Do you really think he won, though? There are reports of mass disenfranchisement, voter suppression, voting machine hacking, and dozens of Russian bomb threats. TRUMP DIDN'T WIN! ELON AND PUTIN DID!
It's important to recognize that eggs were the surface level rationale. They became symbolic. When you mention the eggs, it should be done almost mockingly, daring them to admit why they really voted for him.
If prices are skyrocketing and the economy is tanking, why do they still support him?
The avian flu, and this is more due to horrible farming practices in the USA than trump.
But yeah, MAGA/trump will never EVER take responsibility for anything negative (and will take credit for everything positive).
The entire story behind Trumism (and Nazism) is to blame the other, esp. the weaker
Well, it's both. He did campaign on high prices and inflation. He also campaigned on xenophobia and racism.
If and when the country goes into recession and high unemployment, you'll see his approval numbers go way down. Even the racists value their wallet over their bigotry.
The system must be replaced its not that v
Complicated. Trump didn't win the democrats lost because nobody wants genocidal war criminals to be elected anymore. The Republicans will lose voters over war crimes. The truth is we need to stop being imperialist assholes here and in the world
Yes, MAGAs voted for hate. But they did NOT vote for ending cancer research, closing the department of education, or firing veterans as MAGA representatives keep claiming.
They voted for hate and lower prices. They’re only being given one of those.
Yes. A lot of the sane-washing the media does on his behalf has the effect of "de Nazifying" him. E.g., turning his mass deportation scheme into a plan to lower housing prices and generally failing to take his racism at face value. So, the question is, why do they do it?
I still remember 45 saying that we didn’t have to vote and we would never have to vote again that Elmo was going to take care of it all. I still believe the election was stolen.🤬💙
The American electorate deserves some explanation and recount of the last election before we start taking the blame for what happened in Nov' 24- The Russian bomb threats, burned ballot boxes, stolen ballot boxes, voter registrations overturned, Elon's vote tally program - none of that was normal
and that’s what America has been since inception…we want trauma for others more than we want good things for ourselves…after church services on Sunday they attend a lynching in the town square…
OFHS Musk and Putin handed tRump the election and they are counting on Dems et al to be too polite to complain.
#TrumpIsDestroyingAmerica #TrumpIsAConvictedFelon
Totally agree with you! When our future conservative Chancellor here in Germany did Team up with the right wing party AfD for stronger Migration laws , we saw Protests of hundreds of thousands. Not in US and much worse is happening now
sorry, that’s a simplified story that doesn’t work for me.
trump planted hate, watered and fostered it, lined pockets of oligarchs and right wing whackos, promised big business rewards, all the while lying to vulnerable and uneducated people, and hateful people with their own agendas.
Both are true. Hate and abuse of power drives much of MAGA base. No doubt. There are others, likely a minority of Trump voters, who are suffering from inflation/cost of living. Dems didn’t effectively address this, bc it happened under Biden and they are responsible for the economy during his term.
For this reason I get tired of "what the Democrats did wrong." They didn't do anything wrong. They offered hope and joy, and the electorate wanted hate and fear. That's it. That's what happened.
They didn't run on hope and joy. They ran on, "Hey, at least we're not the other guys." Hope and joy would have been cutting off Israel's arms shipments.
Sorry, but you have to offer Americans more than hope and joy. If they had run on income inequality (instead of cozying up to Wall St.), they probably would have won. Dems tried to win votes from mythical demographics while shivving the Left and progressives — bad idea.
We got rid of the best president in my lifetime. How that was allowed to happen after I voted in the primary, has never been explained properly. Nor will it. And on we spiral
Sadly, that’s not how it works. What we’ve already seen is that many white nationalists on govt assistance are fine with their govt assistance being cut if it means that “urban” [black] Americans won’t get govt assistance. This is the hard cold truth about the never-dying Confederacy in America.
Yes. They liked the hate and now he’s turning his hate on everyone. The only way out IMO is to educate the red state voters on how Trump is hurting them. Make them put pressure on Congress. All of this distraction on the CR is a waste of time and energy.
This country was founded on discriminatory practices and beliefs and they continue to predominate and manifest themselves in new and novel ways today, such as in the form of choosing a known racist and misogynist to lead.
Racist hate is the reason for his win. Trump took the most primal of all human emotions - FEAR - and manipulated his uneducated base with hateful lies. Racist hate is driven by fear. Spending millions lying about Black immigrants eating cats sure scared the bejeezus out of those inbred buffoons.
As an outsider, this seems to me to be the truth. The attitude of so many of the American electorate is totally incomprehensible, but can, perhaps, at least in part, be attributed to the enormous cultural divide in your Country.
The truth hurts that there are so many morally bankrupt people that support this felon. They have totally succumbed to his evil, and he is supported by his evil ilk. How is good and decency supposed to prevail when outnumbered? AMERICA is fucking ugly now.
I just watched Meet the Press and the poll numbers confirm this. Yes, the Felons poll numbers are bad but they aren’t as bad as they should be considering what is happening.
People really are easily indoctrinated by 24/7 propaganda. True in Nazi Germany and true in America today. Reich wing media has indoctrinated a huge swath of the population into believing total twaddle. Fascism 101: keep the population ignorant of the truth and redirect attention via scapegoating.
I will never believe he “won.” He stole it, Dems lost it, Musk bought it are all truer statements than “he won.” He does absolutely nothing honestly so “winning” is not possible.
And he is far more likely to have stolen the election, rather than won it. All those years he shouted "Stop the steal" at a fair election was a confession that stealing was his plan from the outset. Not just to stay out of jail, but to believe he is worth the power he stole. He isn't. Never was.
The craziest thing is that, yes, he did campaign on hate and abusing power, and maybe 5-10% of voters, the ones who handed him the victory, simply didn't think he meant it.
yes and this is sad too...makes you all look like idiots but hey you all post this useless bs....where is your action? have you done ANYTHING about it?
oh wait you posted something that made you look stupid.
I think hatred was a driver for alot of people, but there are far too many that were also just frustrated and didn’t know where to look to. This is a common theme with cults, and with further isolation from those close to them via social media, these cult members just sank further into it.
I can’t (and shouldn’t) explain the intricate cult dynamics that Trump’s base display, but I also think further rejecting those that did vote for him, isolating them more, only increases the severity of this phenomenon. Reason with them and show proof of harm, many of them are starting to realize.
the more uncomfortable truth is that elon hacked the election in swing states and putin interfered especially on election day creating chaotic wait times at polling places in swing states. the only thing the democrats did wrong was to underestimate just how much Trump would cheat to stay out of jail
Def. agree that 40% are COMPLETE assholes.
I disagree about the other 40% you reference. Not that many are truly apathetic. And surely you’ve met apathetic people who aren’t assholes? I mean, they ought to care about who becomes POTUS, but many uneducated folks don’t realize how much it matters.
Thing is that you had several very loud Dem voices prior to the election point to egg prices as exactly why they disbelieved every attempt by the Biden admin to say the economy was good and improving, and many used it as the exact rationale to refuse to support Biden and Harris.
No, Trump himself didn't campaign on it. But the GOP absolutely capitalized on folks claiming that Biden's economy had in fact left everyone poor and miserable because of egg prices and Uber Eats fees
He bought up TV & radio stations & screamed 24/7 that Democrats wanted to give kindergarteners sex change operations & tried to assassinate him & Democrats lied about the election & were stealing money while he raked in cash promising pay for play from foreigners. He scrubbed voter rolls & lied.
In a similar way, i had a student tell me the other day that Trump stole this election. I replied "no one has stolen an election. Not in 2016, not 2020, and not now. The harder pill you're going to have to swallow is that a majority of people did vote for this."
I read interviews with voters in the NYT, debating on if they should Trump or not, and many said yes to Trump. How could they ignore the lies, the hate on women, the racism and the cheating? Well they did, and now look at them. Idiots to a man and woman.
The sorry state of MAINSTREAM MEDIA is pretty damned bad. The way they’ve kissed up to Trump is SHAMEFUL. It’s SYCOPHANTIC. They don’t deserve our $, or our attention. That includes network & cable news with a couple of exceptions like MADDOW & O’Donnell.
And that's why we continue to pretend that Trump is the problem. We don't want to come to grips with the reality of 77 million citizens that VOTED for "retribution" (and a similar number too clueless to vote at all). The real possibility that Americans just can't handle "democracy."
To be clear, he is doing most of the shit he campaigned on. He is a dictator. He is shutting down the whole government and implementing 2025. Everyone knew this was the plan. And he won. I hate it, but there it is.
Sometimes we see Republicans complaining about the way things are going with the administration and every single one that I've seen has been someone who thought that he would be fucking over minorities instead of them.
Not realizing that the poor are also an oppressed minority. Welcome aboard.
Not really, before the Harris campaign flipped to using project 2025 and other fascist watchdog items a few weeks before the election he couldn't back pedal fast enough and straight out lie about what their plans were. She was trying to thread a moderate, center right needle.
Where where I’m at in Florida it is very red, but there are blue parts a little bit south of me.
I handled the social media for the local DEMHQ for HER.
This election was stolen as we were told. No one had to vote that Elmo would handle it, and he certainly did. 💙🤬STOLEN!
i agree the median republican voter wants this. but I still contend that low info swing voters broke for Trump because of the economy, handing him a victory.
But why did those low-info voters trust Trump on the economy? Because they believed him when he said the bad economy was due to immigrants and minorities, and that the Dems cared more about 'them' instead of 'you'.
I think they were repeatedly told the economy was bad. Those in difficult economic situations, their situations have been the same for a long time, under first term Trump and Biden. They let themselves be bamboozled. At some point, we have to hold the adults accountable for believing the lies.
If prices are skyrocketing and the economy is tanking, why do they still support him?
But yeah, MAGA/trump will never EVER take responsibility for anything negative (and will take credit for everything positive).
The entire story behind Trumism (and Nazism) is to blame the other, esp. the weaker
Absolutely insane any intelligent person doesn't know that
If and when the country goes into recession and high unemployment, you'll see his approval numbers go way down. Even the racists value their wallet over their bigotry.
Complicated. Trump didn't win the democrats lost because nobody wants genocidal war criminals to be elected anymore. The Republicans will lose voters over war crimes. The truth is we need to stop being imperialist assholes here and in the world
Hate is the reason. Egg prices were the excuse.
Fascists have always been a minority, they're just willing to win with dirty tricks.
They voted for hate and lower prices. They’re only being given one of those.
I understand the confusion, but it was the New York Times that campaigned on Trump’s behalf with egg prices, not the Trump campaign proper.
Trump did not win the election.
Harris lost it because voters did not want 4 more years of Biden.
“No daylight, kid,” Biden said.
#TrumpIsDestroyingAmerica #TrumpIsAConvictedFelon
Democracy lost.
trump planted hate, watered and fostered it, lined pockets of oligarchs and right wing whackos, promised big business rewards, all the while lying to vulnerable and uneducated people, and hateful people with their own agendas.
is different than you
The Robber Baron breast feeding
JD Vance and
Nazi Supervillain
The NAZI behind the NAZI
Injects himself with hormone growth cells harvested from…
-wait, get this-
Why? In his search for eternal life! You can’t make this shit up
Hunt this twisted evil mthrfkr down
It works for me.
There were some who bought into his relentless lies that Biden created a terrible economy & inflation — and Trump would fix it.
Yes. Yes that is who the majority of American voters are.
80% of Republicans fully support this evil man today. Many 'independents''as well.
It's hate. Hate for people of color, women, gay people, immigrants and liberals.
I just gotta keep tapping this sign, fam
oh wait you posted something that made you look stupid.
A few days ago, my wife told me she’d recently stated she didn’t like him at all, but voted for him on economy and because she’s a Republican—
I disagree about the other 40% you reference. Not that many are truly apathetic. And surely you’ve met apathetic people who aren’t assholes? I mean, they ought to care about who becomes POTUS, but many uneducated folks don’t realize how much it matters.
He didn’t legitimately win. He and Musk altered vote tallies in the swing states.
Check my pinned post.
Not realizing that the poor are also an oppressed minority. Welcome aboard.
I handled the social media for the local DEMHQ for HER.
This election was stolen as we were told. No one had to vote that Elmo would handle it, and he certainly did. 💙🤬STOLEN!
That means even Trump knows that Kamala Harris would've actually won the election if Elon Musk had not interfered in it.
This does not absolve the 77M who voted for him - or the 33% who claimed they were equally bad & didn't vote at all.
Triumpism is but a symptom of that fatal flaw.
low info voters are unfamiliar with how to navigate our increasingly propagandized information space (is he a successful businessman or a crook?).