Netanyahu has not allowed any aid into Gaza in 22 days. He broke the ceasefire, resuming a bombing campaign that has killed more than 50,000 people. Now he is threatening a long-term occupation of Gaza.
Yet I suppose you're going to ask US Citizens to 'vote Democrat' at the next available opportunity?
Focusing on that kind of technicality avoids the real issue.
Bernie had a generational chance to lead an independent movement, but chose to fold it into the Democrats.
It doesn’t matter how loudly you shout ‘oligarchs are bad’ if you vote for oligarchs within the Democratic Party.
#ICC, #ICJ has called it such. So has !!!
28 Pages of dead #Palestinians with age ZERO: #FreeGAZA #FreePALESTINE #NetanyahuToTheHague!
because Zionism is a fascist ideology.
BTW I don't live in Southern New Jersey which has always been right leaning.
Stop the double standards. . Hamas is holding their own people hostage.
But, it was pretty far from a good response to a genocide. And lest we forget we were also giving Israel money to kill Palestinian children.
the democratic party institutionally has aligned itself with anti-worker causes along w/ not providing any proper resistance against netenyahu’s ruthless palestinian extermination campaign.
how do we build a coalition without empathy?
I’m the wrong person to be asking about empathy when it comes to theists who put their religious beliefs ahead of peace and the welfare of the others.
They can ask their god for empathy.
Glad to see we agree on something. 😁
Liberals will never learn how to get Progressive votes.
Bernie could have prevented all of this, but the DNC and DWS couldn’t stomach a non-Democrat in charge of their club.
He was the only candidate RealClearPolitics had beating Trump in 2016 and 2020.
What we could have had…and could have prevented.
Getting sick of all the nasty Bernie hating Hilbots on here.
The second is speculation. Intent is usually one of the hardest things to prove, but the history of genocide on earth is a history of clear and stated intent.
This criminal is keeping the war going otherwise he will face life prison...although I suspect someone will make justice as soon as he steps down or gets impeached.
This is just crazy.
If you want to address the whole Gaza situation, start by removing Schumer from any committees above 'cleaning toilets'. He's complicit in the genocide against Palestinians to the point he is willing to sell out America and the Constitution (re approving CR):
To add to how pathetic Schumer being a traitor to Americans and complicit in Gaza war crimes is:
Keep war going, so I won't get kicked out or jailed
This is a coup.
Senator Sanders needs to call us all to Washington to march - to protest - to resist. He is uniquely situated todo so.
You’re out of your mind, if you think they do.
They just want #Netanyahu gone
I had high hopes when #YairLapid (יאיר לפיד )was PM as he was supposedly " #LEFT" but he didn't give a toss about #Palestine.
Most #Israelis don't either.
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
#PalestinianGenocide 😩
But for some reason you won’t agree with every human rights council and the UN.
But nice try, bud.
He should say it. Commandingly.
Contact YOUR representatives in Congress to demand an embargo on arms to Israel! ✊🏻
You really think they’re gonna switch voters now under Trump or even if it was Biden? I don’t think so.
All that is necessary is to #Dehumanize the perceived #Enemy and start #Killing...
How quickly history is forgotten and we repeat our horrific past...
#SixMillionJews taught us #NOTHING!!!
He makes Jewish voices for Peace feel unsafe, he doesn't represent my Jewish identity. Chuck abuses activists & poisons the well to sabotage Peace, Not Apartheid 🫏 efforts.
This Should be against the Law, My lord,
Supreme Courts, The House of Oversite Committee.
Congress do your job, Against Abuse of Power like 2019.
Help your American People!
Idea that tRump was compromised by Russia was dismissed as Paranoid Fantasy —just another wild-eyed conspiracy theory
You are definitely right about this!
But you are wrong about this! Fight Oligarchy?
What the hell is that....
The American people don't resonate with that!
That's what the American people will fight for..!
Not a Jew that follows the Bible.
Videos of children needing surgery & medical treatment & they are dying and suffering needlessly, too much to bear.
As a narcissistic criminal, he has no shame, empathy or decency.
Israel’s true friends are crying out to the citizenry, so they open their eyes. Netanyahu is committing genocide.
Israel has lost the moral high ground they once represented.
No more military aid to Israel!
That vile colony is a window to hell and must be destroyed.
You see the ruins and hear the reports of dozens and sometimes hundreds directly murdered daily, in your name.
Believe it or not, the head of Israel is one of the three most hated men in the world. The other two are Trump and Putin.
The US should work through the UN for humanitarian aid only.
Fuck that bitch.
You know why.
Where is your call for all Israeli hostages to be released? Not the five discussed hours ago with Egypt. Not some in phase seventeen. Not misidentified people.
All hostages.
This is on Hamas.
Bibi and Egypt don’t want Gaza. Conald wants Med real estate. Bibi is just saying ok.
Dems on how to fight Trump: NO BRAINER— pocketbook issues beg. w min. wage hike. Rs will never vote for it. Biden tried in ‘21. Workers don’t make enough. SSA NEEDS A BOOST. While Trump is grifting, Dems can work to help middle class. Reagan stole our future, Dems can restore it.
Claiming this is about hostages is propaganda, no one cares less about them than Netanyahu.
You need a new excuse to self justify the genocide.
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