Anyone paying attention knows that Zelenskyy is grateful and has thanked the American people more than once. Trump wanted more than a thank you. He wanted Zelenskyy to grovel—at his feet.
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Zelenskyy has been leading his country and troops for 3 years now. He has seen the bloody reality of war. That wimp and pussy grabbing trump doesn’t scare him one bit. But I’m really pissed at how CNN & MSNBC are calling this a shouting match. It was trump & Vance berating Zelenskyy. Disgusting.
tRump must be tired of sucking on Elmo’s toes that he hoping someone would suck his. Rubio wasn’t busy, what the hell? I thought we were trying to get an efficient government?
Wonder what made him do a 180 on the situation? Russia has this much influence? This much funds? The country can be at war and still afford Republicans? They are that cheap? I am just trying to wrap my head on the how we got here.
From what I saw, he was wise enough to continue to speak to truth, not to the people in the room. I heard him loud and clear through the pink noise of low quality reality show chatter. Again Trump is projecting. Zelenskyy now has all the cards thanks largely to felon-in-chief.
He wanted a sound bite to play over and over. Trump quote “This makes for great TV”. He wanted to embarrass Zelenskyy. But he embarrassed all of the United States instead.
No. They invited the Kremlin's press and filmed an assault in the oval office for Putin. They did everything but have Zelensky executed on national television. It is not safe for Zelensky to come to the US with Trump hosting these events for the Russian press in the oval office.
No US president gets to talk like that to any European. And a lot less a hero of the world, standing against Russia so that we don’t have to! We must support Ukraine with every need and want they have. Now. Americans, go to and show him you support him!
Trump wanted nothing less than full capitulation and surrender. Instead he got courage and defiance right in his stupid, dumb face—from the NEW leader of the free world.
Trump is a confused element in the periodic table of the Presidents, He seems not to know which Group to be, and also the period. His character cannot be fully established giving scientists a hard time...
Trump is the worst kind of person. He has no grace. No conscience. No honor. I am embarrassed for this country. I stand with Zelenskyy - and I pray that most United States citizens do.
It is truly a disgrace that my country, USA, has chosen such a unqualified president for the second time. We are truly divided as a country right now, some of us see how wrong the things he is doing are and sadly the other side is cheering him on.
JD instigated the more brutal attack on Zelensky. Trump was still a bit partial to getting his mineral deal to buffer Xi’s advantage. But like the bully he is, he jumped right in to be the toughest guy in the room. He’s a fool.
Zelensky don't EVER "gravel" at that scumbags feet! We don't need your "minerals" thats for you and your people to sell for food and care FOR PEOPLE OF Ukraine! To rebuild homes and schools! Dont ever give up to RUSSIA! Thats your peoples land!
He thanked us in front of our government leaders. More than once. After Trump and Vance disgraced themselves Lindsey Graham changed his mind. I bet John McCain would be so disappointed in him. He had ethics and honor. And bravery.
Did you see how, according to Trump, every other president is evil and worthless, and he’s so great? How can people get passed that? That’s a red flag and just…….weird.
Trump wanted a show for his handler and to make MAGA morons think he’s so tough. They never would have kept the press in there so long if that whole ambush wasn’t planned.
You got that right!! What a disgusting display of fragile egos and bullying from the Oval Office. I’m glad that, at least, the whole world was able to witness this presidential strong arming shitshow!! Hang in there President Zelenskyy… 🇺🇦
This has nothing to do with Zelensky being grateful! Trump and his Trumpanzees want a new world order where they have ultimate power! They are traitors to our democracy and our Constitution! Traitors!!
This is really the STUPIDEST thing about trump & Vance & maga shit-for-brains, that they do not understand how this is all stuff that helps the US in many ways. It weakens the worst dictator in the world, it actually helps our economy because the weapons are manufactured here & it attracts allies.
This☝️ People seem to forget that Russia is an enemy that has been perpetrating clandestine attacks against the west for over a decade. Murdering rivals. Aiding other dictators, etc.
Aiding Ukraine is a tactical move, as much as, if not more than it is a gesture of goodwill.
Trump wants capitulation. That's how gratitude works in his tangerine skull. If he gives you anything, you must give him everything he wants, for as long as he thinks you owe him. Any hesitancy or failure to capitulate means you failed to realize the value of his 'gift' and justifies hostility.
Any self respecting American and patriot would never expect, want or demand thanks for doing what is right. Only a child sits there begging for thank yous. We are Better than this
Time for Zelensky to offer a portion of his mineral rights to China. Then we’ll see if Putin has the stones or resources to attack China interests. If not for China helping them Russia would be the equivalent of North Korea.
We dont know what went down in the private meeting between Trump and Zelenskyy prior to this press spray.
I have a feeling there was more pressure there.
He wants him and the Ukraine to be his slaves. During the War of Independence, the US didn't give up despite being outgunned on most occasions. That's what the US is built on. Was it not. Why should Ukraine do otherwise.
I don't think Trump expected that to happen - I think he wanted video clips to use for rightwing agitprop - Vance getting nasty, him getting "tough" and bullying, etc. He is all about the optics.
That's how Mob Bosses operate and it's what he wants. But, if the WORLD comes together we can defeat Putin without TFG or his ridiculous Clown Car Cabinet. No amount is too small, people. LFG!
We witnessed cheeto proving to the world that he’s a weak child demanding attention. His over inflated ego is so fragile. Moron’s are in our WH, and his cabinet.
Trump was wrong - even if Zelensky has a lousy hand, he indeed does have cards to play.
Today he had the choice of playing the "kneel before an authoritarian thug" card, among several other, but he chose the "I'm standing up to a bully no matter what" card.
The Fascist got what he wanted. Whether he acknowledges that is on question. As Graham signaled, the next step may involve getting a replacement for Zelenskyy. We must hope Ukrainians stand behind him.
Our President is humiliating all of us. They say Trump was a businessman? Couldn’t tell from the way he disrespected Zelenskyy. Ugh. Zelenskyy is a true leader and Trump and his band of whiny white men should take notes.
There's some controversy over his support for Israel but from the point of view of the Russia/Ukraine war, he's in a difficult position. The countries he needs help from are the same ones funding the genocide in Gaza.
Nothing will appease Trump because he is working for Putin. This was a set up to ambush Zelensky.
Can we please finally delete the term “Republican”? That party no longer exists and continuing to use it is giving the traitors who try to wrap themselves in it a fig leaf to cover their treachery.
I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten that.🙄
He’s always held a grudge &is jealous of O.
But we know for sure trumps allegiance is with Russia not with the USA.
If any of the GOP had an ounce of integrity they would start impeachment proceedings. But that’s doubtful..
Honestly I don’t even think he wants that. I think he wants to gaslight the American public into thinking Zelenskyy and Ukraine are the problem instead of Putin.
What's worse is that it was Trump's filthy little dog, #JDVance, who told Zelenskyy to grovel (in as many words!) It was not his place, and his tone was so offensive, he would have been fired from anywhere else.
Not only that he wanted Zelenskyy to thank him for the support BIDEN gave Ukraine over the past 3 years
and then says he never would have done it
if it were up to him the war would never have happened.
Trump has given Ilraont nothing but grief. Americans supported
Ukraine in agreement with the Budapest agreement ! The US officially signed to protect Ukraine when they gave up their nukes. They don’t need to kiss the fickers ring! Trump is a world class dick and Bully
What has Trump done for the Ukraine? He openly questioned the legitimacy of Zelynski's Presendency, stated they should give up any hope of regaining ground, and spent the entirety of the War telling his mininions to vote down any support that doesn't include strings...not a way to treat allies!
It's clear to me that what Trump has wanted all along is an excuse to throw Ukraine under the bus without appearing weak. That's why he had Vance ambush Zelenskyy.
I can't prove Trump has been compromised by Putin but that's certainly the most logical probability.
I think Trump started the fight specifically because he decided he doesn't like the terms of the deal and wants to renegotiate. This is textbook Trump.
He did it in a joint session of Congress for God’s sake. These assholes in the Oval Office aren’t ignorant, they’re following a strategy designed/defined by Putin.
I heard Zelensky say thank you today at the beginning of the press conference. He has said thank you before Congress and many times to the American people, this was just Vance stirring the pot. It wasn’t even his place to speak and pile on Zelensky.
As I was watching that interview, I was thinking of the dozens of times I've seen Zekenskyy thank the U.S. for supporting Ukraine. He has been absolutely grateful. Trump was out of line, as usual. Putin wants them to destroy Zelenskyy, and trump/vance comply to their master. Ugh. Disgraceful.
Absolutely, and we're smart enough to read between the lines. He's thankful for those of us who continue to support Ukraine. Not the current shit show administration that only represents probably a third of our country.
Trump's ego is a monster that needs to be fed constantly. He always needs to be told how great he is. He wants everyone to call him "Sir." He's a malignant narcissist with an emotional age of two.
Zelensky is a War Hero who was being screamed at by two thugs who have never served their Country. Proof positive that Trump really does think military service is for “suckers and losers”. 2/3rds of the Country did not vote for this 🤬
i will never stop mentioning him. he was the final straw for me. i will update the "fire merricks" to LOCK HIM UP when i find the original assets for these
i had a blowout w muellershewrote. i was mocking her and she pretended i was stalking her, and then when i told her im trans she accused me of impersonating her. she then asked all of her 200k followers to falsely mass report me for impersonation. i won. now shes in the top most blocked on here
Z could grovel the entire time, and Trump would have done nothing for him. He kept saying, "You have no cards," meaning Z had nothing Trump wanted, and Z should just do as he is told.
And give up his rare earth minerals, that they could suck everything out of Ukraine & leave his country more destitute! The couch fucker jd, the attack dog, trying to bait Zelensky - Pure madness! Vampires!
Zelensky thanked the POS POTUS et al, after the meeting. Trump & Vance yelled at him. Who's the bigger man here? It's pretty obvious by now Trump will do Putin's bidding and the US is now a truly fascist country. It's shameful how Trump threw our once-ally under the bus, an absolute disgrace.
Is the bank another additional avenue to support?
The initiative of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy The main platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.
Raise awareness of where We the People can use “the cards.”
All the thank yous (and now apologies) in the world aren't going to make trump or vance behave like anything but selfish, weak, blustering pathetic toddlers.
A democratically-elected President, whose country has been under siege by Russia since 2014, had their children kidnapped and taken to Russia, lost tens of thousands of his countrymen, & had their country reduced to rubble—& they belittled and lied to him, and told him to take the deal, or leave!🤬
I was so pissed, when Vance mentioned Zelensky had aided the Harris campaign. Of course he did. It was Biden and Harris that actually offered military and financial aid.
Trump and Vance would have abandoned Ukraine on day one.
Why the fuck should Zelensky thank those bastards?
There was nothing that Zelenskyy could have said or done to change the outcome of this meeting. FOTUS and his puppet had orchestrated this performance to their Master Putin. It’s an embarrassment & travesty.
Yup. Trump wanted Zelenskyy to grovel - and then Trump would have pulled the rug from under Ukraine anyway.
It's 100% Trump's modus operandi for revenge against anyone who resists him in any way; he waits for your moment of weakness, makes you beg for mercy, then plunges his dagger into you anyway
What DT wanted was a highly visible message to Putin, that he is in accord with Russian policy. He’s not just a bully. That would be easy. What he is, is a traitor in an extra large suit, strutting his bravado & treachery for the world to see. Disgust cannot begin to convey my contempt.
Got time to sulk, got time suck them toes Rubio.
#LittleMarco pathetic little man
Are u next in line to suck Rumps toes like Elmo did yesterday? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You can watch it.
Half man wearing mascara who hid in the press corp of the military acting tough?
Any of his friends and family are fair game. Fuck them. They don’t believe in the law.
You’re free now by their own words….
This is what he’s expects since all the Republicans do it to him.
And JD… basically the ghost of a fart, was all too ready to jump on Zelenskyy like he was a new couch, just embarrassed America.
Zelenskyy, for everything he might of gained, said no.
They wanted to humble him and switch the story and Zelenskyy was not having it.
If you have enough right-wing 'news' anchors staying that Zelenskyy had never said thank-you that's what some people will believe
We’ve supported Ukraine because it’s in our best interest.
Trump thinks no one understands that. Most of all Zelenskyy.
Aiding Ukraine is a tactical move, as much as, if not more than it is a gesture of goodwill.
Just tell trump to go fcuk himself
No more trade with America
Stop buying anything from America
All of it
trump is a complete and utter Ar$ehole
Utterly tawdry illiterate dip$hit ar$ehole
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
I have a feeling there was more pressure there.
Today he had the choice of playing the "kneel before an authoritarian thug" card, among several other, but he chose the "I'm standing up to a bully no matter what" card.
Well played Mr. Zelensky
I'm just sayin' those 3" heel lifts are doing a LOT of thankless work
Trump is more like Edward VIII
International focus has been on Gaza since Oct 2023, he said Ukraine is ready to help.
Can we please finally delete the term “Republican”? That party no longer exists and continuing to use it is giving the traitors who try to wrap themselves in it a fig leaf to cover their treachery.
He’s a vindictive SOB, and of course putins lap dog. 🤬
He’s always held a grudge &is jealous of O.
But we know for sure trumps allegiance is with Russia not with the USA.
If any of the GOP had an ounce of integrity they would start impeachment proceedings. But that’s doubtful..
Such a dark time for our country.
and then says he never would have done it
if it were up to him the war would never have happened.
They are such abusive assholes.
Ukraine in agreement with the Budapest agreement ! The US officially signed to protect Ukraine when they gave up their nukes. They don’t need to kiss the fickers ring! Trump is a world class dick and Bully
Tass streamed it from Oval to Russia.
Putin was seething with delight.
It's clear to me that what Trump has wanted all along is an excuse to throw Ukraine under the bus without appearing weak. That's why he had Vance ambush Zelenskyy.
I can't prove Trump has been compromised by Putin but that's certainly the most logical probability.
which is more than once
Outrage is not enough.. he needs to know we have his back!
I donated 40 euros!
May he get everything he deserves.. along with his cohorts. 👿
history's harsh judgement aint gonna cut it
garland belongs in the cell next to trump. i hope to live long enough for this country to at least be sane enough to do that
It most certainly was his fault and Biden should have removed him. 🤬
It’s unforgivable what has happened to us 🤬
and i will NEVER forgive his apologists
I stand with Ukraine.
I stand with Canada.
I stand with Panama.
I stand with Greenland.
I stand with Europe.
Zelensky would not.
Zelensky showed how a leader stands up to bullies.
The initiative of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy The main platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.
Raise awareness of where We the People can use “the cards.”
Trump and Vance would have abandoned Ukraine on day one.
Why the fuck should Zelensky thank those bastards?
And to make sure, they pulled the pin on a live grenade and shoved it up their ass just to spite the world and please Russia.
America is the land of shame and disgrace.
It's 100% Trump's modus operandi for revenge against anyone who resists him in any way; he waits for your moment of weakness, makes you beg for mercy, then plunges his dagger into you anyway
I didn’t think I could admire Zelenskyy even more and yet here I am. I’m glad he stood up to these idiots.
If it weren’t for money they wouldn’t be able to buy a date. They’re not men, they’re stuffed suits.