I'm really glad I don't drive a Tesla. We have friends who bought them five years ago, and I wonder if they feel embarrassed driving them now? I know I would be ashamed to drive anything connected to Elon Musk. And the cybertrucks are damn ugly.
It's funny to see the many drivers if Cybertrucks always look around to see who is looking at them when they're driving or exiting their vehicle. We're looking, but also laughing inside.
You lost me there but like Chin Yang on "Silicon Valley" when he saw himself on a department store glass mirror reflection while driving a Corvette. " I look like an asshole " and then gave up his car.
I was pleased yesterday morning when the person in front of the cyber truck driver was going 10-15 mph below the speed limit on a two lane no passing zone. As soon as the “truck” had a chance to pass, the other car returned to the speed limit.
Yes but Musk showed trump how easily he can be manipulated just like he manipulated his voters into voting for him. It will all come crashing down on them in the end. More than half the people did not vote for trump and I’m sure many who did, are already regretting it.
Cute commentary, but... he is fuxking around in the leadership of Canada, UK with Farage and now German neonazis. It's too much. It's Putin without guardrails.
It's the ugliest thing on the road, it's unsafe and once they all start falling apart, it'll be a laugh to watch him try to protect the brand (again). I used to have so much hope for that asshat.
Yeah and they’ll be pissed when they have to buy new 51 star flags to fly off the back. Nothing says Patriot like an American flag in tatters on a cybertruck.
I have a question, I have ignored the drone stories as it came from their camp. Yesterday a friend of ours in the military said that the drones over NJ are searching for nuclear weapons, and that the GOV doesn't want the public to know. I have watched FAA debunk almost all of the claims. T or F?
You are kidding yourself if you don’t believe that this South African oligarch was always on the extreme right…. He was pretending and posing to be open minded but in the end he is his father’s son.
Oh we all considered them fools long before Musk took too many drugs and tried to become God. Now they just get to pay $100,000 to drive a loser dumpster while people point and laugh
Crossing a street the other day in front of a cybertruck and I laughed out loud; the driver tried to roll down his window to flip me off but it stopped and he could only fit his finger through it.
Guilty as charged—nothing says 'I’m totally in control of my life' like driving a polygon on wheels. But hey, at least it’s aerodynamic for all my bad decisions.
Finally the 'cybercukкk' entitled edition came out like promised. I suppose that's what you get for not paying that 240 bravo papapapapapa ligma DNC lemon ookie cookie back.
While I appreciate Adam for standing up to Donald Trump, I cannot forget that he voted to repeal the ACA, "Obamacare," without a replacement. Millions would have lost health insurance. Unforgivable.
Yea these folks were tools without the cyber trucks. Thats what happens when politics becomes a team sport. It doesnt matter how horrible your team is. You stick with them. Governing can not be that way. Break The Parties
Jeff Bezos says, of Musk: “I take at face value what has been said, which is he’s not going to use his political power to advantage his companies or disadvantage his competitors,”
Ugliest vehicles ever. They look like early design sketches that were deleted and then Musk went into the trash and retrieved them. They are the status symbol that reveals the lack of self awareness of the owners.
I personally can't stop laughing whenever I see one. There was a new one around several weeks ago in this pretty rural area. Haven't seen it lately. Probably in the shop.
EM wants to be King of the World! He is inserting himself into everyone's politics. You know what they say about guys with Big Trucks? They have.... you can insert an answer!
Can’t wait for the videos emerging of tow trucks coming to the rescue of these cyber trucks stuck in a couple inches of snow or “bricked” in a rainstorm🍿
Question: How will the government deal with the conflict of interest? Will the contracts with his companies be canceled, or will you use it as the reason to reject him? 🤔
Now they've taken a knee for this asshat with exploding toys
Cybertrucks are so tough that it takes a car wash to break them
I say what a fool.
They rust in the rain
If you run over a large pothole it snaps the frame (look it up)
Many of them were recalled for the steering not working - Just a little thing 😂
Teslas in general are involved in the most fatality crashes
They like to become a flaming carbecue
What’s the difference between a porcupine and a Tesla Truck?
With a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.
Thanks folks. I’ll be here all week.
How do I know the driver was a "he?"
Is that a serious question? 😂
Less like 📐🔦⛏️✂️
More like
Seriously? Why on earth would you believe that?
Because TBH if you bought a Cybertruck you looked like a complete tool beforehand, this just gave everyone a convenient thing to hang it on
So funny.
"If you want to be a fucking idiot, that's your business--but there's no need to advertise."
Totally true
The truck just announced it to everyone on the road..
Or they could just use cybertrucks, I guess.
They are the ugliest vehicle ever !