Little Hitler not lonely, is a monster. He is a complete fool. Nobody wants him anywhere no country no one he can’t even go to Oz to get a brain. They won’t give them one because there isn’t an intelligent brain that would fit in that thing he calls a head.
Instead of watching/listening to Trump's 🐮💩, the networks should replay the speech Jeff Daniels' character, Will McAvoy, gave in "Newsroom" 12 years ago about America...
which is why i won’t be watching or listening and i wish the dems would stand up in unison as soon as he starts speaking and walk out chanting “No Kings”!
These crooks shorted the markets and then tanked it. This tariffs charade will prove to be the biggest insider trading scam ever pulled in history. Once Trump will be back in his money by it, Elon best starts to look over his shoulder. 2 roosters on a farmyard never worked. One of them ends up dead.
Voter remorse anyone? Tariffs are collected by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at ports of entry. The money is then deposited into the U.S. Treasury's General Fund. Making Americans pay added taxes and then giving the wealthiest a tax break.
Just a reminder that tax cuts automatically put more money into the economy which will of course lead to higher inflation. The only ‘bright’ spot for inflationary pressure will be people out of work which will dampen the economy a bit. All that equals stagnant growth and high inflation. Stagflation
His plan was to destroy the United States. This is all part of his grand plan unless someone could step in Luigi, Luigi’s friend Luigi’s uncle hell Luigi’s mother.
It’s not a State of the Union because he has not been in office long enough to have been a real influence on the country. It is an address to the Nation. So another stream of bullshit that you are absolutely correct to totally ignore if you are so inclined. I will be ignoring it.
Trump's "Golden Toilet Age" is flushing American democracy, diplomacy, NATO, the economy, USAID, the federal workforce and programs, medicaid, social services and national security, just to name a few. Dems, please brings eggs, and flaming shit bags to hurl at the homunculus dicktator tomorrow.
No Dem should be in attendance because SOTU addresses are for Presidents to deliver, not dictators. If the Dems show up, they are giving respect when none should be given. Boycotting the SOTU would be a step in the right direction for the Dems, who have not, to date, shown any fight in them at all.
Wish it would happen, but I’m betting against it… Look what happened when Faux news interviewed him, with stock market ticker tape FALLING, in real time. You know, as well as I , He can’t handle the truth, let alone facts !!
We know Trump’s speech will be filled with lies, pro-Putin talking points, and excuses for why inflation is up while consumer confidence and the stock market are down. He should talk about how Musk bought the presidency and how the grift will never end.
When tariffs are imposed, they not only increase the cost of goods but create opportunities for graft. In systems lacking proper oversight, tariff exemptions become political currency—traded between firms and officials in what amounts to a pay-to-play arrangement.
Hang them or firing squad. It's not even really a question. Even Lincoln would have executed them based on what they have done. The founders would have done it without a second thought and delay. Hell, if it came to a duel, Hamilton would 100% have shot the felon. Washington too. Probably even Adams
“Art of the FRAUD”. Don’t miss it. Written by Vlad Putin. Starring his protege, the current POTUS, Puppet Trump. Convicted of 34 counts of felony FRAUD. Adjudicated RAPIST. INSURRECTIONIST. Stole the last election by LIES. LIES with even more lies to follow. Articles of impeachment. NOW. WAKE UP!
It's not about trading military aid for minerals because Putin can't arm Ukraine. It's that simple. Ukraine should not fall for this trick and give away its precious minerals for NOTHING, except for a continuous invasion. Ukraine must rely now on France, Germany, and the UK for arms supplies.
Though promised, Trump did not stop the war in Israel, Trump did not stop the war in Ukraine, yet here is starting an economic war with our neighbors, Mexico and Canada.
So in all their combined years in office, Democrats in Congress haven’t formed connections with any congressional Republicans who they could convince to vote against Musk/Trump’s insanely treasonous acts?
It's the dems who are at fault for not having "formed connections"? - seriously. what kind of viewpoint is this? *didnt the Social Democrats form connections with nazis to voat against hitler?*
I’ve lost count of the Dems who’ve said recently that behind the scenes, their GOP colleagues tell them that they hate Trump. I’m just pointing out that personal relationships Dems might have with those anti-Trump Republicans aren’t resulting in changed votes.
Okay i get that. I think those relationships are useless at this point because what they’re now guilty of is so severe, across the board, that they have to prevail in order to stay out of prison- and they’re ahistorical enough that they dont care what their elusion of consequence costs the world.
The USA has never been a democracy!When are you going to wake up the lies America & learn the truth of your history how the civil war has never stopped how the classism of the old world & it’s corrupt monarchic values began anew in the new world
500 years to fuck it up jeez 🙄 ffs
Tariffs encourage even US companies to move all over seas. Something made in other countries will ship direct from the manufacturer to the rest of the world. Completely cutting off economically & destroying infrastructure we were building in US. Strengthens Russia & China while weakening theUS
Time to stop buying things.
Grow a victory Garden.
Learn how to fish.
If you have any land then grow chickens for nest and eggs.
Study up on homesteading techniques for basic survival.
Stain of the Union
click the links below for more info
Maybe this will wake up the MAGAs and have them ‘smell the coffee”?
Might restore my faith in journalism.
Might …
The Russian puppet doesn’t deserve ANY respect from anyone
Katie Porter style.
We are not in normal times. Trump has turned away from our western allies and destroying our country to please Putin.
That’s all anyone needs to know & will be proven.
They are an evil empire who supported Nazis in all of South America and Asia
Today we see the true American face.
Their empire must die.
EU will be the new future of the West
Slava Ukraini
Rise up and be heard
But any fool knows having tariffs on everything coming and going across your borders, will raise prices for your citizens! 😤
Our standing on the world stage is already going to take years if not decades to repair.
Even if our democracy stands strong against this onslaught, the damage has been done.
Hit em where it hurts
I'm not watching.
And so help me, if a single non-Fox, non-Newsmax major network says he was "presidential".... 😠
I wonder where musk gets to sit.
500 years to fuck it up jeez 🙄 ffs
#TheDespicableOrangeTurdisElPresidenteAgain ?!
We’re not going to survive.
The people running the government hate the government.
Grow a victory Garden.
Learn how to fish.
If you have any land then grow chickens for nest and eggs.
Study up on homesteading techniques for basic survival.