This message is brought to you by the letter K. Remember kids, excessive use of ketamine can cause delusional behaviors. It can also cause urinary problems, just saying…
He's not as smart as people have been led to believe. The whole "Occupy Mars" idea is not possible.
If I get more views on this, I'll post another one going into more detail.
Please read.
There's a reason why, even with 3 exes and around a dozen children, Elmo couldn't think of anything better to do with himself than shitpost on CHRISTMAS DAY
No, nope, nah, he doesn't know anything about that, you are speaking a foreign language on that, and if you tried any foreign language in school you know what I meant it
Make stuff up? Who's making anything up? He IS racist, he is homophobic, he is transphobic, and everything else. He DID inherit from his father and there are OTHER men who invented Tesla, not him! So please f off. I'm telling the truth about what a POS he is.
If he had an ounce of self awareness we wouldn't ever have to put up with him any more. He'd recognize the complete *ss he's made of himself on the world stage and not show his face again. Or at the least, stick to his core businesses. L have government alone. Please.
Why MAGAts just gave him the world on a silver platter?
He no longer has to worry about unions… if they want to pay you one dollar an hour now you either accept it or starve to death either way you’re gonna starve to death. They don’t care about you or your feelings
I can pinpoint WHEN the change happened from businesses offering on the job training to "nope, gotta have experience. Same time the "Personnel Dept" changed its name to Human Resources. Reagan, 1980's. I lived it.
He never invented a thing. He purchased other people's achievements with daddy's apartheid emerald mine money and slapped his ugly mug on them, and took all the credit. Then morons call him a genius.
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same....
If you had parents who were doctors, you'd have observed the same behavior from crappy people they knew. I had relatives come into a room, ignore me and only talk to my dad. My friend was good at trivia, when he was out of town, no one would play until he came back.
Well, they are already talking about outsourcing our tech job cause apparently Americans are too stupid. I don't know about you, but I am very offended.
Beside CEO, he lists himself as CTO and SpaceX. He has a BA in physics--that's the degree that doesn't require deep understanding or hard math. He's just a very lucky money man. He uses others money to make himself wealthy--his parents, investors, taxpayers. He never actually made anything.
So you don't think starting and growing companies and becoming the richest man in the world is making anything, if it's so easy why haven't you done it, he started space x with the money he made from 2 other companies that he started and sold not investors money.
He doesn't need people to tell him ... he tells himself his ego fantasies every day on "X". He is so self absorbed he doesn't have clue that he is a total azzhole.
Part of me pities him, for he is desperate to be liked; the bigger part of me wants to put my foot on his throat and crush him like the insect he is. Pathetic.
Trump has the same problem.
Unfortunately, they are now sharing orbits, but not the same "yes men" and someone's about to get their feelings hurt.
I can't wait to see what the fallout will be from their inevitable falling out.
If I get more views on this, I'll post another one going into more detail.
Please read.
He no longer has to worry about unions… if they want to pay you one dollar an hour now you either accept it or starve to death either way you’re gonna starve to death. They don’t care about you or your feelings
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same....
Yer not 'Ol Musky
‘..but I really have the personality of a turd.’