Dude I hope they don't have them here. We don't deserve it, and neither do the fans of this. How many athletes are gonna disappear over trump and Elon bets if they come here. Nah, I wouldn't even take that risk. If I were an athlete or fan from another country, I'd skip this one.
They absolutely will not and I don't blame them. S*** needs to be done and it needs to be done fast to hold this traitor Donald j Trump and his co-conspirators fully accountable by the law and f****** publicly execute them just to save face in the world not to mention protect our constitution
This is a time to boycott the Olympics. Every country out there should refuse to go and participate in the Olympics because of Trump's treatment of foreigners. I mean people are getting kidnapped the second they legitimately enter the country with a valid visa for fuck sakes.
Well pretty sure Beijing and Sochi weren't gonna detain and torture upon entry the country legally. While that's exactly what America is currently doing. They're even torturing the people they kidnap and keeping them for weeks on end
Around the world sports bodies form sports that rely on the Olympics for exposure and funding and moving on their 4 year plans for athletes - they are not doing politics. This one is down to the people of the USA
I think you are trying to project something onto the sports industry there. America has been a deeply broken country for a long time - we all knew it. Cold ear boycotts were high level political events not athlete led
Surprise fact US has been checking phones and laptops and it's in the terms of entry for decades, what Russia or China do when they confiscate your stuff and put you in the dark room has been going on for decades
That's weird my stuff was never checked when I went to the US going to Russia people never had to do that maybe they target certain types I don't know
I know they are very strict with Russian people that re-enter
Read the small print, US border can take, open and copy any electronic media you have, Russia don't need laws as such. Again it not happening to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to people they are interested in - Bill Browders book highlights some Russian plays
Look at the owners of some of the biggest football teams and how their fans react to them, fans don’t care as long as they are spending money on players, and England fans will always travel in numbers.
We just need to tell the rest of the world that currently we are having technical difficulties in our government! A convicted criminal is in the White House. We hope to have him removed as soon as possible!
I wouldn’t count on it. Eurovision is still going on with plenty of countries despite calls to remove Israel. Qatar hosted the World Cup despite migrant worker deaths and anti-LGBTQ+ laws. People will still attend the World Cup and Olympics, and those boycotts won’t happen as they should.
Let's agree to disagree. We are now officially on international travel lists for human rights violations. And Canada, UK and Mexico have issued individual travel warnings. Canada already has massive travel boycotts here. So it's already happening today.
Exactly. I think it's a whole different ball game (so to speak) when one's own ass could land in a prison for trying to get into a country. I certainly wouldn't risk it, especially if I were a person of any hue beyond my pale end of the spectrum.
No, I think what's going on here will make people pause. The things going on here now are way beyond being unfriendly. These are matters of safety. These countries would do well to remember the Munich Massacre, which happened Sept 5-6, 1972. Several athletes from Israel were unalived and more.
These would be FIFA, who’s last two World Cups were in Qatar and Russia, and the IOC, who along other things held an Olympics under Hitler and has had multiple Chinese Olympics in recent years?
Again, we're really in different times now. The possibility of civil violence in this country is high. Why would any country send their best athletes here to compete in a place where internal tensions are high and violence is a possibility? And why would the athletes want to come?
Exactly. No one should be travelling to the USA. Even flying on a route that could result in an emergency landing at a US airport of any kind is risky,
For their own safety, athletes and tourists should stay away from America, boycott the USA, help us be done with the trump regime.
I never believed I would say this. I never believed we would ignore history and repeat the atrocities so easily. We were better than that and we will defeat trump.
No way the World Cup boycott happens, but the Olympics are primed for it. It would be amusing to see the spin Trump and Gavin Newsom would be forced to deliver.
They shouldn’t. And the sooner these orgs cancel the better. Short of intervention from the Army, the only way out of this mess is for things to get really bad really fast, bad enough so that every maga voter feels the pain and the spell is broken.
I think that is trump’s goal with the tariffs: tariffs that target areas he wants to hurt and then he gets to play benevolent dictator (suitable oxymoron for the moron) by doling out the tariff revenue to red states.
Hey, don't give 'mump' any ideas.
His thing has always been to flood the zone, so there'll always be an overload of bad shit going on. And if MAGATS lose 40% of medicaid or SS or whatever, pretty sure even the dumbest of the dumb will catch on.
Pretty sure they have far more devious schemes hatched.
I'm simply urging people not to assume that Mump has not thought through these contingencies. Don't assume that because they make some mistakes they're idiots.
Project 2025 assholes have planned this shit for years.
Will concur except for giving MAGAts leeway by suggesting they made 'some mistakes.' Choosing the likes of trump could hardly be called a mistake. I'd argue it was a firm conscious decision based on racism, misogyny &/or low-info stupidity.
I would think folks from other countries see some Americans don't treat folks from other countries very well. Makes no sense they would want to come here.
Well they already went to Russia and have scheduled Saudia Arabia so I'm thinking freedom and democracy, human and women's rights aren't much of their concern.
No country should participate in anything in America currently. You are risking your lives. We are a clear and present danger to all who visit.
Boycott America. Shut down this country. Together we can defeat these cowards. They have no where to hide. Resist
Thank you for this. Very informative. I'd love to just up and leave. But this is our country. I will not run away. I will stay and fight till my last dying breath.
This is terrifying and I know some will be safer abroad. But I just can't leave our country to these fascist. It's not a choice. Resist
Would be great if FIFA decided USA was too unstable and unsafe politically to host: so World Cup just played in Canada and Mexico. But FIFA follows the rules of big corporate business: go for the money deal, and fuck all ethically and moral considerations.
I don't think FIFA will do anything for moral and ethical reasons but they might have to do that for purely commercial reasons, as the world becomes increasingly aware of the 'unlawful incarceration risk' associated with crossing into the US and votes with their feet to not take that risk
Fifa just want money. They awarded the World Cup to Saudi, one of the most oppressive regimes on the planet. Mind you the US is catching up fast. They've also awarded it to Qatar and Russia recently. Not the most democratic of authoritarian states.
It's all about sponsorship deals with fifa,they don't really care about the real fans. You know, the ones who go week In and out to support their teams. We are priced out of the world cup no matter where it is held.
They'll just fill them with free tickets if there's any hint of a boycott. I don't think there will be one though, there's always a long waiting list for tickets.
Good post. I agree. Now please get on the phone or e-mail and tell your reps in DC what you think. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
The answer is simple. ICE would be instructed to chill out and back off for the duration of the tournament as that would be good p.r. The administration can then point at the tournament and say what good hosts they were. Then they’ll double down after all the players and spectators have left.
Exactly. People seem to think every change is fixed. ICE are behaving like this, so that’s it. The idea that the tactics might change under different circumstances doesn’t seem to register. People are like “is like this now”. It is, but it’s also fluid.
anecdotes are telling the story of major port of entry airports looking like ghost towns, and that Uber/Taxi drivers there aren't making their numbers.
I'm not at all happy with what is happening in our country. But Russia and China have recently hosted the Olympics and Russia, and Qatar have hosted the World Cup. None of which have stellar records on human rights, even before they were selected to host.
Shitler will replace these events with clips of himself winning golf tournaments and performing various other feats demonstrating his athletic and sexual vitality
I don’t like boycotts when it comes to sporting events mainly because those people have been training for years and years . Sadly this time I would be in favour of a boycott.
I see this changing quickly. I'm just not sure if the direction of change. Although, I suspect other countries will refuse to attend. Versus our government changing it's current course of action.
Despite strong boycott efforts from the NAACP and others, many Americans still attended the Nazi Olympics. I’m not holding my breath here; I believe nothing changes except when small organized groups do actions. Apart from suffragettes, I can’t think of a single success without explosives.
But now I can’t think of a single example without explosives. I mean, Gandhi’s nonviolence (like nonviolent suffragette history) continues to be extremely important, but Indian Independence also involved several explosions.
Yeah, lots of nonviolent wins in US Civil Rights. I’m not calling for violence, just predicting it, pushing back on any “it’ll work itself out” type optimism.
We havent yet though.. I would love to go for Olympics, but only if current admin is out. Which i firmly believe it will be before the year ends. Nazis in a woke society (woke is positive as it means being awake) does not rule for 4 years. It might get ugly but it will be swift.
The 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Germany were used for propaganda purposes. Adolf Hitler initially held the Olympics in low regard due to their internationalism, but he became an avid supporter after Joseph Goebbels convinced him of their propaganda value. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-nazi-olympics-berlin-1936
How can a country which can’t afford to feed its children, provide for its elderly and provide health care to pregnant women and vulnerable children spend money on an international sports demonstration? We really ARE North Korea!!!
I hope no one shows up and it gets moved to another country. Nothing will hurt this administration worse than losing more money because it's all they care about.
This gave me an idea.
Canada and Mexico could build enclosure walls and boost tourism by having viewing platforms (bullet-proof, obviously) like a zoo.
I hope nobody come they deporting people to Venezuela or El Salvador for no reason at all. Unless by then we defead the evil forces then by all means please come.
That was 1936, 3 years before Hitler started his European conquering spree. It was at this time that most moral people did not respect Hitler, but views him as an internal threat. So your statement is not being fair.
In 1933 already, directly after being voted/couped into power, Nazis passed first anti-Jewish laws, incl. business boycotts and barring Jews from government jobs.
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of citizenship and banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
To be honest. We know that the World Cup doesn’t give one shit about what a country is doing. Considering they were just in Qatar 2022 and Russia 2018.
I don’t disagree, but you know the administration will happily allow anyone from Qatar, Saudi Arabia UAE and Russia in without check. As well as any country that sucks on Trumps Teat.
Ya agree. But there are lots of us not in that boat that will not chance spending 3 weeks in a cell because I criticised your rapist potus on line. Fcuk, I’d be disappeared forever. 😇
Cancelled a family hol to the States this Xmas just gone. Broke my heart but I’m not adding financially to the lunatic in charge. Once that fucker is gone, as Arnie once said, I’ll be back. 💪
I didn’t say that did I. Read the post again dude. I’m not a political opponent am I. I would be a foreigner travelling to your country who has criticised your pres. Did you not see the story about the French professor.
Honestly its just the same, most sports fans will go to the USA , some will get detained and deported , soccer fans would go to Israel and walk over mass graves to watch their ' sport '
Saudi Arabia chopped up a journalist into pieces, it has a regime only slightly less evil than the Taliban - its had no deterrent on sports events being hosted there
''The Olympic Games have become a significant global event, fostering international cooperation and cultural exchange''. I'm embarrassed to say that our federal gov't's international cooperation is at an all-time low and no one wants to exchange any of our culture for theirs. Also, too many guns.
The Russian team was barred from competing under its own flag since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Will the US meet the same fate for empowering Putin? A national embarrassment on an international stage. A scarlet letter type moment. Perfect.
Remember Canada and Mexico have already invested millions of dollars upgrading everything to meet Fifas requirements. Possibly they could alter the schedule, rather than including the USA
FIRST: perhaps Canada should simply… host.
SECOND: if that unlikely scenario doesn't come to pass, participating countries should urge their citizens to leave cell phones, tablets and laptops at home. Use a burner and start cleaning your social media feed for safety. Or…
THIRD: just don't go.
I have been thinking about this. Maybe there should be a boycott of these events by international athletes. Maybe events could be held low key at other world venues where people can travel safely. I intend to pressure my government to keep our athletes safe.
The right thing to do will be to call it off & host elsewhere, but that's not going to happen. There will be thousands of people rounded up as soon as they enter the country & displaced & abused, & everyone will pretend this is a normal fun sports party you should pay a lot of money for.
Boycott the Olympics - don't give Trump his 1936 Berlin and Boycott the World Soccer Cup - it is sports washing on a grand scale. #Olympics #Fifa #Worldcup
After the UK Punk band where denied entry because of comments they had made about #Felon47 I know I'll never go there - especially after they released this press statement.
The German people had all the documents necessary and were detained treated awfully and in jail for a long time and couldn't reach the embassy their parents didn't know what was happening so what can you do
nobody would know if you have a Visa that is legal 🤷🏼 third world now 😢
FIFA certainly should cancel the US hosted World Cup games and even kick out the US from competition.
The Olympic Committee should start looking for an alternative venue. US athletes should be allowed to compete as independent.
Any country hostile to its neighbors should be banned ...
This will be Korean style propaganda events for trump.. money will be flowing for his huge hanging portraits throughout the venues.. hail to the king events
I wouldn’t and some of my people have been here since early 1700s . I’m actually worried about leaving and trying to re enter due to my political activism against Trump’s rogue’s gallery of political misfits. I’m going to need a burner phone.
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
It would be nice if some transgender minorities handily beat Drago Trump in every competition. They can talk shit about ElonTrump whenever accepting - or refusing - the gold medals.
Kinda like how some black dudes embarrassed Hitler at his olympics by beating the supposed Aryan supermen.
💯. The Holocaust deniers showed up right on time, and now just as the last of the WWII vets pass on, apparently we've forgotten what the entire European theater of operations was about, which side we were on, and why.
We (collectively) are forgetting. This is not a problem of two men, if it were someone would just fix that.
Trump was elected on recycled Nazi propaganda. Even if you think the election was flawed, he clearly has tens of millions of supporters and Americans aren't risking anything to stop it.
I’m sure the vast majority of visitors will be fine but.. you never know, do you? There’s always that feeling that you might run foul or something, less so for white people still worrying.
Did you miss a snow-white Canadian actress disappearing?
By the time of these events, it'll be much worse if the orange turd and mr swasticar are still in power.
Well, I did say ‘less so’. We just got back a British girl who had a problem at the Canadian border, so I wasn’t assuming white people would get a pass.
They held the Olympics in Germany when Hitler was reigning. I feel like the Olympics kind of stand outside the rules. Its an island nation that just shows up every four years and visits
Now we need to worry about USA athletes saying, "Take me with you" after the games.
Bit 49 nations—more than any in prior Olympics—attended.
FDR didn't invite Black American Olympians, no, not even Jesse Owens, to the White House to commemorate their achievements.
I know they are very strict with Russian people that re-enter
And the Olympics committee are more corrupt than the White House.
To much money to be made.
FIFA should host the games in Canada and Mexico only but we know how politically neutral they are...
I never believed I would say this. I never believed we would ignore history and repeat the atrocities so easily. We were better than that and we will defeat trump.
Don't go. Don't watch.
Mump will then disburse the funds to red states only. So MAGAts get their benefits, other states do not.
Sure, California Republicans are hurt.
In his first term, farmers were shit scared until Congress doled out subsidies.
77%—a record—of farmers voted for him in 2024.
Embarrassing to see experts scream TARIFFS EVIL, when they don't hurt as advertised.
His thing has always been to flood the zone, so there'll always be an overload of bad shit going on. And if MAGATS lose 40% of medicaid or SS or whatever, pretty sure even the dumbest of the dumb will catch on.
I'm simply urging people not to assume that Mump has not thought through these contingencies. Don't assume that because they make some mistakes they're idiots.
Project 2025 assholes have planned this shit for years.
Those mistakes are inconsequential to their goals, and should not be taken as DOGE being idiots.
Those who disagree are blinded by the fluorescent orange felon and his ketamine-addled pet.
Boycott America. Shut down this country. Together we can defeat these cowards. They have no where to hide. Resist
This is terrifying and I know some will be safer abroad. But I just can't leave our country to these fascist. It's not a choice. Resist
You've seen the Olympics, right?
mafia vs. mafia.
The transcript is quite a read.
They are everything that is dark and malign in football.
Every vision they have is twisted and putrid
Especially for those who believe in equality and liberty.
a) we get this shit show fixed by then or
b) the IOC puts up the deuces ✌🏾 and gives it to someone else
We simply aren't hospitable enough 😞
It's all about the money, hunny.
(This site continues to blow me away with how genial people are to each other 👍)
Luckily for them FIFA and the IOC loves authoritarian governments.
Host each at the runner up venues?
Light the blue touch paper and stand back, the mother of all dummy spits.
Canada and Mexico could build enclosure walls and boost tourism by having viewing platforms (bullet-proof, obviously) like a zoo.
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of citizenship and banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
I'm being perfectly fair.
thousands of people just travelled to Las Vegas to watch rugby matches - they didnt give a fuck about the USA being fascist now.
Yes I know about the French professor.
Honestly its just the same, most sports fans will go to the USA , some will get detained and deported , soccer fans would go to Israel and walk over mass graves to watch their ' sport '
They could be held for any or fictional whims.
Seriously, this is like asking why would the WTA and especially Billie Jean King agree to play amd promote tennis in Saudi Fucking Arabia?
SECOND: if that unlikely scenario doesn't come to pass, participating countries should urge their citizens to leave cell phones, tablets and laptops at home. Use a burner and start cleaning your social media feed for safety. Or…
THIRD: just don't go.
the answer is no...
… no… no, do not send children or even travel with them to the us...
… we export safe, hard working tax paying immigrants …
… and import convicted felons, sex trafficking rapist...
keep your families safe, STAY FAR AWAY FROM AMERICA…
Of course people will still go, as ...sport=🧟♂️... but a not insignificant number will think twice.
nobody would know if you have a Visa that is legal 🤷🏼 third world now 😢
The Olympic Committee should start looking for an alternative venue. US athletes should be allowed to compete as independent.
Any country hostile to its neighbors should be banned ...
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
As long as they get paid everything is okay by them.
Jesse Owens who won the first quadruple golds, was ignored by Hitler.
Then, he was ignored by FDR who excluded Black athletes from the invitation to visit the White House.
Kinda like how some black dudes embarrassed Hitler at his olympics by beating the supposed Aryan supermen.
...and Turdov is claiming "another bigly winning!".
We're almost there.
Trump was elected on recycled Nazi propaganda. Even if you think the election was flawed, he clearly has tens of millions of supporters and Americans aren't risking anything to stop it.
By the time of these events, it'll be much worse if the orange turd and mr swasticar are still in power.