FOS of course. Flying that pregnant? Doubt it. Anyway I don’t care if it’s true I just get a lot of enjoyment in knowing that it gives her even a moment of unhappiness. Play with fire and you will get burned. When you associate with dump shit happens.
Why the hell was she flying? Pre-eclampsia can kill you; I know one woman who had to have an emergency C-section, and still permanently lost the vision in one eye.
We can all agree that Mitch McConnell, the guy with the melting face, is the devil. But we need someone to “mitch mccconell” this administration. Who’s going to be Con don’s nemesis? The time for nice guys is over. We need a fighter to topple this mess.
This is exactly the dumb noise I tried to escape when I left Twitter! This is inconsequential and irrelevant. I would never read a book like this! I am now dumber and cannot unsee this nonsense.
That was a lot of yippity yap for saying you deny the reporting but since you are all a bunch of sleazy degenerate trash bags it sounds entirely plausible!
Besides the only story I would be interested in hearing about you is when you get deported!
Yeah, she's lying. Nobody just flies with pre-eclampsia. The hypertension alone would really mess her up. It's the most unbelievable part of her story.
I hope it’s either true and someone has the receipts, or it’s not true and no one is saying that or writing about it. Trump is evil enough without anyone making anything up. We don’t need that. It only hurts our credibility.
Oh, so sorry that someone is making up lies about you. Now you can see how that feels, not great, right?? Maybe you and your Maga buddies could learn a lesson here?
WHY, WHY would You Risk your Unborn's Life by being on a freaking "tour". WHAT IF YOU needed Emergent Care & had to abort the pregnancy to STAY ALIVE? This IS what AMERCIAN WOMEN Face EVERY DAY.
Sooo, if we want women to be believed when they report sexual assault and other crimes, and inappropriate behavior, we likewise should believe women who deny that such actions occurred.
Am I missing something here or should we just believe her? It’s kinda distasteful to just accuse her of lying and actually being sexually harassed, no matter how awful the orange guy is.
I don't know if I believe her statement. If she was that close to being due that it was safe for her to fly, per-eclampsia or not, no doctor would have ok'd a flight and no pilot would let her on without that clearance as the risk of blood clots is high. It's is the same reason I questioned Palin.
I could not care less if they slept together. She’s still an awful person for supporting Trump, esp since she’s a Latina! Nazis like Trump hate Latinas.
That's a lot of denial for a rumor in an un-named book that's "a shit hit piece" Meanwhile, what's the title and when's it coming out? IDGAF about who he diddles (consensually, of course) but if you've got how they used all the court info about Dominion Voting machines and Elon's hackers... Also, ew
Oh boo fucking hoo. Yeah...he's such a gentleman. Good thing your pussy didn't get grabbed.
Aren't you the wingnut that tried to get tge Tangerine Tyrant's bloated face on Mt . Rushmore?
I tend to believe it didn't happen. Reason- if the opportunity was there, I doubt very much she'd decline the offer. When your in a cult & the leader wants, the leader gets.
What's really gross is the fact that she endangered herself and her baby by boarding the plane in the first place. Especially when she's already feeling sick.
Gee, Trump did one polite thing for one of his acolytes and we’re supposed to forgive all the reprehensible things he has already done. He has just started.
Why is this woman jeopardizing her pregnancy to get face time with that horrible man. She made a poor decision.
He spends a lot more time with that fish lipped Luna lady then he does with the mail order whore who hates his guts and calls herself the "First Lady" people should be allowed to speculate what is right in front of them...ask Laura Loomer.
Sugar honey darling baby!!!!
Yea he respectfully told you about the back room!!!
They call it the sex cave.
That baby is probably Tang Turds and your husband probably watched.
And our 1st lady as you call her is a very beautiful cheap tramp.
White trash beauty queen!!!
So only your lies, lies from your fuhrer and his sycophants are allowed? Lady, your lack of intelligence and humanity means you only got along in life on your knees. Fuck off.
1) If you read the article she’s responding to, her account is basically the same as what’s reported in this book. There’s no reference to Trump trying anything with her.
2) Flying while “very pregnant with pre-eclampsia symptoms”? Where’s all that concern for the rights of the “pre-born”?
Putting out such a detailed rebuttal seems like a lot. Maybe Luna should just have let it pass. I have no doubt, though, that given the opportunity, Krasnov would present that offer to any woman he believed worthy of him. Gross, no?
I stopped reading after “being the good and kind gentleman that he is.” Huge bullshit red flag, that orange shitbag has never been kind or a gentleman a day of his evil existence.
Canada and France have a very long-standing relationship because of the French Canadians as well as England because of our king so it actually should be those two countries that they visit first
I recently flew to NYC and the woman next to me related a story from 20 or so years ago when she coached a woman’s football team. Two team members were also beauty contestants and went to an event where Trump was present. He sexually assaulted both of them, and one had to go to hospital. How many?
Today I listened to an interview with the author of said book and he stated that many people in Trump's orbit were happy to talk with him about goings on in the Whitehouse that are shocking to them. There are some desiring to be adjacent to power but still can recognize mental illness.
She was flying with pre-eclampsia? I’m not a doctor or a nurse, but I have known women with pre-eclampsia and I don’t think that flying with that condo would be medically advisable.
It's weird how Liberals feminism disappears when they want to attack non-Liberal women or a Liberal President wants to attack a non-White country. Of course in the latter case they claim he's doing it to 'liberate women'.
My issue with her was that she stayed with Bill even though he humiliated her by cheating on her so publicly. The rest of it was Republican propaganda which obviously worked.
She’s leaving the part out where Trump slapped her on the ass, and when he tried firing her one Friday afternoon cus she was pregnant w/complications but someone told him that was an open/shut lawsuit.
Wow thats a long winded way to say that the rapist Trump tried to fuck her on a plane, because nobody is going to believe whatever the hell that post is 😂
Particularly if she was already diagnosed with pre-eclampsia! I had it and it is life-threatening for the woman and the baby. I had it in the hospital (under close supervision) and almost died. No way would my doctor had said it was OK to travel ANYWHERE, no less on a plane.
If she had symptoms of pre-eclampsia she would have not been able to fly. Horrible swelling of face ankles hands feet. You can have vision problems because of very high blood pressure. Headache from hell. 🤮 vomit. She is Lying!
Yes, that is exactly what happened with me. It was so obvious and the doctor told me not to even drive. Sent me to the hospital & once the double vision/headache started, it was to the OR for the emergency c-section. They didn't tell me until later how lucky I was to survive it.
It's more common than people know. That's why I laugh at anti-abortion people when they say childbirth is less risky than abortion.
Umm....NOPE, not by a longshot!
She says she was undiagnosed at the time of the flight but I call bullshit on that too. By the time you’re “very pregnant”, docs can usually tell by then how risky your pregnancy is. I’m sure she was seeing her doc at least once a week at that point.
Yes, I just noticed she said pre-e "symptoms" but not diagnosed. Symptoms would be severe high blood pressure (I'm talking near-fatal levels) and severe edema. It's considered very severe.
She is such a cultist that she is either lying or was willing to risk her life and her fetus.
Remember, she's the one who lied abt her grandfather being a Holocaust "survivor", but it came out that he was actually a Nazi Party member who was a Wehrmacht soldier during WWII.
She's like the female George Santos.
They don't fuck around with blood pressure during pregnancy. They keep an eagle eye on it, the moment it starts creeping up, extra monitoring. She could've been having symptoms & not officially diagnosed pre-e yet, but I'd be very surprised by a dr allowing her to fly & not having her on bed rest.
It's been almost 16 yrs, but IIRC, mine spiked to 200/140 within only a few days and started double vision/headache and escalating to HELLP syndrome and they were like, "NOPE, she's coming out NOW!"
I don't know if she was lying ... Wait a minute, this is that LUNAtic maga idiot from Florida. OK, she was lying. But yikes, tRump and sex. The only way he can get it UP is in a plane a mile UP.
He’s the long forgotten son of Chuck Norris and Rambo.
Also he’s one of the chucklefucks that refused a Covid shot 🙄. Then sued Air Force and DoD 🙄🙄
I want to know if she did something interesting with her tongue and how she kept from puking
'Hey trump, we all heard you like em young.. probably hanging out with AMinor... '
Besides the only story I would be interested in hearing about you is when you get deported!
1. That he wouldn't hit on a hot, younger girl when he's literally hit on hot, younger girls his entire life.
So she either banged him or she did whatever he's capable of doing.
William Shakespeare
I appreciate she’s not a lady by any stretch of imagination.
Guilty 🤡🖕
Dost thou protest too much?
Aren't you the wingnut that tried to get tge Tangerine Tyrant's bloated face on Mt . Rushmore?
The sleepy, playboy, don strikes again.
And yes, weaponized misogyny is perfectly acceptable when the target would gladly kill me or the ppl I love.
Sue me.
I thought they were the same person, too.
If you are still defending him at this point, you will until he comes and sh--s in your face. (Maybe even then).
"Beautiful, famous, successful, married—I’ve had them all, secretly, the world’s biggest names...” -Donald J. Trump
We know what disgusting things happened. This is just saving face.
Very preggers women don't typically fly.
She's such a laughable dumbass liar.
Why is this woman jeopardizing her pregnancy to get face time with that horrible man. She made a poor decision.
1. Liars tend to overexplain with details.
2. So on brand for Trump: He can't get a pregnant woman pregnant & won't use condoms.
2. She's a Floridian new to poltics & a Freedom Caucus cultist. Just his quid pro quo type.
3. Her paternal grandparents-per family members
-were Nazis.
Yea he respectfully told you about the back room!!!
They call it the sex cave.
That baby is probably Tang Turds and your husband probably watched.
And our 1st lady as you call her is a very beautiful cheap tramp.
White trash beauty queen!!!
She is a whore
2) Flying while “very pregnant with pre-eclampsia symptoms”? Where’s all that concern for the rights of the “pre-born”?
His first visit is to the leader of the Free World: France.
Here is a timeline of his extramarital affairs
Truly a family man 👌🏼
It's weird how Liberals feminism disappears when they want to attack non-Liberal women or a Liberal President wants to attack a non-White country. Of course in the latter case they claim he's doing it to 'liberate women'.
That doesn't sound like a woman ally.
So whatever this post is, l assume this is
Joe Biden's fault or
I will pass on reading it !
Umm....NOPE, not by a longshot!
She is such a cultist that she is either lying or was willing to risk her life and her fetus.
She's like the female George Santos.
"Any of ya'll see Trump and Billy the Puppet get nasty close say yeah"