Can I send them to you? They conveniently fit in mailing tubes!
I did not esp want to get back into the dog game by inheriting two elderly jackasses, but here we are. I name checked them in my mom’s obit, because she loved these dogs more than just about everyone else. Including me, most days!
So fabulous that I have forgiven her for all the biting during her first year. Also, an absolutely wonderful hiking companion!
I'm very sorry that things have been ass, & I'm keeping a sizeable catalogue of puppy pictures on hand at all times, so I'll be happy to help out should it be required.
Not as it appears! Harper in his very secure crate during a brief stop at starbucks. He knows this is where pup cups come from and he's already salivating
Churro the Pomeranian went to see the redwoods a while back. It was very educational. He learned that redwoods, like most things, are taller than he is.
He is such a love! He's my permanent foster because of serious reactivity and equally serious medical needs. Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta is an amazing rescue... They will take financial care of him for the rest of his life.
I did not esp want to get back into the dog game by inheriting two elderly jackasses, but here we are. I name checked them in my mom’s obit, because she loved these dogs more than just about everyone else. Including me, most days!
Also, I’m very sorry about your loss
I'm very sorry that things have been ass, & I'm keeping a sizeable catalogue of puppy pictures on hand at all times, so I'll be happy to help out should it be required.
but hes in the family :)
Although they seem lightly threatening when they look at you like that…