Neither here nor there, but I do wonder how the response to Bishop Budde's sermon would be different if it had been delivered by a man. I'm seeing a lot of overt and covert gendered critiques, which is just a reminder to me, once again, that people really hate women in powerful positions!
He's thinking: How DARE a woman implore him to act differently!! She should know her place!
"huh? what woman?"
"idk, whoever"
All because they think there will be some benefit in it for them
I have kind of concluded it would have been less effective if it had been a man preaching in the moment and the resharing.
I think most men (self included) would have been tempted to go fire and brimstone, ashes and dust. Which would have just been more of the same outrage machine in a different voice.
But Bishop Budde’s spoke with her authentic voice. And it was shocking not because of the tone or the tenor but because we are shocked by authenticity these days.
Which… well.
They want women to do the scut work of the faith, but not lead it 🤬
Also, has The Guys tried to use bishoppess like priestess of her?
I told someone who made a post about Bishop Budde that the most likely response by her peer bishops is high fives.
I have seen "bitchop" quite a few times.
I do think they'd be awful about a male bishop preaching that, but they're being especially so because she is a woman. Of that I am certain.