Well—this video will come in handy next time the South is ravaged by hurricanes and the Midwest by tornadoes.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump: "FEMA is gonna be a whole big discussion very shortly, because I'd rather see the states takes care of their own problems."
He probably gave NOAA to an oligarch bro.
I don't expect good luck here in Georgia.
Me, solving my houselessness by working as a live-in caregiver, then my client lost his home and we ended up in Georgia, where he got a job, but I don't get Medicaid here, because the governor is a punk...
Maybe California should look at reducing the taxes money they send to the Federal Government, and use it for remediation after these fires. It's time for the Red States to pull up their bootstraps.
truly a president for no Americans & just himself
Well, the blue states will do the above, the red state cannot afford to.
Minimize our Federal taxes accordingly and put that amount into our state taxes. Perfect.
Like you said, let’s see how that works out for the Gulf and Midwest states. TX and FL will be fine. The rest? Good luck.
Same with homeowners insurance - believe it or not, your state insurance commission is probably the best friend you have, if you can afford insurance, which is another crime scene altogether.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you our moronic, stunted fourth grade president, stinky mcgee.
He’ll fund the states that voted for him when they need help.
He’ll leave blue states on their own.
This is a mind of a madman
Just not California and New York...
What do I know???
Too woke obviously
He’s unfit
Then again it all may be too late and we are already effed.
Blue State Taxes go up and Red State services go down-everyone is unhappy and vulnerable which makes everyone more corruptible. They will fawn over those who do help them and want authoritarianism to take over.
This is dangerous!