Where are all the talibornagains saying that this hurricane is their god punishing a wicked state? Oh, I guess god only punishes those heathen states...this must be the devil this time...
I dunno...De-schlubby over there looks exactly like the kind of guy that would use the hurricane as an excuse to cut down a 100 year old tree because it looked 'woke'. #oakgate
Abbott begs to differ, but it sure helped his bank account by million$, then he then stepped right into office passing a law that no one else could benefit the same way he did.
Not sure if my brain was subconsciously hoping or not.
I demand a hero's funeral for that tree. I hope Hollywood was paying attention because that's the biography we need.
that it didn't fall on HIM
Me, as an adult: "The tree is based!"
Was the mansion insured?