Most fruit-related idioms use the classics: an apple a day, to go bananas, to cherrypick, and so on. Which new avocado-based idiom should we all start to use?
How concerned should I be with optimal fruit packing strategies when transporting a lot of fruit home from the shops? And does the mode of transport used affect this?
Happy new year! Is it worth still going to the gym in January or skip it because of all the new year resolutionists. I look forward to your accurate assessment and answer
i need to know about hot fruits (not like sexy-hot, but i'm not the boss of you). which are the best fruits to have hot and in what format? are there any fruits that we should never have hot?
Oh goody! I have so many questions!
Firstly, If 2024 was the year of the apple #Bratto, what will be the fruit of 2025?
(Once again many thanks for the 2 apple dance videos
If the US were to build a high speed rail system, what are the first three routes that could be built for maximum adoption to justify further expansion?
Zip lining, roller coasters, and those sorts of things no longer feel scary. What’s a good (safe, legal) way to challenge myself and maybe get an adrenaline rush?
You’ve got a whole train carriage to do with as you please - what sort of services/facilities would you put in it that aren’t available on your standard train?
I once had a whole train carriage to myself and the best I came up with was singing loudly down the whole thing "Carriage to myself, I've got a carriage to myself". This doesn't answer your question but it was a memorable day.
Can you recommend a way to prevent, say, a watermelon from crushing my blueberries while in transit ?
By extension, is it okay to do online shopping in your undercrackers or should there be a dress code for both online and offline retail.
(This was so unlikely. I'm utterly delighted/scared shitless.)
How deep are you willing to go when it comes to answering questions
Firstly, If 2024 was the year of the apple #Bratto, what will be the fruit of 2025?
(Once again many thanks for the 2 apple dance videos
The One Show should have that once a month at least
Advice/instructions are always welcome because I genuinely need help... just generally
aisles would you prioritise?