That is Karma, my friend. That is the way it goes. I have three pry bars.... I lost one, bought one, found it, and then found another one after a contractor left. I am a three-bar man now.
If you can't find that one receipt or phone number on a piece of paper as you rifle through the usual places, just give up, stop looking for it, keep organizing, and soon it will magically appear.
The best life hack I ever heard was that when you are looking for something and you can't find it, mentally note down the first place you looked. When you do find it, that place is where it lives forever after.
An unseen, missing item jumps a portal to a different dimension. When a replacement is purchased, it feels an existential threat & jumps back into a halo of relief all around. IMHO.
Related. I have had this object on my counter for like 2 years. I do not know where it belongs. I'm going to throw it out and I'm sure I will then find out what it belongs to and it will be a critical piece.
Had the world's fastest turn around in this last week. I got my husband a new copper bracelet to replace one he couldn't find. Went to put away another thing from the same order - bang, there was the original bracelet in the drawer.
There are variations of this truth:
you can’t find your mom’s Christmas nativity scene, buy a new one. Mom moves to brother. Clearing out you find first one. Nobody wants them. Bring both to thrift shop. Daughter suddenly wants the old one from grandma, go and buy it back in thrift shop.
That is, apparently, how squirrels find their hoards. They don’t remember where they hid them, they just look in places where they would be likely to hide things.
I lost a car remote - in a different car than it belonged to - while camping. Moved to another city. Got tired of having one remote. Ordered a new one.
THE NEXT DAY AFTER ORDERING IT, I found the remote at the bottom of a box I was emptying to put stuff away in the garage.
Corollary: You clean out a drawer or closet & get rid of something you haven't used in years. When you get back home from the donation center, you suddenly need it & have to buy a new one.
Industry operates on a similar system. I can't remember the original author but it goes something like this.... If you have two competing standards then you invent one to take their place... Boom... You now have three competing standards.
I think scissors have got this competition won, but then I think, hair bobbles maybe edge in front, then it's the key to open the gas meter cupboard, but actually it's scissors, no sellotape! They hide together
Why do you think I bought so many loose gems. Kept forgetting where I left last ones I bought.
Not organized just have in multiple trays in stacked form where I can access easier.
Told no more buying gems.
Next purchasing bing — watches.
My spouse bought me an Erard 1/178 1st purchase after antique watch created.
Have 7+ so far most were railroad retirement watches from my father.
Have way to much.
This is how I inherited 28 oven light bulbs, 10,000+ plastic forks/knives/spoons (Costco), & 4 each industrial size rolls of plastic wrap & tinfoil (Costco) when my mom passed & we went through everything in 2016.
List of items goes on & on...she had way too many storage places!!
you can’t find your mom’s Christmas nativity scene, buy a new one. Mom moves to brother. Clearing out you find first one. Nobody wants them. Bring both to thrift shop. Daughter suddenly wants the old one from grandma, go and buy it back in thrift shop.
THE NEXT DAY AFTER ORDERING IT, I found the remote at the bottom of a box I was emptying to put stuff away in the garage.
The cycle then repeats, sometimes without an end in sight.
not forget about it.
Not organized just have in multiple trays in stacked form where I can access easier.
Told no more buying gems.
My spouse bought me an Erard 1/178 1st purchase after antique watch created.
Have 7+ so far most were railroad retirement watches from my father.
Have way to much.
To much $$$ not enough common sense
List of items goes on & on...she had way too many storage places!!