Never underestimate the power of ignorance. The permission structures for lawlessness was laid down by the man who thinks he will maintain order. Little do any of them realize they've only made it 'acceptable'.
This generation just got woke in a way they have no understanding of.
Cautiousness to build an ironclad winnable case on solid evidence was wrong.
We should have striked while iron was HOT! Arrest those giving tours, pressure them to turn on those higher up.
Proven effective.
Because no one of importance was charged with arranging and orchestrating it. Even Gini Thomas was involved in arranging buses of rioters to the Capital but she wasn't even interviewed by Congress never mind the FBI.
ITS ABOUT RACISM. Its not complicated its about the established American institution of White Nationalism. The fact that we cant collectively clearly see this irrefutable fact indicates how deep rooted racism is. Not until we can say out loud what the root cause is then we will never defeat it.
We as a nation are terrified of acknowledging how deep racism is embedded in our society. We have this notion that we have evolved past it but obviously we have not.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree. I think this past election showed that racism isn’t all of what’s going on here. The identity politics are not the unifier that we think it is. Classism is what is really at the heart of the matter.
Unfortunately you are wrong. If it was classism the fact that the nation's wealthiest completely funded Trump's campaign and are now the ones that are going to be filling his cabinet completely counters your assertion. People didn't care the elites backed trump. Not classism it was racism.
Yep. Racism is what caused the massive swing of black and Latino males to swing to Trump….
Trump was successful bc he embraced voters at a socioeconomic level. Dems lost bc they failed to realize that common man voters don’t care about identity politics and can even be turned off by them.
No there wasn't a massive shift there was a slight increase of a couple of percentage but the ones that made the difference in Trump's 1.5% win were White Americans that overwhelmingly voted for him.
But please tell us of how trump campaigning w the world's richest man who put in almost half a Billion dollars to Trump's campaign how that talked to the common man? Hahaha another undercover MAGA
To the very end, I will never understand why every person in power (Dem, Rep, Ind, whoever) who recognized this for the treason that it was didn't move with all force and vigor to arrest each and every person involved, and to try and jail the organizers where evidence dictated.
The average American is so incredibly ignorant they don't even know it happened or can't make a connection to their life. The tipping point for some was the cost of essential goods & staggering immigration numbers that the left kept ignoring.
My heart breaks for the Capitol police. They faced overwhelming numbers of crazed MAGAs while their leader sat and watched. Some died, some took their own life. They defended their Constitution while the orange rat face laughed. To the remaining Capitol police, you were honourable and brave.
It's maddening. I wish somebody could help it make sense. Everything he's done has been done right in front of our faces, and yet here we are again. Something just doesn't add up.
Merrick Garland wasn't even in charge then, folks. It was before the Inauguration. Bill Barr was still in charge, and at the same time "that" DOJ Team put out spin every single day minimizing it to the point by the J6 Committee no one watched it.
I know Rs who said it was over the day after. Then the Trump gaslighting gradually turned their heads. Amnesia Kool Aid killed their resolve and the rest of America is poisoned.
So many things prior to the new depths of GOP depravity would have been the end of Trump. Mocking a disabled reporter? Mocking a former prisoner of war? Grab em by the pussy? Racist remarks non-stop? Promoting violence over and over? Fraudulent charity/university/businesses. What’s wrong w/ people?
Maybe because just over half the voting population didn’t care enough to stop the MAGA fascists then and there. Each had their own reason. Few thought about the broader ramifications. You reap what you sow.
I do! Nazis everywhere! White supremacists everywhere! Russia with misinformation campaign everywhere! Racists feeling comfortable to spread hate everywhere! Church buying votes everywhere!!
At this point, I think McConnell is a racist and a coward. To hell with political might and fortitude. He's part of the problem, along with this "party loyalty" BS.
When he walked out on stage and said “I alone can fix it” I thought Christians would think that was the least Christ-like thing they ever heard.
evangelicals (and others) accepted “the ends justify the means” and “by any means necessary”.
Likewise, for many Americans today, the events of January 6th are only a dealbreaker to the extent that people recognize and carry the weight of its significance. Until then, it remains a reflection of how selectively we process and act on historical and moral turning points.
It wasn’t a dealbreaker when Indigenous peoples suffered. It wasn’t even a dealbreaker when slavery persisted. Only as more people became aware of the atrocities did public opinion shift, and it became a dealbreaker. Ironically, it took him marrying a teen hooker that broke the camel's back.
Tragically, we’ve come to realize that wasn’t the case. Throughout history, dealbreakers are rarely as immediate or universal as we might expect. For instance, during King Leopold II’s exploitation of the Congo, it wasn’t a dealbreaker when rubber quotas destroyed lives.
I don't think I have the best answer, and I’m not sure I ever will. However, my hypothesis as to why January 6th wasn’t seen as a dealbreaker for many Americans is this: Deep down, we assumed that other Americans would stand up and collectively declare it a dealbreaker as we all do, then and now.
Complacency has its consequences. Garland sat on his hands for 4 yrs, while Biden also did nothing. The Extreme Court is to blame too...Amerikkka is screwed in so, so many ways, it's going to take decades to right this wrong...if ever.
Sworn in on March 11, 2021...he had all of 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 to do something, anything! That my friend is 4 yrs of sitting on your ass doing FA.
Well buddy, the way you get those high ideals respected is by winning on the field. If there is a rule you can exploit in a football game, win the game first then patch the rule. You don't claim to be smarter than the other team by losing.
Which Trump will not help in any way with. After eight years he still only has "concepts of a plan" to improve healthcare, meanwhile he wants to do away with the ACA. And after lying to you all that he would bring food prices down, he now admits that it likely won't happen.
You are so primed to hate trump, you think my gay antifa ass is MAGA? How has doing nothing but get mad at Trump worked for you the last 8 years? People are literally killing for health care and instead of doing something you're acting better than trump.
Congratulations, Kamala was a slightly better candidate than a fascist, emotional, uneducated opportunist. But he's still beating your girl, so maybe this isn't about who is saner or smarter or a better person. Maybe politics is a popularity contest and people want more out of you.
if you want to stop trump, and you should, step one is to stop rage posting over everything he does and stand up straight for something big and not back down for nothing. Be FOR the 80% who want health case, not just AGAINST a blowhard.
And maybe people are just misogynist and self-righteous and fail to see consequences? People who are pro-Palestine and who didn't vote actually helped put a close friend of Netanyahu into office. Trump and his cabinet will actually support the annexation of the West Bank, but somehow that's okay?
Ok genocide lover, im done with you. Go provide money to the Brian thompson relief fund and the liberals clutching pearls fundraiser. You're more useless than a croissant dildo.
I never said you were MAGA, though I guess you voted 3rd party? Also you implied that cost of living & health care was actually important to people, yet they voted FOR making both of it worse. So, no offense, your idea that people just want a better life seems inherently faulty. /1
Yes, ignoring the young progressives was a mistake, but seriously? People voted for Trump BECAUSE he promised violent deportations, trade wars and isolating the US from its allies again. And everyone sitting this one out because they wanted to see more leftist policies will have the ensuing /2
suffering on their conscience. Because yes, it sucks to not have a truly good option to vote for that alligns with all your ideals, but at least in a democracy you CAN make changes. If Project 2025 is implemented, there will be no chance anymore for improvements regarding social issues. /3
God. Let God take him out. He's 78 and he looks like shit. Let him get his FAFO in the next life. And I will pray to any god or goddess who might be listening that his creepy cult collapses when he is gone. 🤞🤞🤞 In the meantime, Resist.
They think the Federal Gov’t
is Communism. They don’t
like that Black people can enter
the building.
That’s why they shit and pissed
on the floor; they hate this
non-existent thing called
Communism, and they hate
Black people. Other racial
groups too, but mostly
it’s about
Black people.
Or tax cheat, rapist , stole classified documents, lies all the time, racist bigotry, incompetence with Covid. Anyone of those should have been a deal breaker !
Neither was grab them by the pussy, 34 felony counts & falsifying records to conceal payments to a porn star, colluding with Russians, 2 impeachments, stealing boxes of US top secret documents & flat out asking Billionaires to donate for quid pro quos…
When it didn’t, I figured well, that’s the end of that.
If 10+ first-graders are slaughtered in their classroom 11 days before Christmas and we get jack shit from our legislators - nothing’s ever gonna change.
What two or three more CEOs fall on some bullets. I guarantee you there will be gun laws. That's how it happened in California everybody was second amendment gun ho until Black Panthers started walking around armed and then Reagan said nope and all the other white people did too
It's not like it was a surprise the guy who announced candidacy for reelection his first day in office the first time wasn't likely to announce it again
I'm convinced Garland (like RBG) made an incorrect political assessment that Trump was finished after J6. That ignored his Roy Cohn style of never quitting (see Access Hollywood) that demanded quick action. So why dirty his hands w prosecution? Stay pure Merrick. And he did, unfortunately.
It should have been, but it wasn't. I think it should be considered seriously why not. First reason I would give - short attention span. What Gore Vidal called the United States of Amnesia.
It's jaw-dropping. The secret is exclusively listening/watching/reading right-wing media where a fictional universe of anti-facts make these violent traitors into heroes. Until we shake people lose from right-wing propaganda our narrative (reality) and party can't win.
There are solid reasons to vote against Trump and only poor excuses to vote against Harris. In an election to vote for a felon or a prosecutor, they chose felon. This country is unrecognizable
It was Putin’s inside man spewing disinformation and money everywhere. It should have been deemed illegal. But the founding fathers never suspected that they themselves would bring about the demise of our democratic republic as the Republicans are doing to dismantle the USA.
We excuse the rioters for expressing there frustrations and feeling they just had to do something by burning neighborhoods
And condemn the January 6 rioters for feeling so frustrated and feeling they just had to do something to express there emotion
I’d say one opinion vs another. What the other side does is always worse than what we do.
The democrats spent the entire 4 years of the Trump presidency trying to get him out of office.
From a duly elected president and I’m sure you’re just fine with that
Group of people tried to block Biden
Every single politician that fled for their safety that day should have voted to impeach the man who sent insurrectionists to maim and kill them. The consequences of their shameful cowardice will see 4-years of destruction and chaos that is likely to end the 250-year US experiment in democracy.
There have been a hundred more reasons before and since Jan 6 that would make any rational human being think again about supporting that jackass. Yet here we are.
I don't understand this either, Rio Tazewell. Each time I view the videos of this pathetic and vile attack on our Capitol my gut hurts, and my military training and oath to our Constitution make me madder and madder.
Nothing about Trumpanazi and his minions was a dealbreaker because the Rethuglicans only want power. They're not concerned with ethics or morals or democracy or the Constitution. They want to rule. They will do anything, get in bed with anybody, to amass power. It's that simple.
For me. Wrongly thinking the others are communist, wrongly thinking the others are bad at economy, wrongly thinking you support sex change for convicts, wrongly... And not being able to burst that bubble it's the reason. People not going out vote because you are a woman is another. It Sucks.
I'm right there with you, Rio. Or, the "find me x number of votes" phone call or the "find me dirt on Joe Biden" phone call, or the drink bleach to kill COVID.... SO many things.....
A prime example of stochastic terrorism and not the only time trump has done this. "Maybe the second amendment people would have to do something about it" etc
The fact that Canada has declared proud boys a terrorist organization says a lot. I don’t know why we haven’t done that. Meanwhile, Nazis are marching around in Ohio.
bless, we have the same idiots that let tories win seats and stopped labour, the tories being massively more pro israel .. so much cutting off nose to spite faces
love how you think you’re exercising independent judgement, tories and reform are funding the memes you swallow, have a reflective quiet think about it, divide and conquer is so easy using emotions
As much as I had hoped this would be the end of Trump all it did was embolden him thanks in large part to Joe Biden’s refusal to hold him accountable I firmly believe that Merrick slow walked this bcuz that’s what Biden wanted he’s naive enough to think he could unite the country.
The folks who voted for Trump after Jan 6 literally do not understand the principles at the foundation of the Constitution. Even if they hate libs, they could have literally picked anyone else to support. But they didn’t. Because they are clueless.
Yeah, the world is abit taken aback as to how this man rose to be the most powerful man on earth…
Not once but twice. It really tells you a lot about the country, moreover the gop.
The democratic party repeated the same mistake of 2016. They saw Trump's controversial actions, felt entitled to win, and didn't even try to run a good campaign as a result.
Trump didn't win the election, the mainstream Democratic establishment lost. The party needs reform.
Given that you seemingly blame the Democrats for why Trump won, do you realize that in doing so, you are saying that they're the ones responsible for our democracy potentially ending. I find it to be totally screwed imo.
Study Hitler. Ran for president and won. Ran and lost. Attempted a coup. Had 0 consequences. Ran again and won. There is nothing unique here. Americans were just arrogant enough to believe we were above it all.
Hitler was actually arrested in 1923 after his coup attempt and served one year in prison. Trump is probably the first defeated insurrectionist in world history not to suffer any consequences. Thanks, Merrick Garland.
I'm not so sure it was Garland's fault. I think the Democrats just tried to be a little too slick. Waiting for the election to be near before going after him full bore. None of this makes any sense at all.
The committee absolutely did their job. I'm saying the Biden administration slow walked these prosecutions hoping it would influence this past election. They blew it.
Not Biden. Garland. Biden was actively trying to say in his lane.
It has been said one of Biden’s biggest regrets is his choice in Garland. He, like Obama, believed president and DOJ should not talk about cases! But he feels Garland was not aggressive when he should have been.
They won't look at facts or consider correlations. Just like Hitler's propaganda; "you can only trust Me, therefore I'll tell you what you can read & accept." Hitler's reign (of terror) is totally a play book for Trump & half of our voting population is dumb or mean enough to support him.
Trump isn’t a cause, he’s an effect. GOP spent decades making Americans dumber and more hateful; starting in 1983 with Gingrich/Reagan plan to have the platform be “anti-liberal”. Then helped by the Rush/Glenn talk radio circuit. DJT is the Frankenstein, not the evil doctor. And he’s replaceable.
Democracy 0
That’s how it works.
This generation just got woke in a way they have no understanding of.
We should have striked while iron was HOT! Arrest those giving tours, pressure them to turn on those higher up.
Proven effective.
We should’ve all known after nothing was done that COUP was already a success.
Trump was successful bc he embraced voters at a socioeconomic level. Dems lost bc they failed to realize that common man voters don’t care about identity politics and can even be turned off by them.
Trump gained a 10 point bump with black voters as well.
You are either refusing to acknowledge some things or refusing to read.
Stop trying to apply logic where bigotry exists.
No i condemn all riots.
Why is it ok for you to claim vote fraud in 2020 but now that your guy won its all of a sudden clean again? Dont make me laugh.
Then things changed.
“How is there not more security?
Is it because they’re (mostly) white? Is a mob of white people really that much less threatening than a black one?”
evangelicals (and others) accepted “the ends justify the means” and “by any means necessary”.
All I'll say is big cases in real life take longer than they do in Law and Order.
You can read this thread if you want:
It's a long thread but worth it.
And here is a longer explanation:
Inside Garland’s Effort to Prosecute Trump
80% of voters don’t give a shit about decorum, rules, parliamentarians or any of that shit.
They care about their expensive healthcare and feeding their family.
Alas I believe in a society where you can care about rules, decorum, order AND the price of groceries. Not confused-just sad.
No idea at all
is Communism. They don’t
like that Black people can enter
the building.
That’s why they shit and pissed
on the floor; they hate this
non-existent thing called
Communism, and they hate
Black people. Other racial
groups too, but mostly
it’s about
Black people.
If 10+ first-graders are slaughtered in their classroom 11 days before Christmas and we get jack shit from our legislators - nothing’s ever gonna change.
Thanks to Merrick Garland and his cowardly meekness, we have another President Trump and quite possibly, the end of our sacred Rule of Law.
He has been corrupt for decades
Garland dragged his feet
Trump is now in charge of the DOJ and will appoint loyalists
Take a look at Trump’s SCOTUS as an example
This is the future of the rule of law in America.
Some people in PA, Wisconsin, Michigan decidedTrump and all of his criminal ways was a safer pick than a Black Woman. SMH
No one had the balls to call him out.
They are a cult that started with Nixon.
They need a strong man to make them feel safe
Authoritarian submissive personality type
And condemn the January 6 rioters for feeling so frustrated and feeling they just had to do something to express there emotion
We made hero’s of one and criminals of the next
Apples / Oranges. Etc.
The democrats spent the entire 4 years of the Trump presidency trying to get him out of office.
From a duly elected president and I’m sure you’re just fine with that
Group of people tried to block Biden
That’s called a double standard
Fuck both parties.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
I’m British.
Human rights lawyer, my arse.
You are very confused, and your misguided anger led to the election of a new US President who will gladly let the genocide in Gaza continue.
Reply if you want, but I'm done. You're not worth my time.
Not once but twice. It really tells you a lot about the country, moreover the gop.
Trump didn't win the election, the mainstream Democratic establishment lost. The party needs reform.
It has been said one of Biden’s biggest regrets is his choice in Garland. He, like Obama, believed president and DOJ should not talk about cases! But he feels Garland was not aggressive when he should have been.
Very disconcerting