Why would we use the euro when we aren't in the EU? The Canadian dollar has nothing to do with it and we're not going to be pushed around by Europe any more than we are by 'Murica.
I wasn't suggesting there was, I was responding to the poster's comment that we should change our currency to the Euro. That would be pushing us around if there was ever such an expectation on the part of Europeans.
Give it up old man. You keep threatening everyone so no one wants to work with you. You keep crying wolf and no one believes you. You’re a petulant man-baby who’s destroying a nation and economy. Everyone is sick of it.
When using "a bunch of," you typically use the plural verb "are" because the focus is on the multiple items within the bunch, not the bunch itself as a single entity.
Not sure I agree. A bunch refers to one thing. Also, can you have more than one bunch and would that not be plural? This is more fun than political discussions.
Just seeing this comment on my feed, with no names or mentions of offices, there is no doubt who you are taking about. Your average person off the street would know just from the awful context we live in. What a sad state of affairs.
Yes stupid and mean people are destined to lead the world to its darkest ending.
This why it is not really advised to put them in charge of a major nuclear and military superpower.
We need to put a memo on that one, just in case...
This election was stolen by Russia and Elon. Do we really think Trump won ALL of the swing states? Doubtful. With the hacking of our voting systems, so go all of of our elections.
This seems like a fitting moment to rob you all of your illusions that there would be anybody to stop your nuclear apocalypse FOR YOU, shoud Mar-A-Lardo decide to push the button.
Sleep tight!
Thread: https://bsky.app/profile/idiokratie.bsky.social/post/3lglafadkix27
Idiot Nazi trump fails to understand no one gives a rats ass what he does we will just boycott even more. He has mistaken us for someone who cares what an idiot Nazi thinks when he has no clue on how this shit works. The USA is not the king of Nazi shit. More like the Nazi idiot trash to avoid.
We've updated our app to prevent accidental group chat invites. Now, you won't have to explain top-secret war plans to a confused stranger named Jeffrey.
Someone described him the other day as the equivalent of a five-year old boy. Continue to lie when it is obvious, never acknowledge you lied and definitely never say you are sorry. This was in regards to the pathetic attempt to cover up Signal-gate, but I think it works in many contexts.
They all think the world doesn’t have alternatives to the United States. Our citizenry is soon to find out how much we need the outside world, their products, their alliances when tRump has effectively alienated everyone.
One friend comes into a group of friends, flings shit in their faces, and then complains that they aren't being friendly towards him and that they should be thankful for everything he has done for them.
Right? He is so stupid he doesn’t even understand basic cause and effect. I teach 8 year olds. They understand how relationships work better than this supposed president.
He’s a repellent baby of a man who’s always been rich. None of his friends have been friends for who he is, just for what he can offer them. It’s always been transactional, and in a way that’s somewhat tragic.
He doesn’t know what friends are, because he’s never had them.
We had Hitler, a long time ago there was Attila the Hun and Genghis Kahn, nowadays it's Xi and Putin. All of them were and are dictators with intelligence. The USA, of all places, has a dictator with the intellect of a three-year-old!
Can I say 'fuck you Donald trump?' Can I say that? I don't like the F word but it sure rolls off the tongue nicely when you're using it in conjunction with Donny's name.
Rtump thinks that the European Union is 1 country? 🤦
Wake up, coz the EU has a bigger army than US alone. Currently growing & getting top of the line - non US - weapons & equipments, while UK will rejoin EU someday.
I want every European Union country to coordinate and unlaterally eject the U.S. military off of the bases on their land. Just like Trump is doing with immigrants (revoking their legal visas, kidnapping them, and trafficking them to prisons), they should have planes ready to go, march 1/
2/ the US personnel off base, onto the planes, and fly them all back to the U.S. Too bad they couldn’t take their equipment with them!
NATO needs to protect itself from Russian incursion and the U.S. govt is clearly a PUPPET of Putin. That would send a clear message to the world and to Putin.
Thanks for the info, didn't know that.
When one reads European papers, the tone has changed drastically. Many EU countries are beefing up their army & rearming (not using US made weapons or equipments), since they don't trust US anymore.
Well the only problem is that the EU is not working together really well when it comes to the army. But thanks to Trump it will improve. As will the manufacturing of weapons. The EU will hit it's 3% goal and the US won't profit from it, as was Trump's goal when he demanded NATO to do so.
Yeah. He’s stupid. Apparently this is what will make America great. Stupidity.
Love that Canadians hate him as well. I’m sorry for the harm he’s doing to your country.
Up to now, US has suffered more than Canada.
Canadians are boycotting US products & stopped traveling to US (down 71%), which is hurting US economy, while opening new markets in Europe & Asia. US citizens are paying tariffs on imported good, govt. is in shamble & country's isolating itself.
This is long term, after Biden there will be huge wariness of the unpredictability of the US in all matters so allegiances and trade will strengthen elsewhere. The approach to the US will be transactional at best. A Christofascist regime is being established.
The global market is hust like a playground.
If one child says "I'm not playing snhmore because you're all stupid".
The rest of the children will say "okay" and just play on without him.
I know the US is receiving the brunt of this clown show. I appreciate that your country has taken actions against him. Keep up the good work.
This particular group of people only cares about how much wealth they have. Other people’s lives are not important.
A mess. We used to go to US often, but didn't set foot there since Rtump 1st mandate. Worst now, since many are even cancelling their membership to US scientific associations, coz wouldn't attend annual meeting & conferences. A French scientist was refused entry, for criticising Rtump's policies.
It's a good thing that I'm a nobody, just a retired old Ukrainian Canadian who is enjoying life, because if I was ever to step a toe into the USA and they saw my history of online opinions, I'd be shaved and tossed on the top bunk of that Botox Queen Dog Killer's ad.
Me too. I took so much for granted.
I’m old so I doubt I will live to see this cruel ignorance eradication. Never thought anything like this could happen here. 😢
Well this just made my day! I for one would love this for him.
Unfortunately he’s a coward so he won’t be going anywhere.
Thanks for giving me something to look forward too!
And who pays for all of this? The American population, since prices are rising for all other goods that are imported because Trump has no idea about the global economy.
Intelligent people do not side with Trump. No one intelligent can support this mediocre devil.
Many confuse intelligence, which is only possible in union with the heart, with deceit and a lack of ethics.
It stands to reason that the most dangerous moment is also the stupidest.
He said he'd never run for President but if he did he run as a Republican because they are stupid. And they still voted for him so I guess he was right
During his first term "Trump was the first American president not to treat Europe as family. He visibly felt more comfortable with authoritarians such as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin than with Europe’s democratically elected leaders."
Oh he is desperate, he didn't expect our countries to say "fuck you"!
He truly expected us to cower and do what he says!
That was mistake number 1 in a long line of mistakes!
Even the cat food (USA) that i was buying has been removed from the shelves, i can't buy for the cat here in Canada now!
I feed my cat Royal Canin. It's a product of France and it's expensive but that's mostly because it's a high-quality cat food. I've never seen it for sale in grocery stores but, here in Vancouver at least, it can be found at most pet stores e.g. Bosley's, Pet Valu, Tisol. All are Canadian-owned.
I'll look into that brand, i was looking at Applaws from the UK but 4 years ago there was a lawsuit against them for some bone merle issue.
It's still well rated though so not sure.
I was buying Reveal which was a very solid food for the cat!
The brand they offer is science diet, my cat runs and hides at the sight of it though hehehe He hates chicken flavours for some reason also!
He is a very strange little man ok!
Yes, first felon has been playing at being tough for 78 years. It’s sad watching a confirmed beta try to pretend he’s an alpha. It’s like Fonzie said to Richie Cunningham, “just once you’ve got to have been in a fight and just once you’ve got to have been hit in the face. “ alphas are made not born.
Anyone who had the foresight to pay attention to what DonOLD did during his first term would have seen this coming. As with any politician, the secret is not to listen to what they say, watch what they do. And now that so many were bamboozled by this conman, we are all forced to deal with this mess.
Watch this red, white, and blue bind like glue.
The maple iced Roman rumble is heading your way, Don old bumble!
This isn't your Russian's mir.
Fink fascist face flushin'... fear!
Yes but the question remains is the felon really so stupid so as not to know our Generals and Admirals have taken an oath to the constitution and they obviously know he is the biggest liar and the dumbest criminal on the planet .
Undoubtedly but I use the ratio that he won with 31% of the vote so 69% of us hate his guts. So 2 out of 3 of our military leaders hate him. Leads me to believe they will take him out sooner or later.
What gets me about that is i genuinely don't think he knows that Canada is split up into provinces and he thinks the whole country is going to be one big fucking state that won't immediately secede from the US because it's large enough to and already has its own functioning power grid.
I had to read that 3 times for it to make sense. This is like the kid that says "it's my ball and you can't play unless I play and I'm going to be batting the whole time while you guys pitch and field... Oh and you can't go get your own ball and play with each other". Then runs to mommy crying.
I know, right? Experts hv estimated his IQ at 73. He has bn determined 2 speak at a 3rd grade level. This apparently is his advantage since so many of his followers have a 3rd or 4th grade intellect. They feel lk he’s speaking directly 2 them. God forbid he starts using 3 or 4 syllable words. 😳
"The key to this entire case. And it was staring me right in the face. Like everyone in the world, I assumed Miles Bron was a complicated genius. But why? Look into the clear centre of this Glass Onion... Miles Bron is an idiot!"
Yet America voted for this imbecile. Ashamed to say America looks stupid too. (Excluding people who didn’t vote for him and are now stuck with this clown show.)
The alt-right brainwashing works.
They have pumped so much money into their propaganda machine only the strongest minds will be able to fight them off.
Big Oil Oligarchy sponsored take down of American democracy.
These old men controlling our government are pure evil, their children are worse.
GWB knew enough to greet (chest bump 😆) Obama 👍🏻 at President Carter’s funeral… and ignore the orange traitor felon conman sitting behind the pillar 😆
…imho, a proud and redeeming moment for GWB
The difference is that he was smart enough to surround himself with competent people. Even if you disagreed with their policy, you knew they weren't going to destroy the country.
With best friends like him, I'll pass. He's like a mean girl but wears more make up. "I'm punching you because I love you!" lol He's the kind of person that calls you up when your house has been destroyed by a fire or flood and bitches about their life.
As a Leftist: This is far from the stupidest thing Trump has said, at least at a logical level. The EU is almost as much of a country as the US. That being said, that’s still a pretty stupid thing to say as the President of the United States for rhetorical-PR reasons.
At some point an adult will emerge but sadly it will be too late. He is totally out of control.. lost in the imaginings swirling around his ever diminishing grasp on reality. He needs to go!
Go on agent orange. We don't want to buy your rubbish anyway. And people in the US who can afford or premium EU products, will have no problems paying an extra 30% anyway. What a Muppet. (Sorry Kermit)
I mean, at least Bush has that, “your friend’s conservative but lovable dad” energy. I’d take it over this “I’m an abusive criminal” vibe any day, tbh.
There are licensed professionals who are required to bring to detainment by Law Enforcement, individuals who stand in potential harm to citizens of town. city, state, region or the USA as a whole. Are zero Professional Licensure Associations (not) doing what their license to practice requires?
Trump Doesn’t Mention China’s Tariffs And New Bans On American Businesses In China—MORE EXCESSIVE—Bc. Trump Likes China/Elon’s Biggest Factories There! Trump’s WAR DEAL Allows Russia To Invest/Build Companies In U.S., Gives Russians Easy Access Into U.S., Opens U.S. Ports To Russian Ships!!
Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, India —Reciprocal Tariffs—Matching Trump’s Tariffs On Their Imported Products! Trump Expected World Countries To Accept His Irrational Tariffs And Not Respond! Moron Trump’s Tariffs Are A TAX ON AMERICANS And U.S. BUSINESSES—NOW CRASHING U.S. ECONOMY INTO RECESSION!
Trump derangement syndrome is actually the delusional MAGAT dimwits who refute any negative statements against their cult leader even in the face of cold, hard facts.
The US is one country. It voted for Trump and will be punished accordingly.
History will ask what we were doing while the US was selling itself out to Russia. April 5 would be a great time to show them. Please join us if you are so inclined.
2nd term and the moron in the White House doesn’t understand the EU isn’t a country, but a coalition of 27 nations forming a common European marketplace.
I bet about 250 million Americans feel the same way. First felon seems to think that Canada, Mexico & Europe r dependent upon the U S economically and military. Nothing could be further from the truth. If things get bad enough, hypothetically, speaking, U S might have to fight a war on two fronts.
Even more simple than that: If you have a trade deficit, that means you're dependent on foreign products. Starting a trade war will hurt the USA therefore BY DEFINITION more than the "adversaries".
Simply put: We can circumvent USA exports by redirecting markets. USA's exports will plummet.
Fight against Con Don's alt-right oligarchy government.
The United States is being held hostage by these fascist authoritarian dics. !
American leadership, our intelligent agencies have allowed big oil oligarchy blood money to ruin the United States. They sold us out to our enemies!
If this were a grade school logic puzzle, then the 2 countries named are Canada and the USA. Thus, by default, the best friend must be the EU. The real question then becomes, how does FOTUS think that placing massive tarrifs on the EU can protect them? (can def see how it harms USA + Canada tho).
Apart from his obvious difficulty understanding what friendship means, their friendship with the USA is already over because the USA is gone. This doesn’t resemble that country.
He has a losing hand but is too daft to know it. His tariffs can be reversed by the next President at the stroke of a pen (so he can be outlasted), and the US economy is already soft thanks to uncertainty he's created. Even if his successor is a Republican, they will likely regurgitate the poison.
I'll say it again. The EU is the US' largest trading pardner. Mexico and Canada are 2nd and 3rd... If he trashes trade with them.. all he has left is China and Russian federation and the rest of BRICKS. ( including South Africa.. ) He'll Give Ukraine to Putin and Taiwan to China Trillions will flow
We are a lot different. We are sovereign states operating together with cross borders free trade and free movement for citizens i these states. Not all members are in the common monetary union (euro) which is not mandatory.
It is mandatory, but memberstates can get an exemption, in a lot of ways the EU is one country but on a lot of other points we aren't. But It seems that the EU is moving much closer together in many other areas, and we can thank Putin and Trump for that, i hope on a true United States of Europe
es, we are moving closer in defense matters as one example. But it is very important to point out that EU countries are monarchies while others are Republics. Also, you don’t have a EU nationality but Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese etc. That is quite important differences compared to USA.
it’s not a country, but it’s a union who works similar to the US in many ways and is headed to an increasingly integration, so of all of the stupid things he said this one is tame.
There are 27 countries in the EU. Countries like Poland, France, Germany, my own (The Netherlands) just to name a few of them. Very strong countries, cooperating together in the EU. And of course we, and also Canada, will retaliate Trump’s tariffs.
No, they’re not, but they are working very closely with the EU, in different fields but also in the “Coalition of the Willing” that protects Ukraine and they will also retaliate Trump’s tariffs
To be honest he didn’t said Europe, he said European Union. And yeah: it’s not a country, but it’s a union who works similar to the US in many ways and is headed to an increasingly integration, so of all of the stupid things he said this one is tame.
It is not. I think it benefits him that people think him more stupid than he really is.
By naming EU a country, he is belittling the Union, making it sound weak. 450 million people in the EU, 40 million in Canada, and he is ranking them at the same level.
BTW, 340 milllion poeple in the USA.
You’re giving too much credit to Trump. He’s very basic. I think he just sees europeans as an enemy to the US. There’s no nuance in his thinking.
Also, putting the EU and Canada on the same level as the US is not an insult. He just see them as competitors.
Maybe you're right, thank goodness I don't know him closely. I still think he is a moron, and likes to play stupid as well - like the "What? What did they say? About the... the Houthis?" before the press about signalgate.
Someone want to tell him that best friends don't stab each other in the back with Tariffs, or use tariffs to get what they want etc? This statement just goes to show you that he has never really ever had a friend. Not a real one, everything has always been transactional
really what could he do? Canada trades with EU. says fu USA. Trump pouts and then makes it worse for USA. he does not own Canada, and we have nothing of value, per the Genious. and his rhetoric is a cause for unnecessary bloodshed.
he needs to be commited. seriously
What Britain and the U.S. (of it gets rid of the fascists) need to do first thing is address the cause of a majority of people voting against their own best interests: MASSIVE DISINFORMATION AND PROPAGANDA from Russia.
Laws must be passed regulating and monitoring media companies with HARSH 1/
2/ penalties for allowing disinformation, foreign interference, and propaganda to infiltrate their entities. This is the ONLY way to take back our countries.
You are soooo right! I just don’t understand how all this misinformation was allowed to carry on, even perpetuated by reputable sources at times since 2016.
Please do tariff Canada and others. The US has 5% of the world's population. While they probably have a bigger spend percentage than that there are lots of other places we can all trade with. Tariffs are a tax and they have been proven to be a detriment to growing economies.
Because Putin OWNS HIM. What no one will report on: narcissists can’t bear to be EXPOSED. Putin has a video of Trump being peed on or some other humiliation and Trump will do anything not to have that released.
2/ He’s no victim though - this is what he did to Jerry Falwell Jr to get the evangelical vote in 2015. Blackmailed Falwell and his wife with proof of their 3way with a 20 year old pool boy. He or Putin have dirt on tons of Republicans. It’s why he appointed rapists, pedophiles, drunks, addicts.
We don’t need him either but apparently not killing Confederates after our Civil War got us here. Too many bubbas making babies with their aunts or sisters over the generations and you get what we have today.
This level of ignorance and stupidity is painful to live among.
I had a best friend like that in my teens. I ditch and haven’t spoken to her for decades. Real friends never threaten or set out to do you harm. Narcissistic bullies do. Tell him to Foxtrot Oscar. The password is Courage 🙏🏼
Agreed. My hope is that there are cooler heads who can talk him off the cliff-edge. Without that, we're headed for the biggest damage possible to the North Atlantic alliance. Vladimir Putin must be laughing out loud while Trump destroys NATO. Wondering if Trump is being paid in Rubles or gold.
Dear Donald, if you continue to hurt your friends they will do business with each other, and not with you. Go ahead, put a 1000% tariff on our products. If we’re trading with France, neither France nor Canada will give a shit.
You started this. You can grab your brain and end it.
The real kicker is that if US imports drop off, then there are no more tariffs for Donold to collect, and he has to raise taxes again to balance his budget, if he really cares about that. The USA will get to watch worldwide free trade from the sidelines.
I just can’t believe how the dumb Trump supporters belie Canada and EU have high tariffs on US goods already. What a bunch of u educated idiots. They should watch more CNN and less faux news.
The timing here is amazing, as he claims we're the best friend they ever had--as the threatens to invade and annex one, while bad-mouthing the other for years.
Oh and 🖕🏻
This why it is not really advised to put them in charge of a major nuclear and military superpower.
We need to put a memo on that one, just in case...
But that,s just the cherry on the top of this huge pile of crap.
Anyone feigning ignorance or surprise at this point, was part of the reason he got elected a second time. The world was literally screaming at you. NO
If that was Obama, you'd have lynched him within 3 days.
Sleep tight!
Thread: https://bsky.app/profile/idiokratie.bsky.social/post/3lglafadkix27
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
donOld has completely shredded those friendships and alliances.
He doesn’t know what friends are, because he’s never had them.
He also has the absolute dumbest cabinet in the world...
USA is soooooo fucked.
But Canada and all of Europes countries will work closely together without the White Kremlin...
How it is making sens in his mind?!?
The 'C' word I loathe. Not sure why. Just have never been a fan.
He gets more demented by the day.
The damage that he's doing will be generational at a minimum.
Wake up, coz the EU has a bigger army than US alone. Currently growing & getting top of the line - non US - weapons & equipments, while UK will rejoin EU someday.
NATO needs to protect itself from Russian incursion and the U.S. govt is clearly a PUPPET of Putin. That would send a clear message to the world and to Putin.
When one reads European papers, the tone has changed drastically. Many EU countries are beefing up their army & rearming (not using US made weapons or equipments), since they don't trust US anymore.
Love that Canadians hate him as well. I’m sorry for the harm he’s doing to your country.
Canadians are boycotting US products & stopped traveling to US (down 71%), which is hurting US economy, while opening new markets in Europe & Asia. US citizens are paying tariffs on imported good, govt. is in shamble & country's isolating itself.
Uh huh.
If one child says "I'm not playing snhmore because you're all stupid".
The rest of the children will say "okay" and just play on without him.
This particular group of people only cares about how much wealth they have. Other people’s lives are not important.
Every time my doorbell rings I think, oh they found me.
I’m old so I doubt I will live to see this cruel ignorance eradication. Never thought anything like this could happen here. 😢
Unfortunately he’s a coward so he won’t be going anywhere.
Thanks for giving me something to look forward too!
Many confuse intelligence, which is only possible in union with the heart, with deceit and a lack of ethics.
It stands to reason that the most dangerous moment is also the stupidest.
During his first term "Trump was the first American president not to treat Europe as family. He visibly felt more comfortable with authoritarians such as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin than with Europe’s democratically elected leaders."
It got worse..
He truly expected us to cower and do what he says!
That was mistake number 1 in a long line of mistakes!
Even the cat food (USA) that i was buying has been removed from the shelves, i can't buy for the cat here in Canada now!
It's still well rated though so not sure.
I was buying Reveal which was a very solid food for the cat!
He is a very strange little man ok!
CON-servative christian
CON-servative christian's golden RULE:
"DO Onto others, then split!
The maple iced Roman rumble is heading your way, Don old bumble!
This isn't your Russian's mir.
Fink fascist face flushin'... fear!
If he had just been SMART and ridden the economy that Biden left him, and used his majorities in Congress...
Never mind. Stupid is as stupid does.
Comprised in other words.
Nobody knows more about these countries than me.''
In that place we actually have a Gulf of America and trump's face on Mt Rushmore.🤢🤮
(Funny how he still doesn't want DC to be a state.)
Someone shut up this lunatic before he destroys all of the international trust America has spent decades building, because this is fucking rediculous
FSB involved tovarisch Krasnov to split EU in half by implementing tariff. 🦧
- Benoit Blanc
They have pumped so much money into their propaganda machine only the strongest minds will be able to fight them off.
Big Oil Oligarchy sponsored take down of American democracy.
These old men controlling our government are pure evil, their children are worse.
…imho, a proud and redeeming moment for GWB
He fucked it up
Or the devil…… please take the orange beast…..
… I’m lonely 🥺
trump2 has out trumped himself
History will ask what we were doing while the US was selling itself out to Russia. April 5 would be a great time to show them. Please join us if you are so inclined.
They would need direct physical access to the machines, it's not like the machines are connected to the internet to like things on Facebook.
Absolutely in 2020 some Repubs did that and were charged.
1st: dumbass, shut up. You lost, you just don't know it yet.
2nd: it's wáy more than these 2 "countries". Europe has an extra 150mln ppl outside the EU (Norway, UK, Switzerland, f.i.)
Cooperation is real, with a combined GDP of 1.5x USA
Simply put: We can circumvent USA exports by redirecting markets. USA's exports will plummet.
The United States is being held hostage by these fascist authoritarian dics. !
American leadership, our intelligent agencies have allowed big oil oligarchy blood money to ruin the United States. They sold us out to our enemies!
But he as well thinks EU is one country 🤦🏽♀️
His stupidity never ceases to amaze me. You think you’ve seen it all and then, a new dawn in Trumpland 🤷♀️🙈
By naming EU a country, he is belittling the Union, making it sound weak. 450 million people in the EU, 40 million in Canada, and he is ranking them at the same level.
BTW, 340 milllion poeple in the USA.
Also, putting the EU and Canada on the same level as the US is not an insult. He just see them as competitors.
he needs to be commited. seriously
Laws must be passed regulating and monitoring media companies with HARSH 1/
And the surreality is palpable
He thinks in landmass.
So, ruZZia. With its 135mln ppl and an economy the size of Texas...
This level of ignorance and stupidity is painful to live among.
Long live Canada!
Maybe he's just supportive of European unification 🤓
Nothing more powerful for unification than a common threat
He's perfect in that role
Very generous of you but we'll have to politely decline
Might try your luck with Moscow though, I have a feeling he'll fit right in over there ;)
You started this. You can grab your brain and end it.
Lóve it!
Robert A. Heinlein.
Do you think free eggs could buy the two countries Canada and EU out of the tariffs? 🤔🤷♀️
10.000 eggs for 1% off. Could be a deal 😉