic Asperger syndrome. There is nothing that happens around him that he recognizes as a reason to not be an asshole.
The Presidential candidates each give a speech at this dinner to tell jokes and roast their opponent gently. In 2016, trump was so nasty he got gasps not laughs. Surprised he was invited back
They were hella cozy that day. I made this video before the election. it serves as a chilling reminder. History shows us that traitors and collaborators will end up in the camps with us, Chuck.
After rewatching... this video reminder gives me the chills... https://youtu.be/tEBZkw3D7vs?si=bpysbtAz3DwqRlpJ
@schumer.senate.gov we need a #NewSenateMinorityLeader today …If you think the magas are getting booed just wait, the ceiling is coming down! #Betrayal
Primary Schumer's ass!! So few chances we will ever get a leverage against them, the first chance we get and they just drop dead...the f*ck is wrong with them! Hopeless!!!! F*ckin hopeless!!!
I like to say, we are in the kayfabe period in history. We have people running the country who are so rich and/or disconnected they think it's all for ratings and theatrics and don't understand how real people are affected.
I just don’t get it. Capitulation to a thug, tossing democracy in the trash, what in the ever living hell. Is there simply something we don’t know about this new world order that’s happening before our eyes. I guess the powers that be chose Russia as their model of government, I just don’t get it.
COLLABORATOR!!!! I have never seen a worse negotiator than Schumer! He could have at least held out until the last minute but,NO! He folded a ROYAL FLUSH!! I guess he studied The Art of the Deal at Trump University!! We deserve much better than Schumer!!
Something sure stinks. He was dishonest to the public when he said he was going to vote No. Tomorrow he can still vote No but voting Yes on cloture is the real deal and he was dishonest to the public about that.
So they were at the same dinner seated near each other having polite chit chat. A few minutes later, Schumer sat stonefaced while trump read his insulting speech. So what?
So tired of these rich 70 year old white assholes fucking everybody over while flashing their stupid little grins over coffee. You’re too damned old and comfortable!!!
It means everything. 'Nothing' would be when opposition leaders are talking in a conference room with others there. 'Nothing' would be when opposition leaders don't talk except when necessary.
The body language says it all. This is bad news for the American people.
No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote
That & he & Jeffries met with Silicon Valley executives to kiss ass & this bill gives them a continual tax breaks. Fuck no! & every democrat that votes for this will be forced out period. They’re not playing the same old games, Dems have to stop pretending they are & grow a set & push back harder
Josh Vlasto, formerly a top aide to Schumer, is now a lead strategist for "Fairshake" -- the crypto-funded PAC that took out Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Katie Porter.
Vlasto's wife is Schumer's director of scheduling.
You could start voting Independents in and small Party's America. You create this shit by allowing two Party's so much power. You need a cross bench of say 10 -15 Independents in the Senate to as we Aussies say "Keep the Bastards honest"
Thank you, Jessica D.M. I responded earlier, and now I confirm your post. I'm a lifelong Democrat who became eligible to vote in 1971 and elected to a Democratic County Committee in 1972. We need a Parlementary form of government. Small parties of principles to fight for us.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_sausage. As we hold elections on a Saturday we celebrate our Democracy. School halls are used as Polking stations so Schools,sell sausages, cakes Soft drinks etc to fundraise.
I think you need a complete overhaul and could adopt some of our system. 1 Create an Independent Electoral Commision at the Federal level and in each State to run Elections and declare winners
2 Consider compulsory voting from age 18. Ends voter suppression. 3 Hold elections on a Saturday. 4 Electoral Districts only changed based on census data under non partisan rules like we use.
5 Introduce preference voting this kills of tactics that use a third candidate to take votes away as those votes,would flow back to the first two placed candidates and may see the 2nd placed win on preferences.
In Canada we have so many parties!
Block Quebecois
and well, the Conservative
I have voted for pretty much every party but one.
Minority governments works best for everyone as the government has to work with other parties to pass new legislations.
I'm a lifetime Labor voter and would be happy to see,times where Labor controlled both houses. That said. Strong arguments,exist for minority governments, strong Crossbenches,in the Senate etc to 'Keep the Bastards honest'
Thanks to Chuck Schumer for being willing to yeet the elderly and disabled under the bus for Elon to run over.
After all Chuck's not on SS.
Such a fighter for his own interests.
Apparently "We the People" does not include the poor, the disabled, or the elderly.
Just corporations and lobbyists.
@schumer.senate.gov was up at the White House all the time with #Krasnov during Season 1!
Where TF have Dems been?!?!Schumer did shit nothing to reign him in during Season 1 and he totally fucked up Dems complete control during the Biden admin.
And there are still people who think they aren't on the same side. Political theater, or should I say politician theatrics? It's all good cop/bad cop, and they only care about protecting themselves, right up until the guillotine blade falls and the last they see is the inside of a wicker basket.
Take @schumer.senate.gov out of his leadership role, as a start, then harass the hell out of him-compel him to retire or resign! The old guard MUST GO...Enough of the greedy grifters. They're corrupt and WAY too comfortable!! 🤬
So is Schumer just another rich guy protecting his wealth at the expense of the vulnerable then? Cause we don’t need any more of those assholes in the world, let alone in politics. ✊🇨🇦
'Hey chuck, don't worry, I got the priest to take the tape of you and that twelve year old choir boy, he's gonna put it in areal safe place. It's all good. I got your back man.'
This is from before the election? Why so cosy after all he threatened with during the campaign. And now he flips? It doesn't make sense. It's like playing make belief.
“We got a deal.”
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
We're surrounded by hate, stupidity, and complacency. At the end of the day, why would any of them care? They're never the victims.
where does it come from?
So, real.
Looks like Schumer doesn't see the danger.
The rich and powerful look after each other.
Makes me sick!
Please make a joke out of this? It is just too depressing, and you are so funny!
The barkeep says “get the fuck out of here”
I've had enough of this JUVENILE, COWARDLY, INSECURE clowns posing as a political party.
Actions speak louder than words
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP, Had Already Planned To, "Impound Funds", From The CR As Written!
ALL #Democratic Senators NOW KNOW This Was Always The Plan!
STOP WITH THE, "High Horse On The High Road"!
See my pinned on The Heritage Foundation.
Not a peep about the plan to ditch our Constitution and hand it all over to Oligarchy.
After rewatching... this video reminder gives me the chills...
Reminds me of Eric Adams.
Everyone: really?
Schumer: no, not really...
His speech was obviously a role he played for the cameras.
Phone: 202-224-6542
Time to Purge the Old not ready for this moment! Acting like normal times is walking into a Dictatorship!
jamie nickel & dimon loves her bc she brings $$$$
delayed taking down account after first trafficking indictment
little pussy grabbers
The body language says it all. This is bad news for the American people.
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote
This is the rot, this is the swamp. We need real public servants.
Vlasto's wife is Schumer's director of scheduling.
Block Quebecois
and well, the Conservative
I have voted for pretty much every party but one.
Minority governments works best for everyone as the government has to work with other parties to pass new legislations.
After all Chuck's not on SS.
Such a fighter for his own interests.
Apparently "We the People" does not include the poor, the disabled, or the elderly.
Just corporations and lobbyists.
Where TF have Dems been?!?!Schumer did shit nothing to reign him in during Season 1 and he totally fucked up Dems complete control during the Biden admin.
Chuck is a MAGA
We the people need a fighter
He’s owned by billionaires, obviously
Get your weak ass outta my foxhole.
When you decide to work with fascists, you become a fascist.
@schumer.senate.gov betrays us all.