“I’m a Tariff Man. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing some. You know I'm automatically attracted to self-destructive tariffs. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
Still a felon and rapist.
Does he just do this yo attract attention?
This is a petulant child who read the part he liked and not the whole thing and will tank his country and bring the world down with it.
Props to: @meidastouch.com
Is it just me, or is that a crazy statement?
“Woohoo! I’m gonna be rich!”
The importer pays the $$ to the govt. Then the seller passes on the increase in cost to me. So I’m essentially handing over my $$ to the govt thru a middleman 🤦♀️
If a widget is $2 from the US and $1 from China, you add a 1.5$ tariff to the Chinese one to make the US more competitive, so the money doesn't leave the country
So the govt is raising the cost to me & pocketing the money unless I buy American (assuming it exists). If I buy US, then the 💰 goes to the corps, which are mostly billionaires
So billionaires get a tax credit & my 💵 unless I buy small biz
Funny thing is they turned up in our "Dollar Store" in the UK because there were container loads of them available cheap on the market
Are we really in this reality?
Failed in the 19th century
Failed in the 20th century
Sensing a pattern, genius?
Of course he doesn’t care about ppl who weren’t born rich 😞
May 11, 2023
Mexico to send more National Guard troops to the southern border
The Ministry of National Defense, last month that over 25,000 troops were carrying out migration-related tasks on the southern and northern borders.
July 12, 2022
Mexico to put $1.5 bln into upgrading border as Biden meets Lopez Obrador
Sounds like a weird comic book villian, lol
Anyway I'm thinking Trumpty didn't listen in his Econ 101 class about tariffs because Americans are going to pay not China or Canada or Mexico
I don't want America to be rich. I want It's people to be rich. Or at least educated.
Hmm.. 🤨
The Golden Age = The Robber Baron's (Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan, Vanderbilt).
High tariffs mean we pay more - message "buy American" - from monopolies - taking advantage of workers and consumers.
Only the billionaires win here.
Next in line is Europe.
We need to make it easy for all women, you can be anywhere + still have an impact! We need to come together to show our power!!
I would prefer to see NO PICTURES of this person.
Second, even we charge other countries to pay up, they’ll simply take their business elsewhere.
must be so proud, so very proud, of their finest super-genius alumnus, Donald Jessica Trump.
And his sidekick, Elon.
But yall got rid of him over a BJ. If only such standards were around today…
We would like something more than a concept of a plan.
the world has tariffs on russia
so, t puts tariffs on the world
Jesus Fucking Christ