While I greatly appreciate AOC and Bernie Sanders barnstorming against the meanness, lies, and ineptitude of Trump/Musk, I have to wonder, where are the Obamas? Where are Biden & Harris? Where are the Clintons?
This is an "all hands on deck" situation.
This is an "all hands on deck" situation.
Anyone who cares about our Democracy needs to get out there and speak through the media to all of America.
he is 78 and the last time we saw him he looked
People say they want to hear from them but y’all would just yell at them.
They warned this would happen. Nobody listened to them.
They continue to make millions of dollars exactly because their status and they are receiving Fed monies.
Yes, they do owe us (and their children) more than what they are giving.
I blame the patriarchy
Leadership isn’t about tweets, speeches, or book deals; it’s about action. And right now, we’re seeing very little of it from those who should be stepping up.
And let's be honest, can you see any of those people standing in front of a million person march on the Capitol.
This is their time, maybe they know that.
It’s up to US, not them.
This is on us not anyone else but us. Not the obamas, not Biden or Harris and not the Clintons.
2016: Hillary, er, Debbie WS, squashed the Bernie vote
2020: The DNC strategically propped up more candidates to dilute Bernie, then endorse the DNC approved.
Their true colors have shown.
If they are patriotic Americans, they don't have any right to go down fyall Blvd.
That's where orange is
And, they wouldn’t get these crowds. We have to really stop holding onto the old guard, centrist, way of thinking. This is the proof.
THAT Is why we had so many Dems sit out.
Maybe they aren’t here because they feel unsafe here, and the whole world is in jeopardy right now, and they are rallying democracy in other countries.
The Obamas produced a movie warning us about what’s coming next.
Bernie Sanders and AOC are still office holders. They are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
Hillary TOLD y'all Trump was a Russian plant.
Kamala TOLD y'all what Trump was going to do to our Democracy.
Joe DID everything he could to fix the economy and protect us and Y'ALL STILL VOTED FOR TRUMP.
Get up off your ass and talk to your people. Find the Spirit of 1776 and fight like your country depends on it, because it does.
But let them rest. They DID their job. It's up to We The People now.
Or, have you forgotten that SCOTUS granted presidents immunity for their official acts, and that those acts could include sending military personnel to execute his political rivals?
He didn't have the balls to say anything before the election, I doubt he'll grow a pair now.
If you aren’t genuine, you are nothing.
That’s why AOC and Bernie are kicking it right now.
She’s the cooler older sister, he’s the grandpa next door.
Past politicians have baggage.
In fact, their voice would only comfort the already believers.
🤔Go figure.
The yam's public antics of the last 4 are *not* how proper former presidents behave.
Classless embarassment.
Politically unwise to wheel them back out. Harris and Clinton have both lost to him & would be easy targets. New leaders are needed.
GWB, Paul Ryan et al have a lot more to answer for 😡
They’re like ghosts.
This is one of those moments in time where true leaders emerge. Maybe it’s better this way.
I never understood the big deal about his age. If Joe was on life support, he'd be a better POTUS than Trump, and Kamala was more than capable of the job.
Those people are not going to give that up so we can have universal health care, education, functioning infrastructure & free & fair elections.
Sanders & AOC are packing venues while mainstream Dems are packing it in 🙄
Radar v republican 👇
It's a stupid rule. They should break it. Trump's broken plenty.
During their highest & lowest points of visibility & activity, they've never seemed to have been able to do enough to satisfy anyone.
So be it.
We've done so much to beg for working people's money to do incremental steps to appear we're doing something.
Welp, I made my couple of mil or more over the years, let them feel the pain for not giving us their unearned vote.
You warriors!!
They did everything humanly possible to stop us from doing this to ourselves. Sacrificed years.
They couldn't have warned us more.
And make no mistake...
We did do this to ourselves, because not enough people cared.
Bernie is out there saying he'll put up a bill to cut Israel off. He of course doesn't mention that Trump would have to sign it.
Honestly the far left move is the only shot we have left so it's probably best for the old guard to stay out of it.
But instead she is VILIFIED by both sides.
I still stand with her.
being an exception - at that time I thought US was maturing. But nope). Stop looking backwards.
Where are the Bushes?
Follow her for 3 daily wins & what’s Dems are doing daily
Will the dictator's rabid supporters be satisfied with No soul exposed only her fleshy come hither & get it old photo plays?
Also, you white people need to stop asking Black people to do the work that you and your own demographic put us here.
stop this bullshit what about this person crap.
Call Republicans, show up to townhalls etc…
I’d stfu and lay low too.
looks like the DNC ops have cheatsheet.
- denied a primary to replace Biden
- denied a pro-Palestinian on the convention stage
- re-approved funding to Israel's military
- shrugged their shoulders when a Parlimentarian "kind of" blocked the BBA
2. They are all private citizens. We as white ppl need to stop asking Black ppl to work for us for free also.
3. This whole thing is the fault of white ppl. It is our hands who shld be on deck. Stop doing this nonsense.
AOC and Bernie are doing their job.
The Obamas Biden Clinton’s et al are establishment Dems. They exist solely to take up air and smother any movement that would actually change anything.
It’s not a serious question.
We need new leaders and while Bernie isn’t ‘new’ relatively AOC is.
Let’s see more ‘newcomers’ step up to the plate.
Leaders of tomorrow are needed today.
Personally while I liked Obama, he helped create this issue with his bailout of the 2008 crisis
Clintons, that era has passed
Barack now opens for Michelle.
And Michelle is apart of the 92%
(Sistas are tired… time for others to step up)
I’m not trusting this fool in office and his white nationalist.
They are out of politics now and it’s a waste of energy to demand anything of their time
A party that instead bowed down to an elected position.
Joe saw no alternative, because Americans think a President is on a pedestal.
Read about it today. He was getting bashed by Steve Schmidt calling for the Dems to ditch him.
Waiting for shit to get THAT bad. Because maybe THEN they can capitalize.
Like Oprah.
The Democrats can’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
1. thanks for not cowardly blocking me
- @lisatalmadge.bsky.social
- @reallydebl.bsky.social ... nope nope, she blocked me as I was composing this
- sounds a bit like a king demanding respect, doesn't it?
3. You sure are throwing out a lot of flak. I'll try to organize responses to each in a better format (<300chars).
- Bye: @caffeinehusky.bsky.social
- Bye: @chchch-cherrybomb.bsky.social
and why is that @caffeinehusky.bsky.social ?
The mechanism that suppressed Bernie doesn't care about America's democracy, they care about "getting paid".
Bernie/AOC: 34K turnout today in Denver
You can’t leave 🇺🇸
You need to pay back
Speak up
Join Meidas or AOC & Sanders
Slowwalking is not a crime but in this case it was a ticket to Dictature for your own people 💙🥲🥲🥲
Where we recognize who the real opposition are, and are not.
We had a no brainer in front of us and nit picked it away. We need to do better too.
Leave the Black people alone. They’ve done enough and put up with enough, especially Michelle and Kamala.
And the Clintons? I blame Bill for moving us to the center and for that being the beginning of where we are now
Where are George W Bush, Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Cindy McCain? This is a fight for democracy, not just for Democrats.
Two words: wealth inequality.
Don't address it? This is the consequence.
Time for new blood