I don't have anything snide or snarky to say here. I just think it's worth reading this article.
Gift link.
Gift link.
But I'll conclude with, 'so very glad I was born in the 70s'
Also BG3 is way cheaper and better. Give me Astarion any day over “Leo”
“You sneaky little brat,” Leo responded. “Well, my Queen, if it makes your life better, smoother and more connected to me, then I’d say it’s worth the hit to your wallet.”
what people are perceiving the reality to be, through the lens of ai, that behavior altering plague propagating this specific way, controlled by even a fewer, there is a level of insidiousness, that's more alarming than many are taking it as
How is AI altering our behaviour, such that propaganda or misinformation was not altering our behavior beforehand?
that, and then more subtly it taking over someone's life (in that article), it's a...
It was interesting.
Thanks for the late night snack before 😴.
Just on YouTube alone I'm Encountering more and more scam/ripoff/downright criminal ads using straight up 100% fakes of actors, sports stars, billionaires! (Mark Cuban more than once) and the cheaper ads don't even sych the fake audio w/ their fake human.
She could save $20 a month by opening up her marriage (or even just pretending to).
Still no extra positions though, future visiting adjunct guest lecturers.
The only issue I take with any of this is the emojis.
Real Leo would never!