So Trump claimed today that Russia has tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers surrounded, they would all be dead already if he didn’t get involved, he will save them tomorrow when he talks to Putin, but THERE ARE NO TROOPS SURROUNDED, & tomorrow he will claim he saved them. Wow.
Tomorrow Trump will claim he "saved" Ukrainian soldiers who didn't need saving, because they were effectively retreating, blood-stained step by blood-stained step, from Russian aggression?
Sounds about right.
Give not one inch without a Russian life.
We defeated ourselves’: Trump’s national security adviser says Pompeo signed ‘surrender agreement’ with Taliban
And a pathological liar.
It is clear now
It is up to the American people now...
Trumps a liar! 🤥
Trump auto pen Pardons
What a hypocrite!
#autopen #BidenPardons #USDemocracy
He is so pathetic.
Not sure if we’ve reached the point where he believes his own BS?
Than Solve It...
That Is All He Does!
Can’t stop it…
Denies any responsibility or wrongdoing…
Also Correct!
What A POS!
This is the only way, Trump’s “negotiation” aren’t considered a complete surrender to Putin.
Delusional fairytales are all he has. Invent a problem then fix the nonexistent problem it?!
Jfc 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Many of the things he says are so laughably stupid there's no need to check.
George Orwell, - 1984
He is psychotic and delusional, always thinking he is the winner and hero.
☑️ “Noble Peace Prize”
on his list.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🌻🇺🇦🌻
He lives in a world of his own making
Trump is surrounded by Russian troops in his mind.
Speaks volumes when you believe Putin over the president.
What a pathetic, deeply contemptible little baby man Trump is.
What would the world do without Superman Trump to the rescue for every issue he's created.