I own 5 t-shirts, 2 hoodies, 1 business outfit and 4 pairs of jeans. I am not sure others would appreciate only wearing a 10th of that. Shoes, however, are another story.
Good Sir, I have, on previous instances on previous platforms, expressed my respect and appreciation for you. You are undeniably a good human, and a treasured connection. It pains me, therefore, to take strong exception with your latest conclusion here. Need? Okay, point. Wear?? Sir we disagree.
You must know my spouse. He looks at my side of the closet and thinks the same thing. Meanwhile, if he hasn’t worn something in 6 months he gets rid of it. I have clothes I was wearing 20 years ago 😳
The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia has an exhibit right now about the assault of fast fashion on the planet. Some 40% of clothes manufactured go unworn and rot in piles in landfills. 1,000s of gallons of water is wasted mass-producing synthetic fabrics that don’t break down 😢
EXCEPT…..when we eat too many donuts and then we need 1/2 of the clothes we own because we must carry clothes in 4 sizes at all times (do not check my math)
had exchange students from Europe and they were shocked by the clothing and shoes spilling from our closets...and sadly they dressed better than we did
My college-aged daughter was talking about the “30 wears” goal; she said many people only wear a garment around 7 times. I balked at the idea, but she pointed out how many “single use” items people purchase for weddings or funerals or other special occasions…
I cleared out a ton of stuff from my career. Beautiful outfits that have been stored for 7 years since I retired. Gone now to new homes where I hope thrift store shoppers snap them up and brag about their bargains. Decluttering is self care of the first order.
But can we part with them? I have my high school gym shirt. I haven’t worn that in almost four decades! But I will never try it on again. So there it hangs in my closet. (I wonder if the fabric is mostly dust now?)
I just packed up all my belongings into a pod and my garage as I get my house renovated. I already downsized quite a bit but there’s always more stuff!
I have 4 pairs of pants and five collared shirts for work puposes.....2 pairs of jeans, two par of shorts and 10 t shirts....thats it....thats the wardrobe 😀
Agreed. I try to do a purge every 6-12 months, donating what I don’t wear, but it seems I have an odd attachment to some items. A dress I wore to the beach on a happy day. A sweater that I wore while walking my neighborhood.
I often say those words.
I say, "Enemy, get behind me. You have no power here. God only allows people He gave permission to be in my life and He did not give you permission, so in the name of God and by the power of the Holy spirit, get behind me. "
😂😂 I won’t admit to how many closets full of clothes I have. They’re stored by seasons! I can’t have spring clothes mixing and touching fall clothes! 😂😂
I only have one. But I have 4 vacuum sealed bags under my bed that rotate in and out with the seasons. And, every season I do a cleanse. Throwing out clothes I haven’t worn the whole season. Yet somehow, I still have the same amount of clothes. I don’t know how that happens🤫
Mmm. I learned if you don’t have it you can’t add it. If you do and don’t need it that’s great.
I always have a backpack for this reason. I’d rather add then be out of luck.
I just went through my closet to take out things to give away. It was horrible, really. Stuff in there I couldn’t ever remember wearing. I feel pretty ashamed.
When you are in your mid 60’s or so, you will stop accumulating things and you will begin to give things away, donate, or throw away what you don’t really need. Simplicity is very calming.
I don't drive (no public transportation); and don't have an in-house washer/dryer for most of my adult life. Hence, I have ended up with WAY too many clothes out of lack of accessibility.
My fiancee takes me to my mom's once a month; and less often the laundromat. Sometimes, it is an unforeseen need
I keep just enough to fill my closet and rotate outfits. When I buy new, I get rid of old clothes. My husband is a clothes horse and accumulates more than he wears. He has trouble letting go of old clothes.
I’m doing the research right now! Trying to wear everything in my closet. After washing, it goes in a hangar turned backward and I have to choose something I haven’t worn. 5 months in, I just donated the summer clothes I didn’t wear. (One bag)
Agreed. I see homes here with 2 cars parked in driveway. Sometimes I see garage door open and and they are hoarders.
Donate anything useful to those in need.
I clean out my closet often, all hangers are turned backwards, if I wear something the hanger is turned around. All clothes on backward hangers get donated to a local women's shelter.
I have a big storage crate of just sweaters, another of just long-sleeved velvet tops, and a closet full of Hawaiian shirts that used to be my summer attire, none of which I've worn since I retired!
True. I lived in my car for several months. I had WAY too many clothes. Unless you go to an office, no one needs much. A few changes, then wash them. Everyone wears their favorites and most comfy over and over.
That's def true for me, but there can be a few exceptions, like clothes with sentimental value or though don't wear often, need for certain occasions.
For me, also tshirts with pictures (e.g. my banner) or science fiction logos or references, etc. even if I don't wear them often.
Hang all close facing in only one direction. Each year change the direction. At the end of the year, donate all clothing facing “the wrong way” because you haven’t worn it in a year. Simple, helpful and effective.
I love everybody and am glad we can get together, I just wish fellowship was the focus. Now the kids eat like monsters (they are my kids) then open presents- that I have agonized over, boxed, wrapped and put under tree. Zap 1.5 seconds onto stockings. I still want them to be little, not college age
How can I continue to work???
What's up with that?
This place is just like the other place.
IF they were lucky
Yet I rarely wear them.
It’s a funny thing.
I say, "Enemy, get behind me. You have no power here. God only allows people He gave permission to be in my life and He did not give you permission, so in the name of God and by the power of the Holy spirit, get behind me. "
Where there are two or three, he is there in the midst of them.
There is power in prayer🙏🏼
I don’t play when in comes to my shopping. I’ll bring back the way of cult life if I need to🤭
I always have a backpack for this reason. I’d rather add then be out of luck.
In my case, however, it's because I only fit 1/10th of my clothes, and am hanging on to the rest on the off chance I lose 20 lbs!
My fiancee takes me to my mom's once a month; and less often the laundromat. Sometimes, it is an unforeseen need
I never do new year resolutions, but since we are living in "the upside down " I may as well!
On to Fall clothing…
#clothing #fashion
I do beat him in the shoe and purse department.
Donate anything useful to those in need.
And don't even get me started on the shoes!
For me, also tshirts with pictures (e.g. my banner) or science fiction logos or references, etc. even if I don't wear them often.
Hanging on the rack was a coat that looked almost exactly like a coat I wore 50 years ago.
- Netflix lady