When their domestic politics is based solely on being assholes to half the country, we shouldn't be surprised that this intentionally inflammatory approach spills over into their foreign diplomacy. These are neither serious nor nice people.
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Not a thing. Trump doesn’t have to be paid or compromised to have simpatico with brutal autocrats Eg Duerte of the Philippines, from whom he couldn’t get anything of value. His sociopathy leads him to them.
Similarly his disgust with democracies is real, he sees them as weak and effeminate.
Does it though? He's a known germaphobe, he puts out a persona of vast wealth with his gaudy decor. If people actually knew how depraved he is, he probably couldn't survive that. He NEEDS the cheers, crowds & rallies, & he knows he'll lose many followers if that tape is released. He won't risk it.
Actually they are assholes to about 75% of the country. Half the country didn't or couldn't vote, the other half was narrowly split. So only 23% of the country voted for Trump. They are the only ones who don't see Trump as an asshole towards them.
I have been looking for Republicans to stand up and say Trump and Vance are wrong. I guess greed and power mean more than democracy and the American people. What happened with Zelensky today shows that neither Trump nor Vance is fit to lead America. What is it going to take-full submission to Putin?
I know we have more serious concerns, but every time I look at this photo all I see is a bronze skeleton sitting patiently in a chair between Trump and Vance.
I suspect there will be a special place in hell and The Hague for both of them at some point. Hopefully we can stop them before they do too much damage.
That’s was the most disgusting exhibition of schoolyard bullying that took place in the Whitehouse against Zelenskyy.
The whole world must
loudly admonish the President and all who took part in that farce.
I did not think I could despise this administration any more than when I saw that video Trump put out about his vision of “Trump Gaza” There is not a word in the current dictionary of how I feel now. These people, all of the GOP, are pure evil.
and let him
know we are hoping
Hell start now!
CALL YOUR worthless REP ask the sob if he's okay with learning to Goosestep singing the Russian national Anthem and slinging donny's golden pisspot?
But they are dangerous people. By the way ole JD just ruined his political future should we prevail. However I do believe it was staged and Trump put him up to it. I liked the “trump is the American hitler” JD better than the “sure I’ll degrade myself and family for you “, JD.
The number of times that JD Vance jumped in to just keep demanding a thank you was ridiculous. That’s all you have to say dummy, and he has thanked us many times over and over but you want him to bow down to YOU today?
Stand corrected as POTUS Ford was speaker when VP Agnew resign...trouble with IRS then he became POTUS when I'm not a crook Nixon resigned. Can't remember who took VP spot after Ford
Oh I know you are, but if the worst did happen, certainly during Trump's presidency, and a 9/11 style attack happened on US soil I'd hope the rest of us would shrug and say, "well you should have made a deal, not our problem". Lessons must be learned.
And you would be playing directly into Trump and Putin’s game to act that way towards the USA . We are currently experiencing a hostile takeover of our democracy. Of course they want to chase off all of our allies.
And notice that trump continues to practice deflecting accusing President Zelensky of being on the verge of starting WWIII, when in truth, that’s what trump is doing and wants to do, start a war so he can be a “war president”.
They are also profoundly stupid if they don't realize that Putin will happily stable them in the back the first chance he gets. Never forget, he was a KGB officer that believes the tragedy of his life is the breakup of the Soviet Union. He wants to put it back together.
Seems to me it's time to impeach these treasonous people who are in the executive office. It's very obvious they are working for Putin. Where is Joe McCarthy, he'd be on fire now.
I don’t understand why everyone is so surprised at his flagrant disrespect for Zelenskyy when he has literally been calling Democrats “The Enemy Within” for years. Cant you see what he’s doing to our own country? Of course he did it to Ukraine.
Don’t be surprised if Dicktator just doesn’t wake up from one of his sundown naps one day or the First Bait Buddy enters a forever khole. 🕳️ The Extreme Court made it entirely legal for the previous administration to order that and short of firing the entire secret service there’s no way to stop it.
Trump wants an honorable exit from the War, he knows that NATO does not have the strength to beat Russia, a defeat for NATO will be a defeat for the United States.
This was a fucking WH of NAZIs and a wannabe Dick-tator acting the way they do because they were brought up by animals.
Raised by animals, lived like animals, and are animals...all for their animas lowest common denominators...the animals that support these POS that have no respect from
any normal person in this world..The world should mock the weakest country in the world...Real Americans are very sorry the world had to see these amoral and ethical-less, character-less, POS that occupy the WH!
With the policies he's enacting he may just end up killing enough of his base. We just have to hold out hope there's elections in our future. A new flag will go up when he's finally gone.
I have spent the day aghast and basically unable to do anything productive due to the sheer volume of disgust and abhorrence I have for these deplorable shit excuses for human beings.
Donald Trump and JD Vance need to be removed from office. They need to be making bad home movies.
Has anyone filed articles of impeachment yet? How many days in are we?
I'll give JD one thing: compared to Trump, he's got huge hands. That hillbilly has gone way past fucking sofas - probably into BarcaLounger territory and farm animals too.
Trump and Vance are dilettantes. They are inexperienced, unqualified, temperamentally unsound, and are partisan hacks. They are an embarrassment to all Americans. They bring shame to us and exhibit childish egotistical bullying traits. We are losing it all unless we get them removed from office.
The Felon-In-Chief is a big f*cking bully. Disgusting, disrespectful and shameful to Ukraine. The bone spurred dodge drafting puppet to pre$ident mu$k is not interested in democracy but in kissing putin's ass. So embarrassing to be an American
They will never resign. They must be impeached. But Trump will remove Congress before he lets that happen. And they should be expecting that. They are federal workers too.
When I see people suggesting that the elderly Trump dying of natural causes while in office is a solution to our troubles I am reminded of how utterly toxic and shameful Vance is. The man wants battered women to stay with their abuser ffs. His foreign policy is being nasty and insulting to allies.
The biggest foreign policy blunder in US history happened today and the entire Civilized World was outraged at the contemptible behavior of the 'so called' leader of the free World. Oh and the stock market went up.
Why aren’t people challenging Trump’s deal making skills. A monkey can force a victim to capitulate. The skill is making the aggressor stop. What a deal making phoney.
He’ll end the war in 24 hrs he said.
Mexico will pay.
Healthcare is an easy one.
Day 1 prices will go ⬇️…
I wonder if any of the #Republicans, whose morals are thrashed, took a step closer and wondered WTF?
Nah… probably happy to go along with the ass kicking they think #Zelenskyy took. I felt he held himself well, actually.
No minerals for you!! 💩
It was a setup. They were looking for a pretext to side with Russia and they knew that Zelenskyy didn't like bullies. So they bullied him for the cameras. But they should have done it in private, because we all saw who had courage.
Contact the White House via email and let your feelings known, inundate them with complaints about the felon's behavior today. Then do it everyday. Contact your Reps and demand they submit Articles of Impeachment, even thought the Dems are in the minority. We know he's committing high crimes daily.
Look at that fucking cunt JD doing his trademark look away and putting up his hand when he’s unhappy with being confronted, and immediately devolves into his standard condescending response.
He’s a fucking asshole.
Unqualified to be a diplomat and only there as a protege of Theil.
Vance needs to be sitting at the card table used for the kids, Trump needs his car keys taken away and a mild sedative, Zelenskyy has the bandwidth to run both of our countries.
You’re absolutely right about the kind of people they are, but I’d submit that they’re aiming at a lot more than half the country- the analysis that https://electiontruthalliance.org and https://smartelections.us are doing points to the possibility of a much, much smaller election result for these guys.
Similarly his disgust with democracies is real, he sees them as weak and effeminate.
(And god, Vance is a total dick!)
The whole world must
loudly admonish the President and all who took part in that farce.
and let him
know we are hoping
Hell start now!
CALL YOUR worthless REP ask the sob if he's okay with learning to Goosestep singing the Russian national Anthem and slinging donny's golden pisspot?
High Water Pants
“Donald Trump and JD Vance used the sacred Oval Office to berate President Zelenskyy for not trusting Putin’s word.”
The Vice President become president, but then gets to appoint his replacement (25th Amendment, Sec 2) which is approved by Congress
Before that, when a president was taken from office and VP became prez, the VP office remained vacant!!
On a scale of 1 to America how free are you right now?
Speaking as a Brit I sincerely hope that if the US is ever attacked we tell you all to fuck off when you come begging, Article 5 in hand, again.
That said, I hope it doesn't happen.
Ukraine was able to bitchslap Russia with just support...imagine when NATO gets involved to curbstomp whats left of Russia's military.
And How much LOWER will the right wing Dbags take America? Lower. Always lower.
Raised by animals, lived like animals, and are animals...all for their animas lowest common denominators...the animals that support these POS that have no respect from
Not only does this administration pose a grave danger to our country, it is also a grave embarrassment!
I was just never much of an apprentice fan.
Completely forgot about nature boy's work with animals.
Has anyone filed articles of impeachment yet? How many days in are we?
Being unkind is a form of showmanship for them.
They take pride in oppression and suffering from those they believe to be beneath them.
opens its mouth what comes out is the biggest heap of 💩. Just watched Rubio …what’s what’s he licking?
Zelensky on Fox! Epic
America is now on the wrong side ..
because he does not speak for DEMOCRACY
It's the fucking Billionaires people.
They really are that stupid and vindictive
He’ll end the war in 24 hrs he said.
Mexico will pay.
Healthcare is an easy one.
Day 1 prices will go ⬇️…
#traitor #treason
Nah… probably happy to go along with the ass kicking they think #Zelenskyy took. I felt he held himself well, actually.
No minerals for you!! 💩
Now you know why Trump & cult want the borders close North and South.
He’s a fucking asshole.
Unqualified to be a diplomat and only there as a protege of Theil.
Fuck him.
All a theatrical production for an audience of one, putin
He threw it all away because he wanted to seem powerful. He's just an idiot. #gop #maga #Ukraine 🇺🇦