For 10 years I got to do a podcast about the league I love with some of my best friends in the world.
Today I am sad. Probably will be tomorrow, too.
Today I am sad. Probably will be tomorrow, too.
Thank You for all that you guys have done over the years!!
MLS is once again shooting itself in the foot
Removing quality people and the end of the video version were worrying signs and now that valuable resource is gone.
It's a shame.
Gass and Bogert really nerd out.
And great 'Contact' reference, btw 🙌
Do they explain why the show ended?
You should check it out
Please keep podcasting somehow in some fashion!
Strength and honor to you folks! ✊🤘
It all mattered to us.
Thank you
A great way for fans to get into the league beyond their team. Huge bummer :(
All the best to you
unless...that music....could it be?
Anyways, need more of you on season pass.
Thanks for putting out good stuff over and over and over again.
I’ve been on the feed for a little while now, who else should I listen to going forward?
Thanks for the hours of entertainment.
Seriously, though, I will miss ETR so much. The whole show managed to feel like it was just me hanging out, talking MLS with (very well-informed) friends. An all-time great sports podcast.
(The League is making it quite clear that we Olds are no longer a desirable demographic.)