If you've requested inclusion but don't see your name, please ask again. Your profile may have been lost during the complicated manual compilation.
If you've requested inclusion but don't see your name, please ask again. Your profile may have been lost during the complicated manual compilation.
#writing #noai
(One of my humor articles this week)
I'd be very grateful if you could include me in your Starter Pack.
Many thanks
Thanks for all you do!
#writing #noai
Thank you for this!
#writing #noai
#writing #noai
#writing #noai
#writing #noai
Could you add me, please?
#writing #noai
*They're good at summarizing text and finding chunks with similar meanings. *Generating* just produces bullshit.
Please include me if there's still room on the list.
#writing #noai
Is there a form to use to apply to join the list?