There's definitely a need for a social app like early Facebook!
But as Zuck himself predicted, the next generation of social apps will be decentralized.
Otherwise corruption erodes their value over time.
Would be so cool if Ev opened this network, which could be done on atproto with some work!
But as Zuck himself predicted, the next generation of social apps will be decentralized.
Otherwise corruption erodes their value over time.
Would be so cool if Ev opened this network, which could be done on atproto with some work!
Support for private repos or other mechanisms isn't all that complicated, especially in the case of these relatively small private networks (no one has *that* many IRL friends).
You could probably build something like that on atproto if you wanted, though...
Genuinely I think different models make sense for different apps. A big relay feeding into an all-knowing appview is the only way to make a twitter that works. But other social apps may not need or benefit from that!
Think cryptographically sound implementations of any/every popular feature on big social media platforms. (direct messages, large groups, media streaming, etc)