Having read Matt Taibbi and Mark Ames 'The eXile' from Moscow back in the 1990s I was not surprised at what Taibbi became. They could abide murderous Russian mobsters, but not middle-aged American professional women in pantsuits who'd complain to HR if you made a rape joke to them.
"I hate Skyler White," is like the biggest and easiest red flag of the post 2016 era. Just right away tells you they think women should figuratively or literally property and property shouldn't have opinions on how it's used.
Not to mention the horrible way they conflated the character with the actress, displaying a remarkable lack of media comprehension alongside their juvenile misogyny.
Oh yeah. I learned quickly to stay away from that show because I could tell they were injecting the wrong message based on their biases. He's not the hero of the story.
It all makes sense - Jordan Peterson finally convinced them cleaning their room was actually manly and they declared him a prophet and the greatest philosopher of the era.
No lol, they immediately ran into reality - that it wasn't aftualself improvement and everyone saw through it, and so they coped hard into "well clearly men are being attacked! Masculinity is under assault!", continuing their desire to be responsible for absolutely nothing
i remember in 2018 caitlin flanagan, or some other hack at the atlantic, said that jordan peterson was amazing because he convinced her teenage son to clean his goddamn room, which says quite a bit about everyone involved
Someone I know had a negative FB post about Elon’s sieg heil. Another person I know responded “what, are you from HR?” This is the same as “what are you, my mom?” and it’s basically just misogyny
And yet so much of what they produced (food apps, chauffeur apps, reminder apps, etc) all came down to replacing their mother (or their ex-wife or imaginary girlfriend who never materialized)
They were all stopping the cool male anti-hero from doing the cool anti-hero stuff! Of course [we] hated them!
(from https://www.buzzfeed.com/adamserwer/how-mens-rights-leader-paul-elam-turned-being-a-deadbeat-dad)
Mother Pence and son Michael are no longer shoe ins for the roles of Norma and Norman Bates in Congress’ upcoming remake of Psycho