It's like when GI Joe dolls, er, action figures went from plastic to flocked hair to reflect their transition from military themes to local adventuring.
I stared at that wig for a good 30 seconds before I read your post. It' a good thing I forgot to put a beer in the fridge last night or it would be all over my keyboard right now.
All the hand wringing in the world won't do diddly squat. These spineless cowards are among the legions of enablers that the 'GOP' has devolved into. They can go take a long walk off a short pier.
Oh no! A republican is 'very concerned' over something the convicted felon has done. That sounds like trouble. Very concerned... code for, "I'll pretend that I MIGHT do something but you all know I won't'! Perhaps Susan Collins could stand beside him and look 'very concerned!
They think they are immune to his despotism. They don’t read history apparently. Once a despot is created, and they created him with their malfeasance and continuous lying, no one is immune. Step out of line in the slightest way and you will be eliminated just like the people you wanted to subjugate
You don’t even have to step out of line if you are viewed as a threat. For example, if the public views someone more favorably than Dear Leader, you are a threat.
He could wear an actual beaver on his shiny dome and I wouldn’t give a single solitary shit BUT he’s also a fairly crappy human so the pelt still doesn’t matter. Be a better human and nobody will care of you’ve got hair……except you John Fetterman, YOU can gfy!
When WWIII breaks out and nuclear bombs are exploding everywhere, some of the more intrepid members of MAGA might express "concern about the course of events." Susan Collins might have "serious" concerns. None would condemn Trump; that would be a step too far; he could primary them.
Mango Messiah: "Don't worry...I'm only going to use them to lay siege to blue cities/states, put them under martial law to prevent elections and shoot liberal protesters."
One of the hallmarks of a dictators move to consoldiate power to himself is to start having lower flag officers promoted out of order. Trump has already done this with Hegseth. Trump knows nothing about the Service. Hegseth does though. These two are traitors with bad intentions.
The, uh, wig is totally the only thing I see. I will read the serious article, but some of these replies are so effing funny!!😂😂😂 I get so tired of reading the awful stuff and I have not stopped laughing. From the wig picture to the posts, I'm dying. Thank you! I needed it.💙😂😂
It's so bad it couldn't even pass as satire - it's just too ridiculous. There's no way this carries less social stigma than just being bald and embracing it.
Serious but funny, like trump's several strands of hair, dwindling to 7 or 8 very long bleached blonde. Back of his bald head is shining through now. Still, he dominates so many people's minds, some to their benefit and others to their definite detriment.
Never mind that damned wig. Not the issue…he’s speaking out now…Trump is a danger to Americas safety. As well as allied democracies in the world. The military took oaths and must protect the citizens of America above all and obey the constitution. Is it time for military to remove Trump Nazis?
Unfortunately, about 65% of vets support and voted the Nazi in charge. Presumably active duty is similar in their support. Don’t count on military help. Oaths mean nothing anymore.
A Coalition needs to be formed for veterans and military families to make them aware of what is really happening and to implore them to resist. Vets and active duty must have real facts available to them. None available through normal channels anymore.
Ah. This could be what they want to distract everyone from. They want to mold that military through brainwashing techniques they are very familiar with. He wants a totally submissive, brain dead militia. No strong, intelligent officers who use critical thinking. Obedient goons.
Man i thot same but mike rogers gave BIG pushback on military command changes. Chump wants us to give up nato leadership spot, as well as troop movements out of FRG and ive read into east europe. House military committee said hold on
I didn't even read your comment, only the picture, but I admit I was also distracted by it that it took me a good 2 minutes before I read your caption. 🤣 Oops.
It is straight Up BS.
That's what I thought.
Gutless On Purpose?
What about the GOP sitting members of Congress — who have displayed nothing but complicity & cowardice!
Her own BROTHER despises her!
Lou Stules.
Is it a defense mechanism?
Like, if chased by a predator would he throw that small woolen rug down as a decoy? 🤷🏾♂️
GOP Chairmen: "Oh, ok...phew...concerns addressed..."
Why do you make me ROFL all the time??!!
I can't concentrate!!
He has a lawsuit and I know a good lawyer.
They’re crafted so well these days, you just can’t determine natural hair from a hilarious hat!
The plot thickens ⚖️
Oh wait never mind his conscience checked at the MAGA doormat.
OMG I spit my drink out!