I noticed some of these trends anecdotally early in grad school in my own dept's seminars, so I made tallies in my notes for two years. I found that "questions" to women speakers were statistically significantly more likely to be phrased as statements rather than actual questions.
Reposted from
Nora Becker
“Women are asked more questions during a seminar and the questions asked of women presenters are more likely to be patronizing or hostile. These effects are not due to women presenting in different fields, different seminar series, or different topics…”
But 2 PIs at my School, liberal Jewish AECOM:
Ora Rosen, who supposedly graduated 1st in her class at Columbia P&S & couldn't get a job
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch who by all rights should have had tenure at Columbia
Almost no AfAms, except for the cleaning crew
bad department culture is such a fucking turnoff, and it often manifests in recapitulating societal prejudices, especially sexism