it will be carrying Optimus. it will run on water vapor and only emit rainbows. wait not rainbows, those are gay. it will emit beer farts. and everyone forced to inhale them will weep with gratitude.
Reposted from
Solomon Gumball
Literally none of this is going to happen btw
He’ll keep selling, he’ll keep selling until I pay. Fuck it, I’ll pay, I’ll pay, I’ll pay…ahhhhhhhh!!!!
Isn't SpaceX is in the business of making fireworks with taxpayer money?
Me confirming it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen.
I mean... we could be wrong. But we will correct it expeditiously.
WE can see this is silly. Utterly impossible. But too much wealth and success has morphed his mind into mush.
He can’t even get his newest car to launch… good luck with Mars.
We can only hope that they run out of whatever it is they are on soon, because they are clearly high on their own supply of something, and not just Elon's vitamin K.
The real, unsolved difficulty - one that is orders of magnitude greater - is getting human beings to Mars alive, and not dead of starvation, anoxia, murder, or radiation poisoning.
And getting them back again is even harder.