For fun, from time to time I rank who are the dumbest members of Congress. Ms. Luna is in fourth position and moving up fast on the outside of the pack.
Good morning fellow resisters. I would like to conduct a pole. If our presidential election were to take place today which of the following two choices would you vote for:
(AOC & Jasmine Crockett for Pres and Vice) or (Al Green and Chris Murphy)? Please like for AOC & repost for Al Green.
America is worse for women than just about every Latin American country, most of which have already had women presidents. I unfortunately agree that a straight male has a better chance over either a gay male or a woman. Don't like it, but... And yes, I think AOC would be wonderful.
There are no ethical billionaires.
This includes Soros, Oprah, Jayzee and/or Beyoncé, or any others you can name.
No war but class war
Closer to homeless than billionaire
same as when Trump accuses "globalists". Weird how they are suing universities for being anti-Semitic but they post things like this. It's almost if they aren't serious...
Its coercive basically. The fact thet he needs to use a cash bribe means he knows that they wont vote for what he wants and that he is willing to exploit people desperate for cash, very possibly as a result of the cuts HE made.
We have one “boogie” man who at the age of 94 yrs old planning all of these protests, paying people to attend meetings with representatives, funding attacks on tesla…
Fully funding and organizing…at 94 yrs, really?
Not sure the gop has all of their oars in the water…
I dont even think Soros exists. The right created a boogeyman out of whole cloth. We should start punching all republicans until they turn into a jelly,they are worthless as anything else
It's wild that Elon Musk is CURRENTLY DOING for the right what the right claims Soros has been SUPPOSEDLY doing for the left - and they're still hypocritically peddling this conspiratorial antisemitic horseshit without pausing for breath
This poor woman has some deep issues, if you read a bio of her you can get an idea of how she came to have a twisted mentality! Under normal circumstances I would have pity for her, but because her thinking aligns with her party and the destruction they are causing to our democracy, piss on her!
Literally the so-called richest man in the world (a billionaire), who infused millions in the MAGA 2024 campaign and is essentially the co-POTUS, is being defended by some twit who uses an old tired conspiracy to claim another rich guy is funding the attacks on the guy dismantling the US government.
Looney Luna is a charlatan that should have never been taken seriously. She has made sowing political discourse her job and her whole world so much so that she was pew pewing a pretend immigrant- suggesting it as a money saving technique. She is an immigrant herself- an empty soulless hypocrite.
Elon is self declared leader who has zero ability in this space and should be kicked to the curb.
He shouldn’t be there in the first place and yes, many of us hate him. Because he’s him.
No kidding. What about all the Republicans that are bought & paid for by big donors Elon, Mercers, Thiel, Koch's, christian nationalists Tim Dunn & Farris Wilks. Are they also bad?
One boogie man for 40 years? They have been saying this crap forever with no proof while we literally watch Elon Musk and others buy our politicians and judges in broad daylight.
I'm finished with the BlueSky app, everyone. I left TikTok and came here hoping to build a huge following of like-minded friends and escape the content suppression. Alas, it's just not happening. I wish you all well. See you on the battlefield.
George Soros is the founder of Open Society Foundations. Soros' foundations give voice to individuals and organizations across the world struggling for freedom of expression, accountable government, and fairer societies that promote justice & equality
Luna thinks no-one would take political action to further their rights (and it follows, pocket) without immediate direct funding.She thinks all people are incapable of deferred gratification. She needs to put those mirror glasses on the right way around, because right now, she’s only seeing herself!
Elons not even a MF American… dude had dual citizenship elsewhere before he even came over but yeah… George Soros is the issue.
Stupid MF… Elon is everything they accuse Soros of but worse. RWers are fucken lost. IDU is what they claim the WEF is… they are so fucken dumb sometimes
Omg- RICH PEOPLE PAY POLITICIANS DIRECTLY!! They don’t waste their money on asking the people they see as lesser to make shit happen. In the last week making this statement to MAGAs who have tried this path (and I protest regularly bc my citizenship is fucking important) has shut them up fast.
Line 1: False (I identify as a rule of law lover) & True re: Elon
Line 2: False...who's Soros?
Line 3: False...just billionaires actively stealing democracy...and the ones sitting back quietly waiting for their tax cut
Line 4: False
Line 5: True
I don't know much about who George Soros is but if he's such a big bad villain then why is Elon Musk the one who raided the US Treasury Dept with his DOGE cronies?
Me too. Van Orden's go to excuse for not having town hall is that we are all paid by George Soros to disrupt meeting. I guess I'll wait for my check to come in the mail. I believe this falls under taxation without any representation. Republicans need a come to Jesus moment! I won't hold my breath.
Same! And I could really use the money to make sure my disabled children can still get care after Trump/Musk & the Republicans take away their healthcare and education.
It’s a lot it’s wild that a sitting United States Congress member would say something that completely insane and that’s not even the wildest thing that Paulina Looney has said. She’s a certified nut job.
That's what really burns the stunted vestigial minds of these poor excuses for a dose of amoebic dysentery. The fact that it's all done for nothing. No charge, our fucking pleasure you dreary old trollop.
they are constantly claiming that all the "leftist terrorists" are being funded, sometimes by soros, sometimes by some mysterious unknown entity; they can't comprehend why anyone would do anything out of principles instead of profit because they are greedy soulless scum that would sell out their mom
They think that we can only hate Musk if we're paid to do so?
Do they not understand that people hate him because he's a nasty piece of shit and they're happy to hate him for free.
I keep asking magats for just one example of Soros secretly funding anything political. It's never happened that I know of. Although he has funded a lot of things, and put his name on them in huge letters. He's never done anything political in secret that's ever been found by me.
Yes this is ridiculous. On the other hand, though- Corporatism & Wall Street have deep tentacles & control in the Dem party as it exists. The private corporation for-profit DNC, insider trading (Pelosi et al) lobbyist fed pre-written legislation & gravy trains must go, also no more superdelegates
Wasn’t she the one upset because ICE was deporting all the voters in her district after she voted for Trump to be strong on immigration? She’s forgotten about it already apparently.
Just once I would like for a reporter to ask one of these lying pieces of shit, "Can you give me even ONE example of a person who was paid by George Soros to protest anything? Just one, please."
Because they've been saying this shit for 25 YEARS and have yet to provide a SINGLE factual data point.
If I had a nickel for every time a right wing dipshit accused me or others on the left of being a paid Soros shill I would be the billionaire backing leftists.
So they truly think that protesters in every major (and many not major) cities around the country are being paid by soros
Dude would be broke after 2020 alone if that were the case.
Ms. Luna. Who has more money, Soros or Musk and which one is truly dismantling our democracy. I think it's 100% Musk but you can go and continute to lixk his shoes as well as Trump. You are a disgusting idiot anyway.
Another buzz word they use to feed their MAGA lambs. George Soros is 94 years old? Somehow I don't think what's going on in the US is his first priority.
As soon as someone mentions "paid for by Soros", I know that a) they are alt-right idiots; b) they believe in conspiracy theories over facts and reason; c) they are running a con themselves. This is a case in point..
I wanna see a picture of this Soros guy. The Republicans say he's responsible for everything bad and they're scared shitless of him. I bet he's real scary, like "It" (but with less clown makeup.) I bet he eats small children and drools bloody foam and lives in a fortress. Where's he at, Republicans?
I would love to see a tally of how many different protests they have said were funded by Soros, estimate of the total number of protestors, and how much he would have spent paying them. Seems like it would be an astronomical amount of $.
Well, her early life reeds like a trump rally (lying about practicing messianic judaism and being partially ashkenazi - while her family confirms that her father was not a jew, and nothing such was practised…🤣).
She maintained that she and her mother lacked the family network, which could have helped them when growing up and therefore had to rely on the welfare system and government assistance. Her cousins said : "The whole family kind of raised her—
I am not sure what is worse - they think what they say is true or they are only trying to fool people.
(AOC & Jasmine Crockett for Pres and Vice) or (Al Green and Chris Murphy)? Please like for AOC & repost for Al Green.
This includes Soros, Oprah, Jayzee and/or Beyoncé, or any others you can name.
No war but class war
Closer to homeless than billionaire
That’s why either the left nor the right is capable of admitting to the existence of antisemitism within their own ranks, much less addressing it.
And they wont stop until they turn America into Gilead‼️🤬
Come on Soros, where’s MY check?
Will become Mt Flushmore
Fully funding and organizing…at 94 yrs, really?
Not sure the gop has all of their oars in the water…
Oh wait!!
That or next Musk baby mama.
Hey, it worked for the last one.
He shouldn’t be there in the first place and yes, many of us hate him. Because he’s him.
Presumably there's ways to keep those people out with her intel right?
🥱 🥱 🥱
Trump wouldn’t do ANYTHING without getting money out of it, so assumes everyone is the same.
We’ve been protesting against Trump, the GOP, and social injustice for years now.
Not for money. For Democracy.
Accuse others of what you're guilty of.
Girl, spread some happiness around you. God blesses the good hearted...seriously, for real!!! 🫶
These fucking, morality dead beggars!
And that makes her irresponsible
And enabling fascism and the oligarch money grab.
When this experiment in tyranny ends, people like her need to be banned from any future public service.
It is not the public they serve faithfully & honestly.
Please Deep State, I dunno where you are, but if you do exist I wouldn't mind you doing something, ANYTHING, just about now...
Soros is a phantom. A ghost. A placeholder boogeyman and he doesn't exist.
It was always compassionate intelligent people trying to preserve the foundations of our Constitutional Republic.
2025 has George Soros.
Different names, same idea.
Stupid MF… Elon is everything they accuse Soros of but worse. RWers are fucken lost. IDU is what they claim the WEF is… they are so fucken dumb sometimes
Question 2: Is a there a list of all the billionaires? Would like to see how many are involved in supporting the dismantling of government.
Line 2: False...who's Soros?
Line 3: False...just billionaires actively stealing democracy...and the ones sitting back quietly waiting for their tax cut
Line 4: False
Line 5: True
They like to mix a bit of truth in with the lies.
See more on my pinned feed …
The guy is old anyway, he doesn't need so much money anymore.😆
And then there is musk...
Do they not understand that people hate him because he's a nasty piece of shit and they're happy to hate him for free.
We do hate billionaires 🤣
It’s anti-semitic hate speech.
Because they've been saying this shit for 25 YEARS and have yet to provide a SINGLE factual data point.
Just one. Anybody!
And therein lies the disappointment in the corrupt mainstream media. 🤬
Dude would be broke after 2020 alone if that were the case.
Talk about living rent free in their heads … 🙄😒
Anyway... I can assure you. We fucking hate billionaires and their acolytes (that would be you)