China is also building a bajillion microreactors and ton of renewables. they also build more efficient solar panels. focusing on coal is what is going to make us uncompetitive.
Such a meaningless, nonsensical statement of nothing. Not a new law or policy change just words to give the appearance of fulfilling a campaign slogan.
Plus, does the dumbass think someone can flip a switch and bring those outdated plants back online? It would take years to modernize, engage all the logistics, employ and train people. You're right. All meaningless, nonsensical bullshit to make the maga trash lick it up.
The internet doomed our species. It’s so easy to lie and spread insane nonsense that wouldn’t normally be believed but is now taken as gospel by a huge chunk of the population. They are going to start teaching it in schools too. Windmills cause cancer, coal is clean, the earth is flat, etc.
I have moments of gloom. But I'm not completely fatalist. I think there's hope. We have to believe that or else the outcome is already determined for us.
I’ve always been more pessimistic but never without hope, this period in time is pushing me there though. I have 18 month old twins so I want to be hopeful, especially for their future, but it’s not easy right now. Luckily they take up most of my time so stressing about it takes a back seat.
I can certainly understand that. My kid just turned 18 and I feel relieved. But I just know that there are more of us who want the same things that aren't being offered right now. And it's not something that's going to turn around quickly. But generations before us struggled as well. 🫶
I'd love to boot his ass into one on the side of the highway here in PA and board it back up after he falls in. I'm not sure his giant ass will fit through the hole though.
I really miss acid rain, burning rivers & tailings dam failures w/ heavy metal slurry in our rivers with a really cool black iridescent sheen in the sunlight! Mountain top removal to strip mine coal is a good job that helps us pay black lung med bills too! We can’t wait for the orange smog sunsets!
so .. guess it's time to start manufacturing coal-fired steam powered cars ... again. Anyone care to invest $10 TRILLION ? Maybe take a look at Stanley Steamer design to "borrow" some ideas.
Unfortunately, as Trump is undermining the nation's food supply and bankrupting the farmers, constructing tariffs to stop the flow and exchange of food, forcing migrant workers off the farmer for fear of deportation, not sure how many starving coal miners are going to be able to work.
If Trump says there is, MAGA will believe them. They might want to take a look at the faces of the coal miners in those old black and white photos and see what their lungs looked like after just a few years in the mines. My great grandfather died of black lung from a PA coal mine back in the 1930s.
My family are coal miners in West Va. I remember playing outside barefoot at my grandparents’ house in West Va and coming inside to wash the black dust off our feet. You could see the coal chutes from their front yard.
We have a brand new plant finished about 10 years ago that has never been turned on. Nobody will buy it. They know the next admin. Will just shut it down. I doubt they'll be any rush anywhere for a coal plant.
TRUMP IS SO "IN THE POCKET" OF BIG COAL AND OIL. He justifies his own greed and refusal to protect what's left of our world's fragile eco-systems & closing EPA, with false claims of economic boom,( as he destroys the economy w/ tariffs ) and that dirty, highly polluting coal & oil are good for us??
I live about an hour away from Coal county in Pennsylvania. There's mountains of it still being mined and used every day. We've been trying to move away from it with clean energy, but Trump decided to dismantle all the work the Biden Administration did through through the Inflation Reduction Act.
Unfortunately we still use a lot of it. I would watch the trains go by at work and 9/10 were packed full with coal. I was able to smile at the 10th out 10 trains, as it was usually loaded with wind turbine parts.
Yeah, but they are advancing very quickly as the US is going backwards very quickly. By the way, not only going backwards regarding energy, but in a lot of disciplines, not in the least in democratic values and integrity.
Well, not really. It does require a lot of environmental equipment to clean the discharge. However, with gutting the EPA we know that's not going to happen.
It's only been a few months since one in Westmoreland county killed that grandma, but sure, let's undercut even more of the county & then leave it to eventually poison everything around it &/or collapse on itself once whatever veins are left run dry. Again.
The biggest, bestest, most beautifulest coal the world has ever seen in all of history thanks to me. We'll have so much big beautiful coal you'll get tired of so much big beauty. So much winning. You're welcome.
I know he doesn’t. He only cares about his personal dividends. I am curious though about where all this “clean” coal is supposed to come from? We didn’t just stop using it. We have mined it out. It’s not like the shit grows back every season like fucking apples or something!
He should visit one of these clean coal mines, put on the hardhat and that stupid garbageman's vest, grab a pickaxe and go see what this job is really like.
The man should be removed from his seat. He has lost his fucking mind. Not that he was ever an intelligent man, in fact he is the stupidest man I have ever heard speak. How long will the American people accept Putin rule?
“Clean” coal?
Kinda like, “I will bring down grocery prices.” “Social security and Medicare are safe.”
“I will stop the war in 24 hours.”
“I never met that woman (before i entered the dressing room).”
I hope my death is quick. Otherwise I’ll be working for 8 bucks an hour getting no SS and healthcare in that shithole country where he plays dictator for the next 15 years.
This is sick & twisted. It’s meant to tie us in knots with frustration, but we won’t let it. Daily we’ll get stronger, more active & learn to channel our rage into action. Support fighters for our future.
Elon doesn't care how electricity is generated. The worse the climate is the more EVs will be sold. But EVs from other brands are better and cost less. And Elon's brand is down the toilet.
where's his evidence that coal is clean cuz uh i'm a scientist and i'm calling bullshit! ain't nothin clean about coal not in any stage the guy with the spray on hair i'm guessing wasn't blessed with an over abundance of schoolin.
No such thing as clean coal. Sad thing is these morons don’t care at all about what they are leaving to their children and their children. So focused on their own monetary wealth and power. It’s extremely sickening.
So when people get lung disease diseases in the future from living near or around these disgusting plants. So if they have no health coverage reduce Safety for example food, cars ,factories ,transportation, no vaccines , maternal care etc more awesome way for people to die.
So, Americans get to pay more for energy than anyone else on the planet. And they get to breath shit every day.
But think of the profit that they will never see.
Last week-end the temperature in the North Pole was 36 degrees F. That's 4 degrees above freezing and that sea ice is melting rapidly. Surely, now is not the time for "Dumb" to gut the EPA and for "Dumber" to be hawking coal. 😖
Why dear God or dear universe or what ever you believe in have you harnessed us with such a fu*ked up human being who has the power to destroy and harm so many innocent souls and who actually enjoys doing it🥴
Does he think that there's dozens of idle coal-fired power plants just waiting to be filled with unused coal? There's a reason a lot of power companies don't use coal - it's called the market.
Companies were already moving away from coal because it cost more, the wear & tear on equipment, old plants, etc. Deregulation will probably accelerate the decline of coal, as natural gas makes further gains, along with renewables.
How is to possible that they implement the most vile, irresponsible, damaging and everlasting actions without it being something driven by a specific effort to destroy the US ...... Putin anyone?
Well... coal is always gonna be dirty so that's bullshit.
Not that it's the most important thing, but why does everything he says have "beautiful" or "cherished" in it? The way he says it is always so damn creepy. *shudder*
Ain't gonna happen. My husband worked for 35 years for a public utility at a coal-fired power plant which was decommissioned, closed and demolished just prior to his retirement. The utility has since shifted almost exclusively to clean, efficient wind and solar energy.
Today if just about any region needs more power generation and shops around, wind and solar are hands down the most cost-effective and quickest way to get it.
Never mind the clear environmental benefits. Don't believe it? Just ask Texas.
He gets kickback on everything now, it’s all he ever wanted a piece of every pie in the world, his dirty grubby little fingers are everywhere ( and I’m exaggerating when I say little)
Wait until he finds out that no one wants to build a coal plant because they are much more expensive than renewable energy sources and the next administration will shut them down anyway.
This is all bluster. No new coal plants will be built.
Exactly. A couple weeks ago trump was talking about the Keystone pipeline again. MAGA just won't let it go even though they are too stupid to know it's for low grade Canadian oil, and he got them all worked up at the "woke libs" that stopped it. Nothing came of it.
How many stocks does he have in the coal industry ? America will be behind a century in new alternative energy sources . Not to mention the brain drain he’s created in this area. He is killing the environment which we will all suffer from. Nature always rebels from imbalance.
Hoping this is just another bs distraction by the orange blow hard. Remember when Obama offered free re-education to coal miners so they could have other careers? I miss that guy.
The more democrats offer blue collar workers the more they hate democrats.
Coal isn't coming back no matter how hard it makes Trump and his pro-pollution buddies.
I say ship as much fentanyl into coal producing areas as we can get our hands on and let nature take care of the problem for us.
DJT is just great at making ridiculous statements to energize his base. There is no federal ban on coal power plants. Mostly states don’t to generate with coal. It’s pricer than natural gas and some renewable energy sources. Are there federal power plants that are just sitting there? Nope. Bluster
Lead paint. Beautiful lead paint is the best. It has the most beautifullest colors, so bright. I want to have lead paint back into every house in America!
SCOTUS grifters will rule that nuclear waste is just fine in your drinking water. Gives you a nice glow. Whitening the teeth after all the shit we pumped into the drinking water the week before.
There are some advantages to worsening climate change. Trump will be able to acclimate himself to sweltering heat in preparation for the eternal flames of hell fire.
This is laugh out loud bull-fantasy from DJT. He and his minions are going to be fighting rear guard defense against impeachment by the time prelim sketches of coal power plants get to local zoning boards!
Then can we at least include the 90% marginal tax rate that made America an economic powerhouse back then? Also, while we’re on the subject, how about a new G.I. for our armed services personnel? That would be pretty great.
Oh Jeez. Rock Springs, WY is one of the most dangerous places in the American West. Ex-Colorado Bureau of Investigation head went up there to do some investigation free-lance and was dead before two weeks had passed...
Yep, I've always felt like that area has a dirty sinister vibe. Interesting to pass through but I wouldn't want to live there. Here's a Rock Springs sheriff at a gas station.
Oh yeah, upstate is very rural, full of small towns with dilapidated houses and trailer parks. But, it’s also full of rolling hills, lakes, green fields….its beautiful. At least it’s a blue state……for now.
Don't blame upstate, he was elected to represent 1st district in Long Island, a downstate stronghold for republicans. NY State threw him to the curb and elected a Democrat for governor.
While I understand the annoyance this causes, when it comes to shit like this just let him rant and ignore it. New coal plants aren’t going to be made, the commissioning takes way too long. Coal isn’t profitable to businesses anymore. Nod at grandpa and let him shout himself to sleep.
It’s about shouting at Beijing, while helping bomb Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.
Even though they can mine, ship and burn US anthracite, it’s more profitable to electrify buildings and transport using solar, wind and batteries to balance each US state grid.
Even without taxes and regulations, coal just doesn't make the cut anymore. Granted, now there's fracking to deal with, as I understand it, but this specific thing is very "old man tells at cloud" territory
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾( Informative/Real 💩 + STAY informed of your local community, to MAKE SURE they won’t put a cancer causing plant, in your backyard !! categories)
When are you and other large accounts going to link together to become a central community bulletin board for the resistance?
Together you have a reach of tens of millions!!
Please seize this moment in history!!
Do the right thing!
That's why miners get sick!!
Can someone drive him to a coal mine
He wants to declare martial law and make himself dictator.
Not Environmental Problems Avoidance
30 green berets and marines that have months left to live anyway who storm Mar-A-Lago and do the right thing.
“A model, idiot”
Kinda like, “I will bring down grocery prices.” “Social security and Medicare are safe.”
“I will stop the war in 24 hours.”
“I never met that woman (before i entered the dressing room).”
It's cheaper to build new renewables then run existing coal plants.
Much less build new coal plants.
FFS 🤦♀️
But think of the profit that they will never see.
Not that it's the most important thing, but why does everything he says have "beautiful" or "cherished" in it? The way he says it is always so damn creepy. *shudder*
Can Bubonic plague be far away??
He wont 😅 he's just blabbing his big fat mouth again.
Today if just about any region needs more power generation and shops around, wind and solar are hands down the most cost-effective and quickest way to get it.
Never mind the clear environmental benefits. Don't believe it? Just ask Texas.
47 is a Fucking Moron.
This is all bluster. No new coal plants will be built.
Coal isn't coming back no matter how hard it makes Trump and his pro-pollution buddies.
I say ship as much fentanyl into coal producing areas as we can get our hands on and let nature take care of the problem for us.
Child safe plutonium.
Beautiful Clean Asbestos.
lowest bidder ...
Fluoride, though...
Get your bets in now on how this ends."
Lou Stules.
Not going to happen - far too expensive
Coal is dead. Long live cheaper renewable energy.
This isn’t about competition, it’s about keeping coal barons going just a bit longer — damn who dies.
And then there was this...
Well, congratulations upstate New York.
That acid rain in the 80s from coal fired plants? The stuff that killed all the freshwater lakes?
It will be back.
Don’t bellyache when you have crystal clear dead lakes again.
You wanted this.
Without the EPA, it becomes harder to prove the science. Coal fought hard against the NYS DEC studies, blaming everything but coal powered plants.
I see them pulling the same thing now, but with a very hostile judiciary
“They’re comin’ for yer gunz!!!”
He accomplished zero during his time in the Congress, but now he’s in charge of the EPA.
Trump fanboy.
I remember visiting my daughter at Binghamton the first go around with Trump. Lots of Red hats, in an economically depressed county. Unreal.
If it weren’t for the cities, I think we’d be red unfortunately.
It’s also the first place I saw confederate flags flying in the state.
Deeply red up there.
Granted, Long Island is now apparently a hotbed of the Confederacy with the flags flying here, and it’s loaded with the MAGA cult.
It is going to be “interesting” when DOGE screws up Social Security.
About as “interesting” as being told you have a terminal illness.
But here we are.
Even though they can mine, ship and burn US anthracite, it’s more profitable to electrify buildings and transport using solar, wind and batteries to balance each US state grid.