How the living hell does a White House dicktator get to decide how appropriated money only goes to those who kiss his orange ass? Like it is his personal bank account.
what’s funny is this is quite literally, on its face, unconstitutional. tying highway money to a drinking age is one thing. tying all federal money for a state to the president’s feelings? lmao
This is all great.
She should absolutely go this route-- make a public statement that she will apologize to him for hurting his feelings if he apologizes for hurting Americans w/his fraud, insincere promises, failures to lower gas &grocery prices, Covid deaths on his watch, that shitty hair, &etc.
What a vindictive small little man. He doesn't give a single solitary constipated shit about anyone other than himself. I don't understand how people can think anything about him makes the US great or better. Those who made this possible? They are the true enemies within.
What people need to begin understanding is that the extortion is not going to be a singular event. Capitulate, and you’re not an ally, you’re an easy target for repeated threats.
Every abused woman who has escaped a man like this knows it never stops, there’s nothing you can do to stop the abuse. It simply gets worse and worse over time. This specific personality disorder only destroys, it never builds.
He’s such a miserable, snivelling cunt isn’t he? A vainglorious sack of shit. The hate radiates from him. He has no understanding other than ‘if I exist, you must cede.’
Ah, see I agree completely but the word holds the power. It is a sacred word that shows the strength of itself by being used. Men, and women, fear it. Revile or. So own that power. That man can only use them if he’s in charge - grab her by the pussy - show him that cunts bite. Reclaim its power.
Ah, see I agree completely but the word holds the power. It is a sacred word that shows the strength of itself by being used. Men, and women, fear it. Revile or. So own that power. That man can only use them if he’s in charge - grab her by the pussy - show him that cunts bite. Reclaim its power.
It’s a free word in the UK. A word with power especially if used by women, an expression of ownership that shoves it down the throat of the patriarchy.
Plus, said loudly it is so empowering, I promise. 🫶🏻
Strangely enough, in England it's often used as a term of endearment, along with other derogatory terms. Here the comedian Dave Allen explains
I'm one of those types that usually regards the "C" word as off the table and never necessary. I regarded it in the same vein as the "N" word.
Since January 20th, 2025 I can't tell you how many dipshits in the Trump Administration and it's close orbit I've called a cunt explicitly in writing.
My Hippie mom always told me cunt was reserved for the worst people, and we proudly used it for those awful people 🤣
I don't hear twat a lot here (USA) and it's become a favorite of mine. Any other suggestions? 😂
We say twit in the UK - a nice insult so to speak. My mum confused twat with twit and was furious with me when I told her what it meant because she’d been happily calling everyone it! As the circle turns, my son is now teaching me swear words so all is good. Sort of! 😂
It's cool, we're importing it. Last affordable European import we're likely to get for quite some time, but cunt is definitely the term for the moment and the man.
Uh. Language evolves. (Sigh) But I friggin’ hate that word. I can hardly say the b word—Because it’s gendered. So, women have reclaimed it for empowerment? I understand and I’m not the words police. But it still hits! At least in the US (and older folk), it’s not losing its power anytime soon.
Harsh word in USA yes, but I’ve gotten over my restraint in last few years as too many people have clearly earned the label.. I started with Sinema, Marge Greene, Boebert, Stefanik, and now comfortable applying it to evil men as well…trump,musk, vance. This is what GOP has brought me to. So sad.
It’s awful watching the news from the UK. Power grabs that are fast and spiteful mean a new mindset, the rules are broken and hate is being spewed out to feed those they want to use. I used never to hate but man, he makes it very difficult to do anything but. Thinking of you.
I live in Belgium. And I see the far right rising everywhere. It scares me. I have a disabled son who can't take care of himself. What will happen to him in a world like this when I am gone?
I read a lot about your country too. Not so good neither. 😕
Take care of yourself. Have a nice Sunday
No, just like the US got #45 in 2016, we got Brexit. An absolute disaster and a disgrace. It’s calmer here now but the rhetoric still remains high. A lovely Sunday to you and your son too 🫶🏻
So. It's no longer ok to speak about disagreement with the federal gov't? Oh, but, I thought the Rs were, like their leader Leon, absolutists about free speech?!
Maine needs to immediately cease the flow of federal tax dollars. If the federal government is going to behave like jackass toddlers then they have no business having access to Maine tax dollars.
People don't seem to understand how the federal tax withholding system works. While the idea of states withholding funds from the federal government sounds nice, there is no mechanism for doing this. Individuals can stop tax payment, but the state has no involvement in the process.
Governor Mills needs to mobilize Mainers with the slogan “Leave ME alone!” to fight against threats from the federal government. Don’t give up Maine! We support you!
Trump deleted the Constitution from White House website, one of his first things on Project25 list.
Recession is the PLAN.
Supply, stocks & real estate go down…
1%er's swoop in for cheap.
End goal: creating Network States (aka Freedom Cities)
Please stop using that crime photo -- he probably used his post presidential pull to have it photoshopped to look badass,; use a golf photo with his sagging teats, white pasty face, hair all whispy and pathetic. That's who he really is.
Now why would you want to denigrate frumpy old boy when he has been working out with Seal Team6,here he is shown climbing a hill with a steep incline for strength,and a cheeseburger reward,,the other is well,,,after said cheeseburger reward.😜 #magaturds
Can’t turn off or control, which makes him particularly vulnerable to ridicule. I hope her response is one that delivers his public narcissistic collapse.
Maine can just withhold all of their Federal taxes which support the current administration. Citizens pay taxes in EXCHANGE for services rendered from the government. It's a bilateral contract. If one side doesn't perform the contract is null and void.
May the rest of the union fill the gap. Reach out to the Governors for support.
tRump is not We the People.
Lock tRump out, and Maine stop paying Federal taxes that would have covered it.
Do not capitulate to a Dictator.
He can dictate all he wants in the void.
Yeah don't pay federal taxes he's already fucked up your tourist dollars. Canadians aren't coming to Maine anymore or anywhere else in the states nor is the rest of the world
What will he request from the next Blue Governor, he might request something more personal like a lap dance or home movie (or more)when they come to visit the WH. What then? Where will it stop, he’s treating Govt funds like its his play monopoly money.
didn't she say that if he holds funds b/c of it Maine will not pay federal taxes. I don't know if its legal, but hell, there are no more rules, all Blue states should stop paying Fed. taxes
Well if Maine withholds, what’s to stop the rest of us from following suit? It’s not just the 🍆🍠💩and his regime that can violate our laws once they have breached them. FAFO. We can send our tax returns to our state governments instead. Let them figure out what to do with them.
“Full throated.” He makes everything sexual because he’s a sexual predator. And now he’s raping the states. “Lie back and take it and thank me for it and I MIGHT let you live.”
Thought the same yesterday. He's raping us and has surrounded himself with other rapists because he knows they will do the same. He has assembled his tribe. They don't need orders. They know what to do instinctively and will do so with the same level of perversion.
This is bullying. That's what it is. He is trying to humiliate & berate the governor of Maine for standing up for trans people. Remember: Discriminating against trans people is discrimination on the basis of sex & violates the equal protection provision of the 5th Amendment.
It doesn’t even matter what issue she stood up for, could have been pineapple on pizza. The point for him is that she dared to defy him in public and so she will be punished to the full extent of his vengeful imagination.
Trans people are just being used (abused) as MacGuffins in this whole mess.
Tbh if it was about pineapple on pizza I’d be fully behind him. Whilst the downfall is US democracy is obviously terrible, if the abolition of pineapple on pizza came about as a result of it then at least there’d be ONE good aspect to it.
I hope Maine’s Governor continues to stand her ground! Trump has no right to stop federal funding, he does not control the purse, congress does. I would very much like her to take the orange idiot to court!
Trump is only the frontman in this attack on the American mind.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
This is beyond our traditional definition of bullying. It is extortion. It is unconstitutional. It is dangerously close to personality-based fascism like the USSR under Stalin.
We are back at the Pandemic era “kiss me and tell my I’m pretty” stage in this bullshit- that’s some good turd soup- second time around the flavor seeps into everything 🙄🤦♀️😡
If your working you change you W-2 to pay zero. Put the money you usually pay and put it in a savings account. You have the money you just don’t give it to the government. If millions do this they don’t have the man power to collect.
Use a high interest saving account to transfer the withholding amount to with every paycheck. Use a W-4 to set withholding to 0. Submit to employer. Come April use the high interest account to pay your taxes.
Trump is only the frontman in this attack on the American mind.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
Withhold $1 at most. Withholding is an interest-free loan to the Federal government; tax refunds show how much investment income you handed over. And with the decimation of the IRS, take your time filing with extensions. They’re way under staffed.
I feel like I have to move to Maine to make sure I can vote for the Governor next re-election. No way she is going to bow down to this tyrant. Hope she is suing. Stay Strong Maine.
Our governor here in Michigan is term limited also and I hate that she can’t run again. That “woman” from Michigan stood up to him the last time and his goons plotted to kill her.
That didn’t turn out well for them. Hopefully anyone else with those intentions will take head.
I suspect trump support won’t be as blind as it once was once people can’t afford to feed themselves.
Pls tell me there is legal recourse here. It can’t be possible that the president can use the office to run an extortion racket, using his leverage to target individuals who’ve hurt his feelings.
If it can happen to one it can happen to all. Not sure if it’s possible because not all were affected but if they can every blue state should band together and sue the Federal Government.
He doesn't care if it is illegal or not. He's a felon himself. He doesn't care. Nobody can stop him.
Democrats, you have to fight back NOW! Before it's too late.
Yep. Similarly, murder is a crime punishable by decades in prison. Here in Baltimore, though, its practitioners are seldom arrested or prosecuted at all. Victims' families and witnesses are often scared. Cops are overwhelmed and/or consider the situation normal.
From 2011-2017 it was my job to brief ever single Baltimore murder. "Clearance rates" (which are now ~70 percent) overstate matters, as many homicides are "cleared" when a suspect is himself murdered, and many charged with murder are not convicted.
Hard to even attempt impeachment charges with the House (and Senate) we now have! Remember Mitch McConnell, after fairly critical remarks about Trump and J6, totally caving (and recruiting other R toadies), to vote against the second charges? I wonder about his current opinion of Trump?
He doesn't care if it is illegal or not. He's a felon himself. He doesn't care. Nobody can stop him.
Democrats, you have to fight back NOW! Before it's too late.
The Province of Maine. Stephen King wrote about it in 11/22/63 and considering the number of Canadians who (usually) vacation there it has a nice ring to it.
The economy is crashing. Thousands are out of work. Our country is collapsing and THIS is what this MORON is focused on. Fuck Donald Trump and his racist bigoted fake cabinet.
I am starting to notice 1-2-3 stores in a strip mall are suddenly closed up…just gone. And some stores that have been in business for years are now shuttered….no good people….NOT GOOD..🙀😳😩
We all collectively did this by enabling the replacement of millions of 'middlemen' (aka our neighbors running small businesses or local franchise outlets) by a few e-tail middlemen like Jeff Bezos. That vacuumed trillions of dollars of commerce out of local communities into the pockets of 1%...
Everything about him down to his f*cking profile picture is so telling about his egomaniacal self-aggrandizement. He thinks his face is our flag. He thinks he is America. And therefore his definition of correct and patriotic behavior is fluffing his own f*cking ego
I got so enraged when I read that. I had to take a pill bc my dystonia started acting up.
It’s a weird problem to have because when I become upset, my own body throttles me & I have to calm down. I’m an autistic attorney skilled at pattern recognition. How in the hell am I supposed to calm down?
Aside from his profile picture, the picture hanging in the White House is his mug shot from being processed for his felony convictions. I prefer to call it his thug shot.
They’ll be books on that. So many reasons. I live in the South where merchandise is still sold for him and some people even wear hats. Boils down to multiple issues such as racist tendency, the work environment, etc. If you think about it, everything goes back to the Civil War.
A felon can't be president either, per the Constitution. A traitor that aides our enemies can't be president either, per the Constitution. That's my point. It's just a piece of paper. If the people that are supposed to enforce it are working for the offender, what do the words written on it matter?
U.S. Constitution does not prohibit felons from holding the office of president. The eligibility criteria are straightforward: a candidate must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen, and a resident of the U.S. for 14 years, at least.
I wasn't talking about voluntary resignation. These clowns are fucking up fast, and picking up speed. This level of incompetence is not gonna fly for four years.
I saw the video when she spoke out in favor of the trans athletes in front of Trump. He rudely challenged her on it and she told him she was not going to change her mind and that she would see him in court.
Like a true King, Trump used the royal ‘We’. He said, “Well, WE are the federal law,” Trump said, and continued to speak over Mills. “You better do it, because you're not going to get any federal ... He’s such a blow hard.
Maybe we need to eliminate the position of a president and just elect Congress folks that way it's never just one person getting to make all the decisions.
Legally the President can't make all the decisions, but since most Congress members appear to have undergone spinectomies, they're neither the check nor the balance they're meant to be. Two thirds of SCOTUS is just old-school bought and paid for.
This is what ABC started CBS did the same thing and it continued. The law firms backed out Paul Weiss backed out. Perkins Cooley backed out. They are backed out. There’s no one to uphold the law because they are afraid of Trump. Remember this when Trump is gone remember, all of these overpaid fucks
CORRECTION: Perkins Cooey did NOT back out because they had backup by another top-notch law firm back them up. However Din the Con’s DOJ wants to remove the judge.
That’s fucking blackmail there’s no way they should be allowed. Where are the fucking legal expert? Where is the Supreme Court, how the fuck and he threatened federal funds because somebody said something bad about him he’s a thin skinned narcissist he’s a 78-year-old demented person
Is anyone writing down all of the assorted crimes? I’d hope we can charge/impeach him every day for a different offense if democrats ever regain control of anything.
Every taxpayer who is upset with 47's policies oughta withhold their federal tax payment since he openly advocates that States take on the burden of services he is gutting & he threatens anyone who bruises his poor little ego.
"a blustering, browbeating person
especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable" ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary
I think Donald owes the country more than an apology for enabling a Nazi takeover of the Federal government by the blitzkrieg implementation of Project 2025.
The blue states need to get together and form some sort of alliance against Trumps threats. Threatening mass separation and use of their economic power. ANYTHING to bring this guy off his high horse!
My eyes saw full throated however him's context was more like deep throat🤣🤣... him didn’t call her nasty this time.. in any event him has a problem with strong women
Has him told any males to provide a "Full throated" apology.... him's transactional quid pro quo is for her to personally "drop to her knees and perform" apology..... him is a legend in his own mind and out of his mind at the same time... him got a problem when it comes to strong women...
what a cry baby little bitch. no one should ever apologize to him for anything. he's not worth the wasted words. this is open extortion & blatant corruption. vote for a convicted felon they say, it'll be fine they say. I really want to drop kick the old lady next door who voted for this p.o.s.
Especially since our government is so fragile that everything can change so drastically with each new elected official. Our checks and balances are a sham. There is no law or order. Why should any other country ever trust us again?
Much of what MADE AMERICA GREAT after two world wars, was their alliance with allies and NATO! We are an international embarrassment! I love this country but the LAST THING WE NEED IS THIS ASSAULT ON EDUCATION.. and destruction of the Federal govt.! Historical mistakes made... NOW?
A few million of us up at the White House ought to do the trick. Enough is enough with this Weirdo in Clown Drag trying to intimidate decent people with brute force. He's a Nazi Weirdo I tell ya',
a Nazi Weirdo🤬
All the states need to withhold federal money, you have to defund him . It's the only way. And never apologize to someone who is wrong, breaking all constitutional laws. Fuck that
I feel like this is the only option at this point. We can keep those funds in-state and hire laid-off feds to manage more localized offices to retain our standard of living, self-fund education, and set up single-payer health care.
So their proposed fix is simple: return the U.S. economy to some version of the unmanaged financial rawness of the pre-1913 era and its system of so-called “free banking.” Under that banking regimen, “neither interest rates nor the supply of money is controlled by the government,”
Incorrect. Most “earners” pay taxes to their employer when then pays the federal government
If Trump is claiming he can withhold funds to a state because someone hasn’t given him an apology then there’s no reason why a governor can’t direct employees in their state to withhold federal tax payments
This is very true. He’s doing what libs did after 2016. Libs like Newson don’t realize they’re the ones who helped legitimize people like Musk and Vance.
The money is withheld from our paychecks and employers send it to Federal Government, not to the states, so this is a great idea but states don’t send $$ to federal government.
he would back down because he's a bully and bullies back down when you punch back and escalate when you show weakness, NYC told him to shove it when he came after their congestion pricing and he stopped, the people bending over keep getting hit more, predators are attracted to weakness
I can't get over how unashamed this tough guy's tough guy followers are to not be totally ashamed of how whiney of a little bitch this whiner is. I had no idea that so many people watched Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and rooted for Francis.
The governor of Maine has stated she's going to eliminate Federal taxes on people's paychecks. Trump should stop fucking around with women who are all smarter than him.
This is nothing new. There has never been enough said about how assistance was withheld to certain populations at the height of the COVID pandemic when thousands were dying daily. Thousands died needlessly from COVID but he was still reelected.
I never heard of that, but I did watch as Trump did nothing at all, while we were told to "go home & stay home" here in Canada - our government then paid everyone $500/week to stay home.
I think we can handle trump like we did first term. This is a lot different with Musk. This is full dictatorship and disregard for the constitution and laws.
Americans Do You Know How Many- LGBTQ Students Were On Teams —When GOPs Wanted To Ban LGBTQ From Playing—Less Than 10 Students “Across America”— Board Of Education Report ! FELON Trump Apologize For Your Criminal Blackmail—You Have NO LEGAL CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO STOP STATE FEDERAL FUNDING!!
The number of LGBTQ+ student athletes is surely significantly higher than 10. The report said that of the 510,000 ncaa student athletes, less than 10 were transgender.
It's trans student athletes. Not all LGBTQ+ students. The others aren't counted and separated for "identification" neither should the trans be. It's total bullshit. Trans women are on female hormones for years and don't have the advantage that these bigots tout and lie about.
i'm not a lawyer but that sounds like despotic extortion, "unlawful challenge to the federal government?" how are the mega elite not fucking freaking out about that statement don't they fucking hate the federal government isn't that why they installed this bitch to rip it the fuck out?
this country is a fucking joke he is proving that it is a bad fucking joke, and they're going to steal the midterms just like they stole that election because there is no way on this fucking planet that bitch won every fucking swing state
it's not possible for a man like that considering people in fucking Virginia the home state of the fucking capital of the south we're like yeah we're done with this fucking guy he needs to get the fuck out of here (that POV had to resonate through the rest of the bible belt it had to)
Like I'm not saying yall are wrong but yeah. And you don't need a conspiracy to see why he won Gen Z men's vote. Look at their content mills. Complete Maga control on there.
They only hate the federal government when they don't own it. It's not like they have some kind of deep philosophical commitment to states' rights -- that was just a figleaf for racism.
where did all these fucking fascists come from? I can under be I can understand being sort of fascist about music coming from punk rock but actual fascism in real life trying to control other motherfuckers like what the fuck are you doing in this country bro
It's been here all along. A significant percentage of Americans were very pro-German prior to our entry into WWII. That's one reason that we were so late getting involved. Pearl Harbor demonstrated that we couldn't afford to ignore its dangers. And oligarchs love fascism.
Yep. And you can get a glimpse of just how pervasive Nazi sympathizers were by looking at films during and after the war. The villains of Gaslight were American Nazis.
The so-called "greatest generation" were racist as shit. When Black soldiers came home from fighting WWII they were treated like garbage. The US has always been racist as fuck.
There's always been that strain in America. I think it got supercharged by desegregation, and then by Reagan bringing the Evangelical far-right into mainstream power.
there are already so many majority white countries on this planet this was always supposed to be a melting pot or so they told me in grade school, and diversity has served us well. homogeny is over fucking rated
Don't forget the Powell Memo, The Federalist Society, The Heritage Foundation and The Golden Cow (end stage capitalism). From the 1980's to now, I'd bet that 80% of GOP have been Russian Assets.
Obama was half white and he couldn't have gotten elected without a huge number of white people voting for him... you think that would be a racist selling point
She should absolutely go this route-- make a public statement that she will apologize to him for hurting his feelings if he apologizes for hurting Americans w/his fraud, insincere promises, failures to lower gas &grocery prices, Covid deaths on his watch, that shitty hair, &etc.
She sure didn't look too afraid of his blubbering, dimwitted, legally-ignorant threats in that viral vid.
Never bend the knee.
Wish karma would show up (especially with the OJ's eating habits.)
Fed Gov targeting a state.
Fed Gov threatening a state.
President not serving all Americans unless they submit.
Claiming challenges are unlawful.
It's right there for the taking, timestamped.
Biggest cockwomble on the planet.
Cunts are warm, accepting, and a source of pleasure. Cunts have depth and better-managed hair.
Plus, said loudly it is so empowering, I promise. 🫶🏻
Since January 20th, 2025 I can't tell you how many dipshits in the Trump Administration and it's close orbit I've called a cunt explicitly in writing.
I don't hear twat a lot here (USA) and it's become a favorite of mine. Any other suggestions? 😂
A nice Irish one: gobshite
Nice additions to my Trump vocabulary, thanks.
Just like nearly 100 years ago in Germany 😞
I read a lot about your country too. Not so good neither. 😕
Take care of yourself. Have a nice Sunday
And we all know EXACTLY who you’re talking about!
No name needed!💙
(Sorry about the yelling, just wanted to make sure he heard me)
Hes a despicable sociopath wanna be autocrat. Federal funds are not his personal slush fund.
Hands Off !!
He will get REALLY pissed and threaten to withhold all blue states' federal dollars.
THEN the Republicans will turn on him because red states can't live without blue $
If Trump follows through, shut the university down for a week (blame Trump's ego) while the state arranges replacement funding. Cut the feds out.
Recession is the PLAN.
Supply, stocks & real estate go down…
1%er's swoop in for cheap.
End goal: creating Network States (aka Freedom Cities)
Fight back, share this info.
tRump is not We the People.
Lock tRump out, and Maine stop paying Federal taxes that would have covered it.
Do not capitulate to a Dictator.
He can dictate all he wants in the void.
Not that I condone extortion
The first is common sense. The second isn’t
I've never known anyone with such tender feelers & so incredibly insecure while trying to be a playground bully!
Trans people are just being used (abused) as MacGuffins in this whole mess.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
Never misses an opportunity to blackmail people.
This is the most evil, corrupt toddler who has ever been given power. Everything is about him, NOTHING is about the country
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
California- yes these are my midnight lit thoughts
I'll encourage them to change their state residency so they can vote #Blue. You have a terrific Governor in #JanetMills
Screw off, 🍊 💩 #Felon!
And that's what we need. Internal conflict.
Stand with you
I suspect trump support won’t be as blind as it once was once people can’t afford to feed themselves.
Make me apologize for that.
Democrats, you have to fight back NOW! Before it's too late.
They are complicit in every crime the felon occupying the White House commits.
Democrats, you have to fight back NOW! Before it's too late.
It’s a weird problem to have because when I become upset, my own body throttles me & I have to calm down. I’m an autistic attorney skilled at pattern recognition. How in the hell am I supposed to calm down?
We’re at 1400 days left today.
All we've got going is that he's already 78 years old. Though what comes after... who knows
Stick it in your ass
I don't recall that being part of any federal award and I have read plenty.
"a blustering, browbeating person
especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable" ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Sorry for all the F’s.
I get the feeling he's used that threat before.
tRumpty Dumbty is a weak, wannabe mob boss.
It just means we have a long fight ahead. Not the first time in American history.
a Nazi Weirdo🤬
When people talk about states "sending money" I think they mean that individuals living in these states pay federal (as well as state) income taxes
Trump’s doing things at least as illegal
Also neither governors nor state legislatures have authority to override federal tax laws
If Trump is claiming he can withhold funds to a state because someone hasn’t given him an apology then there’s no reason why a governor can’t direct employees in their state to withhold federal tax payments
The governor would be directing their citizens to break federal law. Would you comply with such a directive?
White House buoyed up by submission of major law firm attacked by Trump
Except Maine is a net receiver of federal funds
I wish she had... but HAS she?
Better to get out & leave the n*zi loving maga to themselves
They don't care about the facts they care that their bigotry is being emboldened.
They've always hated us, they just get to say it outloud now.
So it's really hard to say
States need to find a way to withhold our $ that would go to the federal govt.