We have a president who brags about sending people to prisons that will treat them inhumanely.
Such depravity.
Such depravity.
If he deported me back home.....I'd go and see my mum.
A cesspool of festering excrement in the hot desert sun doesn't even come close.
Talks about “fun videos” from El Salvador prison. These are the most inhumane people
Before Thier trials
Don't be NAZIS!!!
Nothing about him is redeemable.
And Christians voted for this?
What are they writing in that Good book these days?
Because Biff sure ain't Godly.
his sorry pathetic ass isn’t
in prison right now.
he’s just a waste of space.
You finally got the president you deserve.
He is thee dumbest and most hateful president ever.
But considering America handed him two sepparate presidential terms, it will take a significant amount of proof to convince me otherwise
Time to make his senators more afraid of you than they are of him!!
Buchenwald concentration camp 1945
He's a seriously sick mofo!
Now all sales have dried up he needs money somehow!!!
Break a billionaire a day means you’ll live to fight another day.
How do we ever trust them?
This user belongs on Twitter where people what to see this crap.
Why are you bring the hate bait here?
Since there is no justice (because we wouldn't be here if there was) I don't see things ending well for the current administration and those helping him to commit crimes.
Such a fine line
Did you expect a roaring river of milk of human kindness, flowing there instead?
What else would anyone expect?
They do all of this openly and with what seems like glee.
Republicans have cured me of patriotism.
The MAGA concentration camps will presumably remain offshore beyond the reach of US law!
Trump wants to be remembered the same way Hitler is remembered today. He wants a reign of terror to call his own.
He is talking about himself.
HE should be the one going to jail and 20 years would just about do it.
History will reveal how twisted our thinking had become regarding prisoners. They’re people and treating them no better than a pile of stinking garbage reflects on us very badly
He never intended to do anything for US. Only to US because he is a mentally deranged sick fucker.
When he says something, watch for his underhanded, underlying, statements. Like so:
Stop posting, get marching. The time for action is now.
We are really beyond redemption if a majority of our citizens support this.
I'm terrified for them, and I wish the court system worked faster, and they were working on bringing them home.
Come on, Big Mac. Do your thing. Hurry up!!!
It's criminal he's just rounding up people and shipping them without due process to prove their guilt.