had to break my normal no in-flight wifi rule because i had to work. before i turn this shit off and enjoy a couple blissful hours of playing football manager while no one can reach me... might as well take some questions here.
i wanted to master a target man tactic but the match engine seemingly refuses to reward anything but gegenpressing or 4231. so i make sure to always have a mobile target man in this tactic
I was surprised neither of you mentioned Robin Frasier as a potential candidate. He's been there before as an assistant has had a year off and his style seems to fit the roster that's currently there.
took the little team on the amalfi coast from serie C to the brink of promotion to serie a (which i will hopefully earn on this flight as long as i don't bottle it)
I just started a new save in Liga 3 to try and win something in each Alpine country. Lover lower league journies!
I am on book 10 of the Wheel of Time on audible though.
still time for both sides to cool off and make it right but ... i don't know
Best Dad joke?
Which podcasts haven't you been on that you would like to be?
i'm a longtime listener of @lebatardshow.bsky.social and lucky to call myself friends with a few people in that world!
St. Etienne still haven't changed managers in the 6 weeks since those rumors started btw
Same but Curtin?
i usually like to grab MLS-based players but this team was broke and italian registration rules you can only sign players with EU passports in the lower leagues
Best ever FM save or favourite edition of FM? You pick which one you wanna answer.
For me FM16 was the best but me best save was in FM12.