Fox has been a disgrace for a long time, but last night was probably the most disgusting cocktail of lies from talentless hacks I have seen in two decades watching it. The only other period to rival it was the weeks after the 2020 election - which they paid $787 million for.
fake and not real news.
OK, the Atlantic was on the call, but we did it on purpose to expose a leak.
OK, it was accidental, but we were just doing our job.
OK, it was bad, but no harm, no foul.
OK, it was all Biden's fault.
It's not just ignorance or incompetence?
Because this would mean they are even dumber and more dangerous than mere drunken vandals.
They all created accounts, they all. Connected with each other, saved in their contacts. Bet they have been on for months together. is their only saving grace. Gurl, save yourself and go independent!
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Reminds me of the Obama days when I was a Snowbird. The ride south was long 🥱 and I’d find the channel with Rush Limbaugh to keep me awake & laughing as he spewed his words of discontent of Obama & the Democrat’s.
....and instead becomes a propaganda arm for treason and incompetence
Gen. McCaffrey
made an excellent
I've not heard mentioned
To avoid accountability
under The Official
Records Act
Is the reason they
are using the app
Adam Kinzinger:
"I saw the work by Olga Lautman and the findings were disturbing: Steven Witkoff was in Russia when he was added to the signal chat. Russia has infiltrated Signal and used against Ukrainians. Very possible they have the classified signal info"
Since their creation, they've been building that base (by building up hate of the Left).
Now it's straight lies.
This marriage is irretrievably broken.
What the fuck is wrong with some of you?
We save our nation by little boys becoming men
men who helped say, FUCK YEA!
men who haven't helped WWWHINE like you wwwill
truth hurts, little boys?
i don't wwwaste time on cowwwards.
i mute them.
easy to spot them men i ain't referring to.
they tend to say, fuck yea! exactly, not wwwhine
Because that's exactly what MAGA wants us to do.
The last thing the Republicans want is to lose the blue states. The last thing Putin wants is to lose the blue states. The last thing Trump wants is to lose the blue states.
Can’t you understand that if the blue states leave that’s the end of Trump? The blue states are 80% of GDP.
heritage foundation never had starter packs.
they don't hide on the www
they've been infiltrating public offices thru out the USA over the last 40 years wwwhile dem men were doing what ever the fuck it is they were doing.
jacking off at pornhub? watching sports? gaming?
the majority of American "men" didn't help.
that is a fucking fact. i'm a witness.
they sure wwwhine a lot after the finish line
yes i'm pissed off at cowwwards
i don't care if you don't like it
We need a divorce because we have reconcilable differences, and we will never be able to get along.
I’m calling for a convention of the blue states to talk about declaring independence and forming a new government.
I came to the bluesky to find all the little boys who didn't help us like women did over the last 40 fucking years.
gray hair exGreenpeace activist
The blue states need to declare independence and partition from the Russian mafia state.
It’s not running— it’s fighting back HARD.
It’s a death blow to Trump.
Blah blah blah blah AOC blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah AOC blah blah blah blah Bernie blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah AOC blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah AOC blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Bernie.
Please include KKKaroline another fat LIAR! 🤬
All has become such a farce & is heading down a v v dangerous path
It’s like the boiling frog syndrome
And Fox is absolutely one of the most complicit in ensuring that the US we all know and love will be destroyed for generations
ban/burn books, erase history, demonize science, support genocide, expand Lebensraum, propagate racial hatred, trample on the rule of law, align with authoritarian regimes...
But there must be some restrictions/ guidelines, no?
If I commit defamation about someone/business, I can't just keep doing it legally...
First Amendment applies. They are allowed to exist under it. Don’t watch if you don’t like it. No different than a tabloid magazine.
Defamation is not protected but a civil matter.
Appreciate your feedback and knowledge!
And they settled that civil lawsuit with Dominion.
Right wing media is not much different then the media in Russia or Hungary or China..... Facts are irrelevant, truth is irrelevant.
They’re saying basically 1 of 2 things: If it’s real, it is an example of thoughtful planning/ppl doing their job throughly *or* it’s you didn’t publish enough details to allow us to arrest you so it must be BS…
I’d laugh, because it’s funny, but it’s not funny.
The NYTimes & WAPO were allowed to publish the pentagon papers ONLY bc it was not going to endanger troops in an ongoing military operation
Brainwashed old people will buy anything you're selling.
Any suggestions from TV land?
It had nothing to do with “news” and could not be expanded.
Part of the reason it was ended was that modern
See also Miami Herald v Tornillo, US v Playboy, and Reno v ACLU.
Sounds like a talent pool for top jobs in government then.
I guess it's part of Trump's recruitment.
Prove you're a deeply flawed inept sycophant that doesn't mind the whole viewing public seeing that.
You're into the administration !
Wonder if we've been sufficiently harmed to win a class action suit against them...sigh
In other words, a leaker to the press.
It would be unfortunate to lose an insider source. We need them more than ever with this clown car of an "administration".
Experienced, intelligent, world-savvy leaders with integrity.
Clueless Fox News flunkies taking no responsibility for their failures, unable to speak beyond the vernacular of Dear Leader.
Any other highlights?
Am I close?
CNN and MSNBC are just as bad from another direction.
I love the raw Forbes videos. No talking heads. No narrative. Just raw news.