Even as Americans live longer, they spend more of their years in poor health than any other country, a new study shows.
People in the US live with illness for 12.4 years on average – up from 10.9 years in 2000, according to a study published by the American Medical Association
People in the US live with illness for 12.4 years on average – up from 10.9 years in 2000, according to a study published by the American Medical Association
Serfs don't need health care. Or education. Or a retirement plan. Serfs are supposed to be poor, sick, ignorant, hungry, religious and pregnant.
They used to call it feudalism.
At first I understood the organ donors. But they are below the serfs.
Obesity, Sugar Diets, Lack of Daily Exercise etc. all lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, cancers and so much more❗️
Blaming corporate healthcare is just ANOTHER EXCUSE not to get our fat asses of the couch❗️
First time any administration has actually declared war on this problem!
Do we want quality or quantity?
We spend 10x every other country on healthcare.
We are 49th best life expectancy.
Explain this.
Even India and China are doing better with public healthcare. It’s honestly embarrassing.
I will advise you do exercises from time to time to keep your mind sharp.
These are exercises you need to be doing from time to time
1. Walking
2. Chair yoga
3. Swimming and Water Aerobics.
5. Cycling
6. Climbing stairs.
Remember health is wealth
Surprising how many ingredients/practices banned outside the US for health reasons, are prevalent there.
(May not be contributory of course).
So many generations took the health brunt of corporate greed while congressional pockets got fat with lobby money to ignore the science.
Science, helped to removed (MOST OF) these things but generations of illnesses still persist.
Invest in poisoning people
And health care
There is no incentive in our system to cure people.
Think about that.
If that’s not OK with you, call your US Senator and representative and tell them that you’d like to see a change.
They NEED to hear that this is important to their constituents. Silence is a vote for status quo.
It's not rocket science, FFS.
The Lancet
"The risk factors contributing most to the gap in life expectancy were smoking (19·8% among men and 18·9% among women), low income (9·7% and 13·4%), and high bodyweight (7·7% and 11·7%)”
They just voted for the same BS. Again.
Congress men & women speak truth to power & stop lining your pockets.
Democrats = liberals passing policies to help poor & middle class with consumer protection and many social programs.
Republicans = conservatives passing policies to help the rich, protect business and few social programs.
English is my 2nd language
All about the ££££
Do even a worse job than Obama and Biden
62% of all bankruptcies are a result of health care costs.
Most people can’t afford to be treated for treatable issues
We have the best healthcare on the planet. But we can’t deliver it to everyone because insurance companies are blocking it.
We are 49th in the world in life expectancy.
This is the lie Pharma wants you to believe. Which drug they advertise actually CURE's something vs treating symptoms? Why? Symptom treatment is more profitable.
Got to have that revenue stream.
Responsibility too. I work with hospital patients and the ones I see are obese, diabetic, high blood pressure starting as early as their 40s. I don’t think that’s because of our healthcare system. It’s eating too much and lack of exercise.