The only thing I realized from this is that I could not manage the stress and anger if I were to become popular and got comments like this. I get upset just reading shit like this.
I watched all the way to the end of S1 convinced there would be a satisfying conclusion, like we would learn that the Romulans were somehow responsible for creating the Borg.
But no, it was just giant metal tentacles from space.
I know we're all here making fun of this dude for being so dense, but I just wanted to say sorry that you have to put up with that kind of shit. You're video was great and I really appreciated your perspective on the matter
I love the humour in his post. Using the almost homophonic bitch/butch as a guide to to the true meaning and theme. The almost varying sentence structure hints at the escalating challenge to identity itself. The hidden hostility.
We readers may never appreciate the achievements of such a mind.
You really shouldn't have to put up with this kind of thing. Nobody should.
The cop out everyone buys into is that we can't have freedom of expression without tolerating this garbage. In fact there's lots of things we don't tolerate. We tolerate *this* because we choose to, not because we have to
That guy has no clue who you are - his loss. I have the utmost of respect for you. For the guy going off on you without finding out about you first: he gets zero stars.
So glad you did that Feynman vid, all those stupid stories that were supposedly of his life sounded like the worst marketing, all they needed was a free set of steak knives thrown in.
Really? What did you do? Because I'm a dude online and I just watched the video, thought it was very good, and liked it.
Screw generalizations is what I'm saying.
For fucks sake...must we always add not every man? It always makes me think YOU are one of those men. Especially when you are putting your feelings above the topic.
And to be clear I'm confident I'm not one of these idiots angry about Angela's video simply because I watched it entirely and thought it was excellent.
I'm not, and I object just as strongly to other generalizations. They're just encouraging mutual hatred and tribalism. You don't need "not all X", just say "some X". Don't pretend that (for example) "Some people on Bsky are assholes" sound the same as "People on Bsky are assholes".
1/2 Really depends on how you read the statement. I get being upset about generalizations but it is reasonable to read the statement as "men [collectively] be normal about a woman criticizing a man challenge"
this points out not that every man cant be normal about a woman critizising a man but that if you are a woman critisizing a man online there will be men raging no matter how reasonable the complaint. I think this is 1.very true, 2. reasonable to point out and 3. an important to make people aware of.
As it's written it's saying that it's almost impossible for men to be normal about a woman criticizing a man. This is demonstrably not true, just check the like ratio of Angela's videos and most of the comments.
However for *some* men it's definitely true. Some. It's all it takes.
Oh no it's fine, I'm not upset. I just encourage you to avoid generalizations like that, even when you mean it as a joke. I really think they are collectively encouraging tribalism and resentment online. Others don't. Just say "some [group]" next time and it'll make the difference.
LOLz! Even if he accurately clocked any of that, all of your points still stand unchallenged and un-refuted. What does a shaved head lezbo straw man look like, I wonder…
There's no way someone with this kind of energy would watch more than three minutes of your video, let alone three hours 🤣. I do not take lightly what I'm about to say, but dude needs to take a chill pill
Oooo, whatta zinger.
He didn't watch the video. This is a guy who'd rather guess what the video is about, then get mad at his imagination.
I had given up on the series at episode 6 because (a you said) it’s so boring.
I never knew what happened in season 2 so I’m glad to have heard about it in that video
But no, it was just giant metal tentacles from space.
We readers may never appreciate the achievements of such a mind.
The cop out everyone buys into is that we can't have freedom of expression without tolerating this garbage. In fact there's lots of things we don't tolerate. We tolerate *this* because we choose to, not because we have to
(source: am a man online)
Screw generalizations is what I'm saying.
However for *some* men it's definitely true. Some. It's all it takes.
(It's funny to me that this type of person also is liable to fly off into a rage if you suggest their views are probably biased by misogyny.)
Like... what's going on there, psychologically?
Nothing normal.