TSLA current support level is about $225. Keep working on the #TeslaTakedown because Tesla has a quarterly report due on 4/22. Between Elon revealing himself as a Nazi and BYD running away from Tesla sales internationally it will be bad. At 35% LTV his Twitter loans will default and Elon is toast.
I'm all for this. But is money the source of his power? Or is it his ability to influence that made him so rich? He's quickly losing both so it's a win either way.
It needs to drop to $114 because then Elmo will get a margin call & he would have to sell shares to meet that margin call; further driving the price down
here in canada all outlets or dealers have been fenced off because of vandalism. you can’t drive one around our small town without being looked at funny or even flipped off.
Nothing like having a man who's HATED as much Musk doing a sales pitch for you! Shows you how STUPID they BOTH are! I've yet to SEE ANYTHING smart about Musk in spite of his "claim" to be a genius! Just more BS from the OTHER narcissist who also "thinks" he's a genius!😂
There must be some mistake. Trump specifically said “support Tesler”, the penny stock traded on the pink sheets. It’s up 500% at 5.5 cents per 1000 shares.
Good, a promo by a President in my view always would be a reason not to buy it, doesn't matter who the President is. A President shouldn't be doing such shameless promo's.
Again I ask why hasn't the board of directors called in top management for an explanation for the lost share value and what is the plan to restore value?
I don’t know why elon thought picking a fight with the people who actually bought his cars was a good idea. he’s no genius. maga is not his consumer! moron.
I'm sure that the illegal White House lawn promo with Donald reduced potential sales even more. An anti-commercial.
Even before Musk became Deputy President I was commenting about how very stupid it was for Musk to associate himself with Donald given Tesla's market. Not brilliant, just obvious.
Because people are pissed at the stupid fucking felon just like Nazi musk! Beginning to hate both of them and I love it the more they do the better they will come to our side!
I've been telling you to fucking counter coup this bitch. nobody listens. it's the only way. no law, constitution or judge will help the american people. a COUNTER COUP AGAINST THIS COUP IS NEEDED. A COUNTER COUP OF GENERALS WHO SUPPORT OUR CONSTITUTION IS NEEDED TO ARREST AND JAIL TRUMP AND MUSK.
Those protesters with home made signs all
Over this country Protesting Tesla Are our farmers with only pitchforks on Bunker Hill Without them There would have been no Revolutionary War !
Margin call triggers at $114 but it may go before that.
The Tesla dealership fire in Las Vagas is all over the news. That's not going to help the stock at all and I'm betting the investors are getting nervous...
a week ago Trump basically did a live advert to sell Tesla's on the White house lawn,
it seem's to have made it worse!
any chance he could do another?, at this rate Tesla would file for bankruptcy within a fortnight or Musk kicked out sooner.
Keep up the good work on #TeslaShutDown Nazi Saluting Vandal and Dark Enlightenment reactionary Elon Musk who wants Tech Dictatorship #SwastikaCar stock #Tesla is still tanking
Let's be honest, Rivian is reaping the benefits of the Tesla backlash. Just absolute brilliant marketing on Musk's behalf. Let's piss off the largest group of buyers of our products.
What in the stupidity of all things to assemble a vehicle by glue. This fraud. I would sue TSLA for charging the money for a vehicle that is put together like a toy.
yeah it's so weird how he marketed himself as this progressive guy, then did a 180. Maybe it was because his daughter came out as trans, and he blamed Twitter?
That would assume he gave a shit about his kids to begin with. Dude just did a cash grab on one demographic and changed marks after one started to dry up.
Even if those fanboys had the $$$, they're too attached to their giant emotional support trucks. I mean, where are they going to hang their truck nuts? Teslers don't have enough room for all the Orange Jeebus stickers & the big ass security blankets. Oops! I mean flags.
Even if it crashes, muskrat will simply milk the u.s. taxpayers for millions more in govt contracts, the same contracts he’s pushed all other competitors from having a chance to bid on. He’s satan’s own spawn!
Zero is what we’re aiming for…so long as they keep him as their CEO they are complicit. And they deserve to go out of business. Sorry for their employees but this is not right. And we need to respond accordingly.
Curious why share holders are not more up in arms about his antics causing the market value to drop BIG TIME, where are the lawsuits from the large shareholders
As Marina Hyde wrote in her Guardian piece, "Let’s face it, all that the White House lawn spectacle lacked was one of those flailing inflatable tube men that entice/terrify potential customers."
Maybe that was the problem...
Worst Public Relations stunt
by any CEO
of a business
anywhere in the world:
Elon Musk enthusiastically
giving a pair of
Nazi salutes.
The anti-commercial.
Which is a shame as I’d like to see them both profiteer hugely from Trump’s reign.
Sorry, when I said ‘profiteer hugely’,
I meant crash and fucking burn.
Or ratings will increase, I forget which one.
He’s no genius
“Tesler, we don’t know DJT”
Not for sales -- but it certainly helped us realize that Trump & Musk are just feeble. Apply enough pressure and they'll crack.
Even before Musk became Deputy President I was commenting about how very stupid it was for Musk to associate himself with Donald given Tesla's market. Not brilliant, just obvious.
Over this country Protesting Tesla Are our farmers with only pitchforks on Bunker Hill Without them There would have been no Revolutionary War !
ꋪapid Unscheduled Descent 🤑
Some estimate Musk lost up to $200 billion, Guinness says. Before him, the record was set by Japanese tech investor Masayoshi Son, who lost $58.6 billion in 2000, according to Guinness.Jan 12, 2023
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Will he pull himself up by his bootstraps or go to poppa Donnie for another handout
"This all electric car company is owned by a S. African Billionaire but if submerged it auto-locks you inside vehicle."
What is: Tesla... Alex. 🤣🤣
The Tesla dealership fire in Las Vagas is all over the news. That's not going to help the stock at all and I'm betting the investors are getting nervous...
They will have to dump Musk to survive this.
it seem's to have made it worse!
any chance he could do another?, at this rate Tesla would file for bankruptcy within a fortnight or Musk kicked out sooner.
No one can save it now! The brand damage is done!
That’s no genius
I assume there is a manual override but it’s well hidden. I dont know, what I have read.
Seriously, Muskrat, your right-wing fanboys can't buy EVs—they spent their last paycheck on ivermectin and shitty NFTs. #ByeFelon
Tesla is toast.
Tesla, the brand, is destroyed.
In my opinion.
Maybe that was the problem...
by any CEO
of a business
anywhere in the world:
Elon Musk enthusiastically
giving a pair of
Nazi salutes.
The anti-commercial.
Sorry, when I said ‘profiteer hugely’,
I meant crash and fucking burn.