A friendly reminder resisters, the work stop begins at 12am 3/22 and ends 12am 3/24. Enjoy your weekend. Spend time with your family and get rested. We have more resisting to do. Thank you everyone!
Gestapo Barbie pretending to work while playing dress-up and adventuring on our dime for photo ops. Sure beats the dullness of governing in South Dakota. But when does she have time to get her lip filler injections now?
In the meantime, Trump is creating REAL DEATH PANELS. The cuts are literally killing people. The fake Obama death panels were in response to Obamacare. Now they are cutting cancer trials, inspecting meats and other food, testing water, and cutting off healthcare to 1/3 of the country. REAL DEATH!
Talk about waste and fraud. She's a complete waste of space and a fraud as a human being and I'm sick of my taxpayer money vacations for these cunts. Republicans are 100% responsible for fascism in America
The only reason she got the job is because MAGA TV finds her attractive. To trump she is a distraction for the masses. Totally unqualified for anything except spending taxpayer money. Thanks again to the silent majority republican senate for saddling Americans with another unqualified minion.
Circus Minimus. Lousy performers with no talent whatsoever. Only maximum disappointment to the audience guaranteed. The world tour set to start in 24 hrs after crowning the new king of fools. Missed the start? Not to worry. Easiest way to support all this fun is by doing nothing. Enjoy the show.
She’s going to ‘helicopter’ dissidents - including the children of her own supporters - who object to the Trump autocracy, like some Latin American fascist cunt would, isn’t she?
Another one of those shitheads that run around complaining that government employees are lazy doing her best to single-handedly prove the point. She’s responsible for nearly 10% of the federal workforce, and instead of taking care of her people she’s out jerking off somewhere every fucking day.
The thing that amazes me is that America is not even close to being smart enough to realize that this is all just type just a big show and cruelty they like the cruelty
They have cut off veterans Tricare insurance in Tricare East Florida region... My husband did twenty years this is crazy they aren't paying the doctors so doctors are cutting patients off!
It's so much more fun than doing actual work, and a lot better for the scrapbook. A photo of someone studying a document just doesn't have the same allure. And it's harder to choose an outfit when sitting behind a desk, one that shows off all the esthetic procedures to best advantage.
That's OK. Since my student loan is being administered by the SBA now, I've decided that means I must be a business, and can therefore write off business expenses.
No vacation this year. Sheryl, Inc. will be having our annual conference at some beach hotel. Business expense.
Actually, this is a very real loophole. Plan a meeting with anyone and talk business for 5 minutes. Document it well and enjoy a nifty business right off.
No more super economy coach class for me. First class or private jets only. Business expense. Only the best for Sheryl, Inc's President, CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, CIO, and whatever other C-something-Os there are. I wear lots of hats so I deserve to travel in style.
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: https://Discord.me/Rabbi Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Good Old Cosplay Kristi hard at work doing another daily Instagram photo shoot with some rando soldier who should in actuality be ashamed to have his photo taken with this filler face puppy killer.
Do they ever do any actual work? So far it's been photo shoot cosplaying in Spirit Halloween costumes, and embarrassing themselves in public speeches. Even MAGAts who voted for this must be starting to get disgusted.
Exactly…constant communication and engagement with their base and the reposting by non-MAGA gets the message out there: promises made promises kept. The average citizen simply does not know what the DHS Sec should be doing so when she is seen in a glossy video: she must be working.
That was one of the selection criteria: Looking good on television and photo ops. Trump didn't select his administration for their work ethics or knowledge. MAGAs seem to fall in line, everything is a reality show to them. They don't see this as wasted tax money.
Hey, it's hard work to win golf competitions at your own golf clubs, and charge taxpayers 1.3 million a pop at the same time. Also look at all the hard work he does staying up at night rage tweeting.
Measles cases rise
Voters: "Maybe we should've prioritized healthcare?"
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
When’s her NFT’s coming out?
End of story.
Fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa
Think of the Puppies !!!!!
That’s how they’ll end all of it - stop paying the Drs, Drs stop taking patients w tricare/medicare/medicaid
Saw the kidneys that day, eh?
She can pour as much perfume on it as possible. The stink will remain.
No vacation this year. Sheryl, Inc. will be having our annual conference at some beach hotel. Business expense.
Just sayin
Manifestation works 😀
Do they ever do any actual work? So far it's been photo shoot cosplaying in Spirit Halloween costumes, and embarrassing themselves in public speeches. Even MAGAts who voted for this must be starting to get disgusted.
United States Secretary of Cosplay. 😉😉😉🤣🤣