Okay so what I accidentally deleted thinking I was talking about the wrong person.... It was still true. Okay. If musk stayed that way at least I could have gotten along with him and we probably could have been very chill. He chose this path and that's what doomed him!
But no, he evolved into this kind-hearted little idiot.... And now he's a big bold piece of shit that thinks he knows everything. He's been through basically everything that I've watched other people turn into. Not pretty. Sooner or later he's going to die of drinking himself to death. Mark my words
It seems ominous until you remember "woke mind virus" is maga code for decency in general, and the guy making the threats has a 3 inch vertical and a botched penis enlargement surgery. Then it just becomes sad and pathetic again. Besides, don't you have to challenge it to combat or something first?
Wow this is one of his kids he'll actually listen to and the kid told him he's f***** up in the head and to lay off maybe the ketamine. Well a little too late Nazi just a little too damn late
Elmo, your children are not “products”. Children grow up to be whoever they become. You can’t control that. Let them be. The world is also not a product you can control.
Now go the fuck away and quit fucking up my country because you have a resentment.
Nazi Musk is a bigot and apartheid supporting racist; a malignant narcissistic sociopath whose father impregnated then married a stepdaughter (Elon’s half sister) who he raised from the age of four. Elon is an abhorrent excuse for a human being detached from any sense of normal emotions.
Idk if that's the end-all as a description. Narcs can only deceive.
They will always want to be right. They want to dominate and hurt others. Improving to them means getting better at masking, and as for self-awareness, they know. Or else they wouldn't wait till you are in the car to terrorise you
I would imagine in that scenario that it resembles a squaring off between Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Moriarty. Everything is a game of dominance and humiliation with Trump...AND Musk.
Musk's son died because he didn't own enough libs?
It's mental illness. Plus Ketamine, acid, ecstasy & shrooms.
That’s the truth…not a damn thing anyone can say or do to change their psychopathy..no meds, no therapy(unless they want to change, even then doubtful)
Apparently, grippy sock therapy, which some found good fun, is worse than determining if someone deserves to live. I’m gonna stick with the grippy sock therapy crowd , good times! Some people are like a fun sponge 🧽, just sucking up all the laughs and replacing them with virtue signalling or ?
Two delusional assholes completely detached from reality surrounded by enablers doing their best to destroy democracy. And the GOP sits idly by sucking their thumbs.
He’s all too human. Go figure the richest guy’s a jerk. Old as time. If you notice, usually the richer they get, past a certain point, the more like that they are.
Talk about next level LBGTQ phobia? He has a kid & since his sperm made a decision he can't control Dr Evil has to burn down the world. He should acknowledge his role and buy a 1 way ticket to his un-woke Mars.
It's a shame Elon accepted this child as long as it was a male. He used selective IVF methods to ensure all of that batch of children would be males. He did not select or elect to have daughters. This has clearly violated his reality. It's sad the child can only be male to be loved and wanted.
It wasn't clear how consensual it was.. Of course huge age difference.. Probably emotionally entangled so I'm sure it would be difficult for a child to separate the issues..
Seems incestual, i don't know
Musk is the one who's "dead"- certainly dead inside. He himself has had extensive gender affirming procedures, like his plastic surgery and hair implants; so why condemn his own child for their choices? Musk doesn't even know what"Woke" really means; like all fascists/NAZIs they just redefine words.
There is good evidence, according to past girlfriends, that Musk does have a botched penis implant too. Azealia Banks, claimed that Grimes, the mother of three of Musk's children, told her Musk had a "botched penis implant". This could also be part of the reason Musk has such "Tiny Dick Energy"(TDE)
Vivian has privilege. Privilege to have the whole world bear witness to what the problem is with Elon, that he claims he misses "his son" but boo-hoo the child never left. At least we can validate her.
14 children, but only ever totes around the one he had with Grimes. He has at least one other with her. What makes little X so much more important to Musk (or despensible, for he uses that kid like a human shield)?
Ah yes I remember the tantrums, discontent, scapegoating, humiliation, strikes and blame from narc parents when I was like 5 going on 27. It only got worse. At seven I remember thinking "I always forgive them, and it's always the same." And "they always have grief with SOMEONE."
As the parent of a beloved trans son I find this absolutely heinous parenting. What a callous despicable asshole to use his own child like this and to not support her. He is giving permission to his base to reject their trans kids which will lead to actual harm. I hope he gets his comeuppance.
Perhaps worse, when their kids no longer speak to them, they'll blame that, too, on "wokism" or "TDS" instead of the fact that their kids hate them because they act hateful.
He is a broken individual but I do believe his evilness that is something he will pay for in the end. I can’t believe you can be so cruel & not pay for it somehow. Isn’t there better things he could be doing with his money, I mean how f’d up of an individual are you?
You are so right! Our loved ones don’t wake up one day and become strangers - they are still our souls, our light. I have a dear friend whose 17 yr old son passed. Musk should spend the day with her & see actual soul destroying grief. My family is nothing but blessed to have such an amazing son!
I would rather have a son than the ashes of my baby daughter any day. I lost my first child to stress induced preclampcia. He's a total asshole and doesn't deserve her love. He's as dead to her as well as he's claiming she is dead to him. I hope he burns for it.
fElon is dead-naming Vivian. His daughter is trans. She is on the cover of Teen Vogue right now. She thinks part of the reason he doesn't accept her is because he used IVF to select the gender of his kids.
This is beyond fucked up. Imagine being so emotionally immature that you want to punish the world because your own child rejected your values. Why do white men constantly get a free pass on their inability to regulate their emotional responses?
Originally women were not required to do religious study, they were supposed to be treated like Queens because spiritually they were far superior. They don't rape, kill, start wars. Men are here for a soul correction! They don't want us preaching to them but Prophecy says women take over in the end.
I read a book called "The Jesus Family Tomb". In it was said that there were many female prophets(Possibly including Mary Magdalen) but that all their writings were erased, sort of like what's happening with DEI today. Very interesting.
They were raised to believe in white maleness by subjugated mothers who were objects for their fathers and fathers who were raised the same. Breaking the cycle is only possible through high emotional intelligence. Which they lack.
For sure, the patriarchy didn’t allow self awareness or personal growth because that would have required accountability for their shitty behaviour towards women 🤷♀️
Don't believe men aren't capable of emotional growth & accountability; Women mature earlier than men,women are the vessel for creation & have responsibility for the offspring for feeding etc..Society and culture has been changing so men & women can get in touch with their feminine & masculine sides
You can’t say that about the last generation or two.Their mothers aren’t subjugated.This toxic bro culture is some weird reaction to having mothers and sisters on an equal playing field, when they haven’t even experienced how things were before? It doesn’t make sense.
One of the few good things about this timeline is proof that misogyny isn't the only type of sexism. Musk is a psychopath, a narcissistic, and a megalomaniac, bringing his gender into it seems unnecessary.
You’re absolutely right I am the daughter, wife, mother, sister, and grandmother to white males and they are all “woke” kind, and hate the orange Hitler with all their fiber, and not one of them would vote for him. Let’s remember not all white males are assholes.
What the hell? Xavier’s actual name is VIVIAN, and he needs to stop saying Xavier. Also, he can shove a corn cob up his backside horizontally 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
This boy is unhinged. I remember when - if someone started saying things like this - they'd get a 72 hour lock-down and a tin-foil hat. Now apparently they get to dismantle governments.
That is the sickest most depraved statement about a child I have ever heard. Could he possibly be so depraved as to have people locked in cages. Donny started praising Hannibal Lector, is Elon the real thing.
He has all the $ in the world but can't buy or find peace. Yes, there are many things $ can't buy and those things will be what will save this country. He has no idea where to look.
I just hope his other children see this a realize that they will never get unconditional love and support from their father. No matter how hard they try to please him it will never be enough.
An child. You've seen X with him in the Oval Office. You think that kid has a single chance at not becoming a self-centered, privileged, possibly narcissist?
Pathetic actually. He's a huge baby, a momma's boy that didn't win.
Malignant narcissist and psychopath.
In this case he had actually fixed it so that a son would be born...but that "genius" didn't know how nature variates for survival, and his son is a trans.
Nature is magnificent.
Everything I have done in my life is so I can live authentically me. I recognize fellow warriors and grant them the respect they are due. She is very brave and her voice is needed at this time.🧚
His trans kid is probably the most balanced my god what a psychopath we are dealing with , can’t help but feel his parents fucked up royally with him 🙄🙄💀🤮
...... You fucking let him die... Musk.... You realize you're a fucking murderer now right? I'm pretty sure he is the kid that your wife was worried about!? Turns out you don't give a shit about your kids. You would literally don't give a fuck do you. You're a monster fucking disgusting monster.
I'm still worried about his kids because he literally doesn't seem to care for them at all. He's putting all of them in a lot of danger and he's using one as a fucking shield
The fact that I as a complete stranger and scared for his fucking child's safety for him should be more than enough of a red flag to have his fucking ass arrested!
The world does not need people like you. You are sick and you lack humanity. People are losing homes and lives because of your recklessness. You are a con artist and a racist. Burn in hell.
And she seems to be a very grounded and mature young woman. Way ahead in morals than that man can ever be. I am glad she has love and support in her life.
Sorry, my error!
Should read:... before he concluded his acquisition of Twitter. It wasn't rebranded to "X" until July 2023. The "X" goes back to his Scotiabank years... then Peter & Max (Confinity) and "X" died, then PayPal and so on...
This is where the Muskrat fails. He FIRES the smart people when he doesn't agree with them because he's a massive narcissist. That's how you end up with a car brand that has twice the death rate of any other.
Woke mind virus!? And this is the guy that wants to run our airplanes with his satellites?! Nahhhh we good on that! This dude is one bad coke bender from cutting everything off. NOPE!!
“He’s a pathetic man-child,” she said. “Why should I be scared of this man? Because he’s rich? Oh, no, I’m trembling.”
Vivian Wilson, featured in Teen Vogue. She’s thriving and Elon can’t deal with it. He paid for sons.
But of course everyone in the US and many other countries are. Government contracts for Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, etc. We are paying him, no matter how much we don’t want to.
Many foreign governments are dropping starling contracts, his tesla sales are way down. twitter account numbers are falling. So no, he is not making as much as he used to.
Unfortunately, he is getting billions off of our taxes (not his, doesn't pay any) for space x. Hope they continue to blow up.
His daughter, Vivian, is no longer Xavier. He's angry because he paid for a boy, which for some reason is super important to him in his obsession with peopling the world with little Musks.
Elon's loss. She's clever, witty, self assured - everything he is not.
Yes, although the marginal amount paid to choose sex is a pittance to a multi-billionaire near trillionaire, not even couch cushion coinage. Musk is just a whiny little weasel who doesn't like women/girls in the first place.
So, he is still mad his daughter (now Vivian) is transgender.
He can’t just love his children for who they are can he. Without ability to control them, they are nothing to him. So he will blame some imaginary thing he has made up, and all his cult members will go “So true Elon, so true”
Musk’s first child, a son, died of SIDS. When I first read that post I wondered why he thought wokeness causes SIDS. It took me a while to realize he would rather have a dead son than a live daughter.
The give away was the name. The son that actually died was called Nevada…but yep, he hates his daughter - but I think she hates him more and I do not blame her
He keeps drinking the poison of hate thinking it will kill Gay and Trans people. Sadly, he doesn't have anyone tell him anything that he donsn't want to hear. A spoiled child.
There are a lot of people in the world that still do this.... even more so now with Trumpism taking over parts of the country. Some people are just either cruel or change to whatever everyone else does.
This is what insanity looks like. His son has not died. He just won’t accept the changes his son has gone through. Your child, is your child… no matter their choices or their changes. What if his beautiful son had been in a tragic and traumatic car accident? Father up, Elon.
Leon is the poster “parent” for why we need orgs like the Trevor Project. He’s no parent, he’s the sperm donor.
Deadnaming and misgendering your trans kid is a guarantee that your kid is gonna do everything in their power to get the hell away from you (and go “no contact”).
If we succeed in getting Musk to leave DOGE/the administration, FOTUS will likely be unable to continue dismantling our government at the same rapid pace.
A great deal of Musk’s wealth is tied up in Tesla. His Twitter/X loans will come due if his Tesla stock drops to a certain point.
He’s not even a parent, he is a sperm donor and that’s about the extent of his participation. He doesn’t raise any of them except he uses one as a shield when he’s out in public and then ignores him.
what an asshole. his daughter is finally living her best life and a father can't be happy for her cause it's all about him. shows what a selfish narcissistic pos he is. that's why him a Trump get along so well. 2 peas in a pod. smh
Also, the ironies, they be chuckling. Ketamine CuntFuror Sissy Space-X who is wanting to implant chips in people's brains is ranting about his "son" having "died" from a man-made "virus".
Xavier didn’t die. His father died. All the best Xavier and hopefully you will find support from people who are supportive of your personal decisions and have a great life ahead of you. Not all people have stable parents and sadly, it appears you are one of them. All the best Xavier!!
Just to be clear - he had a child who is trans and he considers that the child "died?" And not one parent on the MAGA side sees this as the sick and evil child abuse that it is?
& If you look under the “personal life” section of Justine Musk’s Wikipedia (his first & ex wife, the child’s mother) you get the full story & extra angles of just how very extra demented it is.
They all deserve parental love and care.. How do you do it with 13 kids? Especially when you live in dRump's hip pocket?
Prevents mother of 4 year old from seeing him...
We have no idea what goes on for all these poor kids
Your daughter Vivian is alive and thriving. The only thing that died was your morality. She's better off without you and that just kills you, doesn't it Leon?
He doesn't have friends, he has sycophants. His baby mamas get rid of him when they realize who he is/get their cut of his money and he only ever spends time with his one son.
He has a rented villa at marange-lagus, no friends, no family, no kids except the shield, 2 SpaceX explosions, tanking teslur stock, UE teslur sales down 78%, a pending huge loan interest pymnt, he's begging employees not to sell stock his brother & board members already sold, so he ain't got much.
Plus, healthy people don't spend their lives blasted on an anesthetic and doing other mind-numbing drugs with employees. It sounds like the only way he can be sociable is if he's under the influence. What a mess of a human..
He's truly broken. In most people who aren't abject monsters, having a child humbles you. It gives you a new perspective and a grand sense of purpose, that you now must love and guide a new human to their full potential. Musk fails to rise to this challenge repeatedly. Pathetic.
He really only cares about making them & that’s about it. He doesn’t even care about their welfare after birth. If he did he’d be more humble & ask forgiveness from the women & children he’s used.
They are born via IVF and surrogates mainly. Vivian confirmed that she and her twin were selected to be male. I think only 2 of his children were born as female. There's 14 in total (that we know of) with 4 women
I never knew I could love anything so much until I saw my child for the first time. Three kids and it’s been overwhelming each time. I’d feel bad for him but he doesn’t deserve or respect empathy. So I’ll reserve my empathy for his children who deserved better.
My daughter throat punched me and screamed rage in my face at birth. 9 days late, 40 hrs of induced labor, a c-section and my little dragon lifted her own head and stared me down. I have to be fierce so I can show her how. She has the capacity for it and she’s going to need it.
Ah, I see you are a fellow dragon mother. My daughter is obsessed with them. I have video of the first time she properly registered her toddler cousin as someone to play with, and she screamed in his face until he cried. She was just super excited, but it came out as a dinosaurian shriek.
Vanity Fair did an interview with her. Seems to me that’s one compassionate human being. The polar opposite of her drug addicted compassion less shit bag Nazi father of hers.
Wicked men routinely take photo ops with children.
For example below - Reichführer-SS Heinrich Himmler's "Lebensborn Program". Here in the photo's he is actually making a determination whether or not to have the child murdered based on his racial purity (Belarus 1939-ish)
The Lebensborn program for those who do not know, was created by the SS in late 1935 in order to promote the growth of Germany’s healthy “Aryan” population.
The term Lebensborn itself means “Fount of Life.” The program was designed to be the wellspring of future generations descended from those whom Nazi authorities deemed “racially valuable.”
The Lebensborn program originally focused on encouraging SS men to have large families and discouraging unmarried, pregnant “Aryan” women from seeking illegal abortions.
(This in part is why Elon Musk blathers on about white population)
He tortures chimpanzees with worthless experiments that cause the poor chimps to self harm, banging their heads against the walls and trying to dig the chips out of their brains with their fingers.
He wants to put these chips in the brains of autistic people. With RFK junior wanting to put people in camps if they're on ADHD medication, and Trump demanding people buy Teslas, this sounds like Mengele 2.0 territory.
He is a menace and he will never understand the pain these individuals endure during their lifetime. He makes the situation even more egregious by his lack of compassion even for his own child who did not die, by the way. Just dead to him by his choice. Daddy Dearest.
Also it shows a huge disregard for everyone who has lost a child. The loss of a child is the most devastating thing a human can face. Being profoundly anti-social, Musk cannot understand that.
I don't know if I'll outlive Musk..I'm not quite as old as him, but he has the advantage of having billions to pay for his healthcare, but we (trans people) will continue to exist long after he thankfully dies. His hate will, of course, live on, but like with everything else slowly die off.
FElon signed the consent papers for the surgery, then he blames “woke mind virus,” 😵💫 while abusing ketomine -
She’s fine, her Dad needs to go howl at a therapist about his “conditional love,” demands.
I feel awful for her.
Hmmm, evidence of unconditional love??
Nazi supporters and father sexually inappropriate with step daughter, who's much younger...
So i question how dysfunctional his family was/is
Woke is the opposite of brain dead... Ketamine has rotted all of his Brain cell: "Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has some hallucinogenic effects. Ketamine distorts the perception of sight and sound and makes the user feel disconnected and not in control." https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/ketamine
A middle-aged man, who is admittedly on the Autism Spectrum, and self-medicates with Ketamine and God knows what else, seems about to Implode. Where's his family? Does X's Mom know he's being kept safe?
He & his first wife had 5 children, all born male.
Their firstborn died due to SIDS.
They then had twins, & then triplets.
His tweet is in reference to one of the twins, who transitioned to female & is alive & well, and who is currently featured in Teen Vogue. Cover photo & interview.
His first son with his first wife died at 10 weeks from SIDS.
He has however made up stories about the baby... One being that the child dies in his arms and he saw him take his last breath.
It's very unnerving the way his mind is twisted.
So, Elon is confessing to suffocating his firstborn. If you are holding and watching a child take its last breath and it suffocates on just air. Then, there would be another underlying cause for the death.
Supposed science genius clueless that DNA guarantees absolutely nothing, not a brain that matches sexual hardware and certainly not guaranteed, as demonstrated in his case, a conscience filled brain capable of compassion and empathy.
Guess that should be the same for what he's doing with dodgy then.. Cutting all the jobs/people... Destruction and hurt!
Hope it all comes back on him but double!
This is why he’s so cruel and absurd about the trans community and being “woke “
because of his amazing and delightful daughter, Vivian. She’s on TikTok and she’s smarter than him and talented.
Folks, you do realize that this is sci-fi boss level villian delusional shit, right? In the world's richest man, who thinks empathy leads to the downfall of civilization. Now, how do you think he's gonna try to kill that virus?
Remember, no empathy.
What's happening to chickens with bird flu?
Tough man?
Love only when they are the way he wishes to?!
My ONLY wish for my children is that they are happy in their life.
Every sad, evil situation to basically do on purpose.. 😒
Migration issues... Etc
Several articles and books out now..
Now go the fuck away and quit fucking up my country because you have a resentment.
vile, sick man capable of
vengeance but incapable
of love
He is a clear and present
danger to humanity, and
his free-minded daughter
knows the truth
They will always want to be right. They want to dominate and hurt others. Improving to them means getting better at masking, and as for self-awareness, they know. Or else they wouldn't wait till you are in the car to terrorise you
One thing that works on narcissists is fear, though. Elon cannont be afraid unless he loses all his money.
Musk's son died because he didn't own enough libs?
It's mental illness. Plus Ketamine, acid, ecstasy & shrooms.
All psychopaths are sociopaths
All sociopaths are narcissists
All narcissists are sadists
Narcs are also pseudo-victimized and falsely delusional = they fake it, they know they're lying and wrong and evil. Sadists.
If you have one in your life, you know.
He has several girls, including trans daughter, Vivian
Good on her! 🌷
Had several girls.. Besides Vivian
What can you say!?
I suspect the Apple didn’t fall far as they say.
Seems incestual, i don't know
He's very broken, no insight at 53, would take a miracle!
My spouse is trans. I can't imagine ever feeling anything but unconditional love for her.
Elon is evil. It's horrifying to see him speak of his child in such atrocious ways.
His DAUGHTER is alive and she is brave and inspiring. He is the one missing out on such beauty.
💙 🤍 🩷
Don't know about the rest yet..
Apparently had penial surgery/implant perhaps..
Why? Unknown
the inherent misogyny of the bible is exactly what created this patriarchal system where men can apparently do no wrong.
This boy is unhinged. I remember when - if someone started saying things like this - they'd get a 72 hour lock-down and a tin-foil hat. Now apparently they get to dismantle governments.
How the world changes huh?
She just featured in Teen Vogue and has been posting about it fabulously on here.
She disowned him. Respect her decision.
Same list as hitler used
Very soylent green!
He's heartless, cruel, ruthless etc
May have a nanny, but wonder?
Sick, dysfunctional group!
Kept from his mother etc
Malignant narcissist and psychopath.
In this case he had actually fixed it so that a son would be born...but that "genius" didn't know how nature variates for survival, and his son is a trans.
Nature is magnificent.
The characterisation of people who disagree with their politics as 'infected' or suffering a 'derangement syndrome' is slowly being cranked up.
They are laying the groundwork for denial of the right to vote/hold elections!
So who's radicalized?
Radical, ruthless!
The world does not need people like you. You are sick and you lack humanity. People are losing homes and lives because of your recklessness. You are a con artist and a racist. Burn in hell.
Plus his rhetoric that the "woke virus" will die is an actual threat.
We need to all be vigilant. I am horrified about all the harm this will cause.
Kentucky has already approved of protecting conversion therapy...
Trans rights are in trouble with real harm to people and potential loss of life:
Iowa removed gender identity from their civil rights protections and Texas is trying to make it a felony for transgender existence, calling it fraud.
Steve Jobs said "It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do."
Musk leverages himself off their existence.
I posted this on Twitter 5.27.22 when he concluded his acquisition of Twitter.
Should read:... before he concluded his acquisition of Twitter. It wasn't rebranded to "X" until July 2023. The "X" goes back to his Scotiabank years... then Peter & Max (Confinity) and "X" died, then PayPal and so on...
Been saying this for 2 years!
Vivian Wilson, featured in Teen Vogue. She’s thriving and Elon can’t deal with it. He paid for sons.
Unfortunately, he is getting billions off of our taxes (not his, doesn't pay any) for space x. Hope they continue to blow up.
Elon's loss. She's clever, witty, self assured - everything he is not.
Of course narcissist!
He can’t just love his children for who they are can he. Without ability to control them, they are nothing to him. So he will blame some imaginary thing he has made up, and all his cult members will go “So true Elon, so true”
It's no wonder racist fascists like Elon Musk are desperate to undermine it. Estranging a child in service to a fascist narrative is epic twisted.
Deadnaming and misgendering your trans kid is a guarantee that your kid is gonna do everything in their power to get the hell away from you (and go “no contact”).
Vivian Jenna Wilson won’t even use her father’s surname.
Vivien and Elno on opposite ends.
Behavior, conduct, words and actions….
Who is more mature???
🔥🚨🇺🇸🚨🔥USA WTF are We Doing🔥🚨🇺🇸🚨🔥
If we succeed in getting Musk to leave DOGE/the administration, FOTUS will likely be unable to continue dismantling our government at the same rapid pace.
A great deal of Musk’s wealth is tied up in Tesla. His Twitter/X loans will come due if his Tesla stock drops to a certain point.
You can too!!!
All the best Vivian!
& If you look under the “personal life” section of Justine Musk’s Wikipedia (his first & ex wife, the child’s mother) you get the full story & extra angles of just how very extra demented it is.
Prevents mother of 4 year old from seeing him...
We have no idea what goes on for all these poor kids
Too bad he’s not a lonely person. Doesn’t fucking deserve what he has.
He doesn't have friends, he has sycophants. His baby mamas get rid of him when they realize who he is/get their cut of his money and he only ever spends time with his one son.
That's an extremely lonely person.
Between him and Trump, baby momma's for days.
4 women ♀️, surrogates involved
Abuse, neglectful
here is the last time he lied about one of his children.
For example below - Reichführer-SS Heinrich Himmler's "Lebensborn Program". Here in the photo's he is actually making a determination whether or not to have the child murdered based on his racial purity (Belarus 1939-ish)
Putin abducts from Ukraine.
The Lebensborn program for those who do not know, was created by the SS in late 1935 in order to promote the growth of Germany’s healthy “Aryan” population.
"Der Übermensch".
The term Lebensborn itself means “Fount of Life.” The program was designed to be the wellspring of future generations descended from those whom Nazi authorities deemed “racially valuable.”
The program was designed to be the wellspring of future generations descended from those whom Nazi authorities deemed “racially valuable.”
The Lebensborn program originally focused on encouraging SS men to have large families and discouraging unmarried, pregnant “Aryan” women from seeking illegal abortions.
(This in part is why Elon Musk blathers on about white population)
She’s fine, her Dad needs to go howl at a therapist about his “conditional love,” demands.
I feel awful for her.
He doesn't care about his kids. He sees them as nothing more than extending himself and his "legacy".
He's a eugenicist and a bastard on so many fucking levels
Nazi supporters and father sexually inappropriate with step daughter, who's much younger...
So i question how dysfunctional his family was/is
No onions, right? 🧅🧅🧅
Has trans daughter so says son died
Their firstborn died due to SIDS.
They then had twins, & then triplets.
His tweet is in reference to one of the twins, who transitioned to female & is alive & well, and who is currently featured in Teen Vogue. Cover photo & interview.
He has however made up stories about the baby... One being that the child dies in his arms and he saw him take his last breath.
It's very unnerving the way his mind is twisted.
You are truly hated by millions.
No one is untouchable.
Hope it all comes back on him but double!
Cruel, evil, ruthless creature!
Unfortunately he's manufacturing children.. Causing pain and damage to undeserved souls
because of his amazing and delightful daughter, Vivian. She’s on TikTok and she’s smarter than him and talented.
This is her account if anyone wants to follow: @thevivllainous.bsky.social
Remember, no empathy.
What's happening to chickens with bird flu?