Whether it's Harris or AOC, the story is the same:
Those who tell you to wait your turn would rather put out the flame than hand you the torch.
Those who tell you to wait your turn would rather put out the flame than hand you the torch.
You can’t claim to know how to fox things when you fail the teat of getting someone elected.
Red Hats
The difference is minutia.
Do you like losing? Do you wanna be a minority party forever?
She wasn't even smart enough to listen to her internal polling
I could write a book about this are you serious man?
This loss should not have been a surprise to anyone unless u were lied to
Her she just handed us up to fascists on a platter
Tell yourself whatever you want to to make yourself feel better. It's called coping. I would have thought by the time you became an adult you would have more developed mechanisms
If you defended that all summer long and still think that's a solid
I don't even know what to tell you. But I just posted like six or seven posts under my original comment to someone else driving deeper
Unless you like to lose. I would consider if I were you at least reading it. This isn't my feelings. This is polling. Public reporting.
She's been doing it for years.
It's sickening.
And it's long past time that Pelosi should retire.
She did this with a broken hip
I sincerely hope she retires.
I don't know why people praise her because she's good at manipulating situations behind the scenes. Because she is the top fundraiser
Even when she does something I think is good. I think it's bad for that reason.
I used to like her, but have grown tired of her attacking Democratic progressives, but going easy on the GOP.
And bottom line: She lost the House TWICE.
That's hardly great.
Who has done that?
Pelosi stepped down.
Biden stepped down.
Oversight has a new chairperson.
It's nothing like harris's loss, which she deserved
I expect my friends to Call me out when I am making stupid decisions or be irrational. That's what people who care do
I want to win. Maybe that's why you should listen. I support dems winning
And it was the wrong move
And I'm pointing it out. That's why you should take my advice. If you want to know why it's the wrong move, just ask. I'll elaborate gladly
I'm correct about that.
People have been saying the stuff for decades nicely and none of you guys were listening either
At least this gets some people's attention, and some times it provides fruitful discussions. Gotta start some where
I don't see it that way I don't call people a hater when they points out that i'm being irrational or doing something dumb. I thank em
Also 18 year total Senate limit, 18 year total House limit. Meaning 3 and 9 term limits.
60 years old, 8 year, 8 years.
You are either a child or not very smart.
8 years tops, meaning (for senate) 1 term and up to 2 years of temporary replacement appointment.
Only 1 term in the Senate sets the Senate up for complete failure, it means a completely new Senate every 3 cycles. That is idiotic.
What we don't need is to ever spend another year watching the cognitive decline of an 80+ year old in a position of great power. If we wanted that, we'd have kings and queens.
where cognitive decline starts in most people.
It doesn't start in most people that get it until their late 70's at the earliest.
I do agree w/u. Even if they aren’t experiencing rapid or obvious mental decline, there should b an upper age limit 4 lots of reasons
Oh yeah, and he was chicken in 2016 about supporting the intelligence agencies re:Russian interference. Maybe if he'd had more of a spine, we could have averted Trump.
Not volunteering neolib Reagan, but ppl went to prison for S&L crisis. We had 40+ yrs of neoliberalism, including Obama. He failed in at least 3 major areas I mentioned. He also failed to hold Russians to account when Crimea was invaded.
Which, honestly, is fine. We don’t have to agree on this, it’s not like we’re about to hang out.
He failed to do some things which arguably paved the way for Trump to come into office. Not the least of which was talked dismissive about folks' "god, guns and religion." History will be the judge. /1
Her loss had nothing to do with her. Being a woman democrats didn't vote for her
I knew she was gonna lose since at least the D NC speech all the polling said she was gonna lose the uncommitted. Movement etc
Was actively hostile to her base her entire campaign and ran to the right of Ronald. Reagan, so her base did not show up
Instead tried to court Republican voters who also did not show up. This is part of a strategy that truck schumer spoke on claiming that for every working class voter
Keep up being the most unlikable person on the internet. It's doing wonders for our electoral chances. Truly genius.
And we're supposed to be the smart rational ppl
Keep up that total lack of perspective!
Tal meltdown, because it took all of like 10 seconds to talk to text a couple posts. Get over your f****** self. You're a fucking loser. You all lost
Any polling exit polling, anything at all? Or just ur gut instinct n vibes
Well the party f****** lied to you. For at least a year.
Why are you still defending them
But mark Cuban and her brother-in-law. Who works for uber didn't like it
I don't talk for no reason and I don't just think what MSNBC tells me to think
Like you, who is the person still defending a f****** loser who bled support in every demographic?
you are
When you think you fucking know everything you can't learn anything.
She was actively hostile to her base and tried to court republicans. So neither showed up for her. She made a bad call and she lost she's a loser
Obama the deporter in chief her entire campaign was billionaire curated
You're lying to yourself not me
Moderate is the f****** problem. When the entire country is demanding radical change. What the fuck are you talking about
standing in the way of progress
It's time to demand younger leadership
Not for WOC. Not for LGBTQ+ community, not for any one other than wealthy white women.
I'm SO fed up with this bullshit!
They have one thing in common - they don’t work for us. They placate us.
We need more progressives. Not less.
But big picture: a progressive doesn’t take big corporate donations - which free them to do the right thing - not automatically do what the money wants. Sometimes the right thing happens to also be aligned with something the establishment votes for.
Kamala Harris was not a strong candidate. Anybody who told you so lie to you. No polling beared that out
She literally did the opposite of what all the polling said fucker
Ppl can endorse AOC regardless. The Democrats need to know what the people want and that they aren't listening to us.
I am so old that I remember AOC voting against the infrastructure bill and against funding Ukraine. I believe in her growth, but she still needs to show that she can lead on important things instead of aligning with Matt Gaetz
Which of the two would have ended each day at the chair making waves on social media and getting the democratic parties voice heard? Definitely not the dude. Aoc is still one of the highest followed people here and this makes me legitimately sick
The election was hacked
Here is the press release. share this widely. To local, state and national media, online, friends, family and networks. It’s a thorough and clear presentation of the issue
AOC is continuily stepped on by the boots of the Democratic Party who lived during the Cold War
Harris was a fantastic candidate. I believe she could have won if Biden has not tried to run again like he said he wouldn’t.
But she refused to listen to Palestinians and made the f’ing Cheney’s the centerpiece of her campaign. She aimed for suburban women and ignored the working class, including working class women!
It was not a good campaign.
And you're stupid and you're wrong. Her policies are broadly popular. But I guess you like bleeding support. In every demographic. I guess you like fascism.
But I guess you probably thought it was smart for the democrats to run to the right of Ronald. Reagan and lose twenty million votes and the election to a fascist criminal con man
Lol stfu Or enjoy being in the minority
AOC was number 2 in that committee. She should have been the one taking point. Instead of this corrupt deal giving us a geriatric guy with cancer