The CIA says the Covid-19 pandemic “more likely” originated from a lab leak than a natural source, shifting its stance after previously saying both scenarios were possible.
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Hey Bloomberg, the CIA shouldn’t be considered a valid source of correct information anymore. Once the director is a Trump loyalist, it’s lost all credibility.
Right. The CIA pulled out an old “low confidence” report and recycled it with a Trump MAGA spin. If they come out with a new high confidence report? Maybe then get back to us. Because this? Is just spin.
“CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting,” a spokesperson for the agency said Saturday in a statement
Deffo a read the article job not the headline there.
The real scenario is that trump failed to mitigate the outcome of a pandemic in a dozen ways resulting in 100's of thousands of unnecessary deaths and millions suffering. His corruption caused progression of the virus. Now with his dismantling the NIH we won't even know what will kill us next.
The new respiratory virus HMPV that is now going around. Trump again shutting down NIH and CDC communications like he did in 2020 may kill many Americans in 2025. Perhaps, the CIA is just warning the USA citizens that this is possibly being repeated. CIA's oath is to the Constitution and the people.
All we know for certain is that Covid originated in Wuhan. However, it always felt off that it happened to start in a market in the same city as a lab studying the virus. Thousands of markets in China and it just happened to be that one? I have long thought the odds favored a lab leak.
Wow. 4 days in and the right gets its chosen cause from ‘the CIA’. Yup. We’re already there. We don’t know if official agencies are giving us the truth.
Doesn’t matter. More importantly, denial of a pandemic and the subsequent deaths that resulted in such denial is the bigger issue. Don’t forget about the refrigerated trucks with bodies in NYC
While always a possibility, curious timing aligning with the executive order king and the various health agencies barred from sending out communications.
great! another name calling stupid fight nobody wants! governments experiments are happening all over the world. do i want to police them all? no! it's a freaking waste of time! the COVID pandemic sucked but the world made it worse. so move on! learn a lesson. bird flu. concentrate!!!
It has been leaking in the news stories since 2020 that the intelligence community believed humanized mouse research was being conducted at ABSL-2 - a very hazardous level given what we know about c19.
Biden's CIA is saying this, but the headline is misleading. CIA says both scenarios possible and they have low confidence in saying lab leak is more likely.
Only agency with moderate confidence either way is the FBI who favor lab origin. It would be nice to know what they base that on and why these assessments differ.
I guess playing with viruses in labs can be a bit dangerous. When something more deadly gets out we'll have half the population saying it's "not that bad" as they bleed out from every orifice.
It was always pretty obvious it just didn't happen naturally. The biggest questions I have is who was developing it in the first place and was releasing it an accident or intentional? Either way, our response to it as a country was poor.
Bloomberg is disinformation. You left off that the CIA says this report is low confidence. In other words, they don’t have the evidence they need to prove it. or they are unwilling to divulge it in public.
Is that the same CIA who destabilized Jamaica in the 70’s & 80’s & smuggled guns into the Country to try & eliminate the Prime Minister or the same CIA who destabilized Latin & South America. Just checking
Most of what Trump complains about is caused by the fact that a) the WHO has been chronically under-funded b) it has no power to make any government act.
Telling the WHO to tell China what to do works about as well as me yelling at a cloud to stop it raining.
The regime in China will not let out solid details, so there is no consensus because the unfacts, should we even possess them, are sketchy and in disrepair.
« CIA assesses with LOW CONFIDENCE ».
So it is not really news or important if you still want to make a headline about it, the low condidence part is key and should be quoted.
"Republican senators raised concerns about him, former intelligence officials said he might politicize intelligence, and media revealed Ratcliffe's embellishments regarding his prosecutorial experience in terrorism and immigration cases."
All the more reason the US needs to be more engaged in the WHO. Leaving the WHO only enhances China’s influence. Double up at the WHO and push China to the margins
Deffo a read the article job not the headline there.
Lab and research protocols can and should always be improved. If that happens, it doesn’t matter what the origin of COVID-19 is.
If you print his lies uncritically, you’re just propaganda.
The CIA had been pushing propaganda everywhere for years.
They have zero integrity
This changed position is consistent with the lying, conspiracy-theory promoting POTUS' claims as to the pandemic's origin.
Nothing from 47's government can be trusted.
Just in case
... really?
Telling the WHO to tell China what to do works about as well as me yelling at a cloud to stop it raining.
“CIA assesses with LOW confidence”
(caps emphasis added)
So it is not really news or important if you still want to make a headline about it, the low condidence part is key and should be quoted.
Anyway, he is not a virologist.
Animal Farm, here we are.