Question for the GMs, writers, and worldbuilders out there;
What do you think about practical medicine existing in a fantasy world?
You think germ theory has a place in fantasy, or is it all magic and miracles for your setting?
What do you think about practical medicine existing in a fantasy world?
You think germ theory has a place in fantasy, or is it all magic and miracles for your setting?
I mean, I guess it also depends on culture. Ancient Greeks, then Romans, then Arabs, got a lot more right than wrong centuries ago, so it's a model.
"Ok, so I get +4 to convince the innkeeper's wife to sleep with me because I am Choleric..."
I'll put it this way, how many times have you seen a setting where they've mentioned roughly where medical knowledge and capabilities fall?
But it is relevant.
That kind of information shapes how a world behaves. I'll go back to the example I regularly use.
If there is a limit to who has access to healing magic, then the wealthy will have healing magic, while the poor do not.
"I can stop you from bleeding out, but you need to see a DOCTOR if your organs need sewn together"
"If you had mummy rot I could help you, but where in the nine hells do i even begin with leprosy??"
Same for cures, whether they're magic or not is not understood in-universe. What matters is it works.
Like. Even if magic can be cast without slots or points or whatever, shouldn't it exhaust the caster?
so I don't really lean into it.
Especially because my wife is fighting lyme disease, and as such we REALLY don't need that bullshit in the game I run.
sometimes yes, like details about crafting. sometimes no, like physics. give and take.
Brust had a healer character who knew some sanitary practices, but a few wrong ones, and attributed it all to spirits.
Sanderson also has a setting where magical microbes are visible and can indicate the presence of normal ones.
There are very few high level clerics and the average one can heal wounds maybe 4x a day. that's not much
And the amount of clerics that can revive the dead are even fewer