Men are Failed heroes and shamed abusers. The rate of extremism violence, suicide and radicalization is disproportionately high for men. Men were rulers of the world for centuries. This has more to do fragility and ego then anything else.
What even is a crisis of masculinity anyway. As near as I can tell it’s the result of evening the playing field between white men and everyone else. Suddenly there’s more competition for resources and some men cannot compete with more qualified people, not that men are no longer masculine enough.
In general, though, women are more courageous, pragmatic, persistent in the face of obstacles, able to work with whatever personality steps in front of them, collaborative, able to give and take and compromise, less likely to mark out a line in the sand, handle slights
toxic masculinity and masculinity are not the same thing. in the same way that toxic relationships and relationships arent. its not that the thing is problem. its that people are twisting it into manipulative, abusive, and destructive versions of itself thats the problem.
I think the real problem in the USA will soon be unemployment.
Thanks to Trump, this is what we're seeing everywhere in Europe and Canada (which are getting closer).
Good luck!
You have to get a big diesel brodozer w emissions and muffler deletes. "Rolling coal" and TRT are mandatory steps in recovery. Oakleys are optional, but don't expect to be respected if you don't have the proper wraparound shades and tacticool ballcap. Complaining about fuel prices, also required.
The only resurrected man in history is The Way forward. He himself said it and He came to bring life and life abundantly. Putting our hope in anything else is foolish and deadly.
These villains are so on the nose. If Trump and Musk was in a TV show or cartoon, or would feel like the audience is being spoon fed the message that they’re supposed to be evil
We were addressing toxic masculinity head on. The alpha males all banded together under Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, harnessing their small dick incel energy to elect Trump. Now they want revenge on all the women for moving past them. They blame everyone else for this. Transsexuals mostly.
Lack of masculinity? My father worked coal mining shafts for 44 years. My brother for 25 years. Fishing boats go out on the tide, stocked with men? Farmers are men, joined by the same rugged type women. What you are seeing is the lack of requirements for maleness in your urban, administrative world.
They have no idea what masculinity is. Masculinity is changing the sheets on your kids' bed at 2am because they're sick. It's actually going to parent-teacher conferences. It's about standing up for your family and country. That's being a man.
And the left does know what masculinity is? Its amusing how the left bashes masculinity and touts how men shouldn't adhere to gender roles all while dictating how men should act and behave. And the left never sees the hypocrisy of it.
The crisis is the problems facing the modern world can’t be solved by being an uncomprehending brute and men incapable of facing that reality feel like this is unfair
They need to grow the fuck up or shut the fuck up
I’m cool with either
Been sick of their shit since grade school and I’m 56
I firmly believe that we should employ sex workers to solve these questions incels feelings of insecurity.
As long as the sex workers safety is assured.
There’s a Crisis of Masculinity in this country and the only way to solve it is to take the economy and the culture back to the 1950s so my woman will depend on me for her survival, my kid will won’t be weird, and I’ll feel some sense of control in this scary, unpredictable world.
There is real loneliness out there - experienced by all genders and in huge numbers in the elderly.
But what is called "male loneliness" is often "I can't sit on the couch gaming, scratching my b*lls, acting like a toddler & still get hot chicks to f*ck"
For some reason I keep wanting to blame sitcoms and romantic comedies.
My more crackpot theory is to blame concentrating media like plays and television and movies.. anything that exalts the individual as a side effect of limited performance space.
You forgot the part about lobotomizing women,eliminating their rights & place in the world outside of maternity wards, cooking fires, grocery stores,of course.
Why is it always the worst examples of traditional masculinity that want to "retvrn to masculinity"?
It's almost never some physically fit musclebound body builder who can lift 300 pounds, it's like some racist creepy old white dude with a body resembling a bloated raisin.
Maybe if these ‘masculine’ men realized women’s rights are under attack, they’d understand the need to be on the right side of history, or NO PUSSY!
The Power of the Pussy IS REAL! Piss off women = lose “access” to the pussy, lose chance to procreate…lose your chance at regaining that masculinity.
What it’s often like as a female working in a male dominated industry. Some men seem to believe this approach signifies power. Not all, of course. Some.
I'm very opposed to carry.. but, if you do, also train & include not having it taken from you. For young women, I also suggest
I don't carry but also limit where I go. Delete 2A & make everyone train & qualify to participate in the Well Regulated Militia.
This is why I'm taking the professional classes and getting licensed. You don't "need" either here in MN.
You JUST have to apply for a permit.. which is total bullshit, imo.
Unfortunately, even Blue states have MAGA areas.
Parents let their high-school kids fly Confederate flags behind their trucks, we've had an increase in Nazi art around town & girls being reminded it's the guys "choice"..never thought I'd see that in my Yankee state.
Yelling "fire" in the woods?? 😮💨
I've been opposed all my life.
I've finally come to the conclusion it's best to be equipped in certain situations. Can't bring a knife to a gun fight and all that..
I suspect it is largely part of the loneliness epidemic and men have really not been socialised well to best deal with this. First and foremost better mental health services needed for all but so many people just seem to be unhappy in their own ways.
Even before Covid we had a growing population who seemed to be raised by screens.. effectively feral, capable of communication and tool use but almost no self-care tasks (cooking, hygiene, code switching).
Hopefully after the next few years of toxic masculinity, the pendulum will swing the other way and set there stage for a woman POTUS to finally break through. If we still have elections, that is.
The Traitor Trump and his impotent South African Nazi puppet Master Elon Musk have infiltrated our government with the intent to destroy our constitution, our democratic system and our financial well being as a nation. We must rise up against these tyrants by any means necessary.
He keeps using that kid as a human shield. But I don’t think it’s very effective. The more I see of that kid, the more I hope he gets his weiner blown off. Now if his stupid dad would just get his dumb head out of the way…
Feminism has no/the lowest respect for minority men(or their rights or experience in a racist system), which makes it racist. Why don't you ask a racist why they are racist? This question is dumb,respectfully.
Most feminists are packed with white privilege, but they pretend to be victims and have stolen the victimhood of racial minorities. Compared to racial minorities, feminists arent victims(they are part of the racist oppressors and history) and they still owe reparations.
Thats just on paper, like he word "democracy"- what they mean in reality is very different from ehat they say they are in theory and on paper. Why won't institutions like universities adopt feminism formally? Because it's undercover bigotry. Have a nice evening.
There's a generation of boys who didn't develop into normal, well adjusted men. Maybe it was skewed ideas of sex from prolific porn, or not learning to talk to girls because of text or toxic so called "alpha" male role models or maybe their Daddys never taught them what being a man really entails.
we (by which i mean a huge preponderance of our ancestors in many, many cultures) have defined masculinity by centering it around violence and domination, that messaging has been pretty much everywhere since long before i left a uterus and despite countermessaging has remained ubiquitous
And that's where the enemy who's at the same time omnipotent and pathetically weak comes in: it allows violating an ostensibly weaker - and therefore safe - opponent, while ascribing the abuse of violence to them.
And now take a guess, who - for this kind of men - is the very epitome of weakness while not belonging to any protected class (women, children, the visibly disabled)?
only two things happen in multipliers of this nature: 'revenue' (a capitalist ideal) and cancer (something that kills you when capitalism goes unchecked)
The fake grumpy look gets me. It reminds me of my boy's play expression at about 7 years of age. Cross baby. It's also very ageing and not at all flattering. Hilarious, really, though there's no humour in this situation.
Unfortunately, many men don’t realize it’s the patriarchal norms causing the crisis, not women, queer folks, and people of color. Masculinity has become a commodity to be sold by the very people that make it a problem. It’s kind of like Christianity I that sense.
Anger and hatred toward “the other” is a refuge of the pitifully insecure and of those who exploit the insecurities of the former.
Trump was raised to think minorities were bad for his family business and property values. His anti-DEIA moves now are a continuation of his deep-seated racism.
There's no crisis. There's men who want to live their lives as they wish, and there's men who believe that only aggressive outward displays of violence constitute "masculinity". Now that latter group have become threatened by realising that other men don't feel that way we all have to die. Normal.
The same people that call non-whites around the world uncivilized, won’t shut up about being alpha males and talking about reclaiming our primal masculinity.
There’s a crisis because somewhere along the line, a bunch of rubes and megalomaniacs elevated cruel punk, thief, & sexual deviant Donald Trump as the American ideal of masculinity.
Birds of a feather energy brought monsters like E. Musk, M. Johnson, R. Vought & other horribly toxic men running.
Tech billionaires want to run their companies like dictatorships, but obviously employees don't want to *work* in those environments. This is a pushback against having a workplace where people actually have a voice, rather than the CEO dictating everything.
The kind of men obsessed with being masculine always strike me as hiding something. You want masculine? You want to show what a good man looks like? Get your hands dirty, go out there, and help someone else. Do it with no expectation of reward.
Education is vital and necessary, and unfortunately, cost prohibitive for most of us. Education for its own sake, and the application of knowledge acquired, is paramount. A degree is worthless if it is not used--and knowledge without a degree, still useful.
This is the highest rate of MMA combative martial arts enrollment in human history yet these same coaches constantly whine about the lack of masculinity in this world.
It's the least masculine thing in the world to genuinely like women! Wanting to be with a woman as a masculine manly man lowers T levels. men should be kissing their homies instead to keep their testosterone levels high! 🤣
Found a great bar for this last night. Guys allowed to be masculine and flex their muscles with their shirts off like action movie stars. Tough bikers in leather. A couple cowboys. Even the few chicks who were there didn't disrupt the vibe and dressed like mountain climbers or NYC streetball dudes.
How long until Project 2025's plan to prevent women from initiating divorce is cemented? All that divorced dude energy, which weirdly assumes all women are exactly like the divorcing wife -- a disadvantage of viewing women as a class instead of individuals -- won't be patient on this, will it?
You're right. My bad.
Men around Project 2025 believe no-fault divorce is bad because it allows women to leave. They kept that idea on the down low during the campaign but, now in power, they'll attempt to force women to remain in unhappy marriages.
I'm not clear on how they're getting to the altar, tbh
I already have backstories going in my head but I'd like to know specific facts from a few of them. Surely they met in public places, at least at first. Were these drunken Vegas weddings? Careful planning instead of getting to know each other?
It's not a mystery that a large number of women like these types of men.
Why they do I find mysterious, but I'm sure a lot of books have been written about it.
indeed. but the lonely ones dont realize the problem is internal, or dont wanna put forth the effort to fix it when its easier to just pass blame. thats in large part how people like rogan or tate got their audience. be reinforcing the blame game and telling chuds that they are right to be barbarous
They get loud over minor stuff; they puff their chests out; they drive ridiculously large vehicles and park in 2 spaces; they have many many rules about how other people should act but they don't say them or write them down anywhere. Breaking one of them unleashes them; they're entitled to rage then
It's low down on my list of what's horrible, but I have spent at least 1 second realizing that we now live in The United States of Microscopic Penises. (That's official, by the way.)
The most humiliating part about this timeline is that we don't even get cool villains. They'd all be the antagonist of some forgettable dump month flick with a 13% Tomatometer.
There’s a crisis of masculinity going on with fElon’s man titties. Dude, do a bench press or a push up. AND STOP FATHERING MORE KIDS YOU DONT ACTUALLY PARENT.
Weird question, but were the men in Star Trek not considered masculine?
All this time I thought they were, but they just didn’t act like douchebags.
Was this wrong?
Seriously! I always had the hots for Picard and just recently my family was playing a game and the question I got was what fictional character would I want part of our family and my answer was Spock. I would have fascinating conversations with him yet he would be totally self sufficient. A dream!
I briefly considered Thor for the eye candy…but then thought he may become Beer Belly Thor and quite needy and thought better of it. So there you go men…be smart and self sufficient and you will get dates!
There have, honestly, been discussions online about where’s unmasculine to wipe your own ass.
So yeah, fuck it, I’m Agender. Modern US “masculinity” is an embarrassment.
Thank fuck they'll all be gone soon. The Greatest Generation followed by the shittest. Fucking infants.
In general, though, women are more courageous, pragmatic, persistent in the face of obstacles, able to work with whatever personality steps in front of them, collaborative, able to give and take and compromise, less likely to mark out a line in the sand, handle slights
Despite telling the nation what she did to her husband, Bobbitt never went to jail.
... now this.
Smelly smelly. Fishy fish. Thats what billions of dollars can do to you
Thanks to Trump, this is what we're seeing everywhere in Europe and Canada (which are getting closer).
Good luck!
Excuse while I rip my eyes out of their sockets
Weak men make hard times.
Hard times make good men.
We’re in the hard times now. Looking forward to the resurrection of the good men.
They need to grow the fuck up or shut the fuck up
I’m cool with either
Been sick of their shit since grade school and I’m 56
As long as the sex workers safety is assured.
There is real loneliness out there - experienced by all genders and in huge numbers in the elderly.
But what is called "male loneliness" is often "I can't sit on the couch gaming, scratching my b*lls, acting like a toddler & still get hot chicks to f*ck"
My more crackpot theory is to blame concentrating media like plays and television and movies.. anything that exalts the individual as a side effect of limited performance space.
NOT MAN ENOUGH is the answer!
Give me a liberal man any day!
That said, Giannis does pretty well and I have to say our entire city misses Jrue and Lauren dearly.
It's almost never some physically fit musclebound body builder who can lift 300 pounds, it's like some racist creepy old white dude with a body resembling a bloated raisin.
The Power of the Pussy IS REAL! Piss off women = lose “access” to the pussy, lose chance to procreate…lose your chance at regaining that masculinity.
Yes, I'm showing my age with that reference. :)
Bounty Hunters
Save the Nation
Break no Laws
Fully Constitutional
I don't carry but also limit where I go. Delete 2A & make everyone train & qualify to participate in the Well Regulated Militia.
Like pilots train to fly.
You JUST have to apply for a permit.. which is total bullshit, imo.
Parents let their high-school kids fly Confederate flags behind their trucks, we've had an increase in Nazi art around town & girls being reminded it's the guys "choice"..never thought I'd see that in my Yankee state.
Yelling "fire" in the woods?? 😮💨
I'm a Minnesotan, so a good majority owns/hunts.
I've been opposed all my life.
I've finally come to the conclusion it's best to be equipped in certain situations. Can't bring a knife to a gun fight and all that..
$20M for Musk, $5M/mice.. once those go out (R) will retire agent orange.,many%20%E2%80%9Cmickey%20mouse%E2%80%9D%20detainees.
Beloved, the Lord gave me a revelation about your career and family. Do well to leave me a message, it is very important. God bless you.”
Even before Covid we had a growing population who seemed to be raised by screens.. effectively feral, capable of communication and tool use but almost no self-care tasks (cooking, hygiene, code switching).
There are reasons he wants to destroy the "meddling" agencies. It's a plan, an evil plan. Look at all those conflicts of interest!
Narcissistic man-babies with no emotional development into adulthood.
Why do men believe this, to a greater or lesser extent? Is it born from fear?
How do help them understand how much more powerful using their words is if they want to sustain relationships?
Also resentment: Getting angry bc "all I do is try to keep her happy" -- who told you to?
Trump was raised to think minorities were bad for his family business and property values. His anti-DEIA moves now are a continuation of his deep-seated racism.
Woke: men are lonely they need to be shown what is real and not and also therapy and education
I said what I said.....
Pick a freaking lane silly goats…
**Sheriff Roy Tillman**: "The President?"
**Lorraine Lyon**: "A Baby"
Birds of a feather energy brought monsters like E. Musk, M. Johnson, R. Vought & other horribly toxic men running.
Tech billionaires want to run their companies like dictatorships, but obviously employees don't want to *work* in those environments. This is a pushback against having a workplace where people actually have a voice, rather than the CEO dictating everything.
Act like the father your neighbors need.
, they should just go there chill out & flex 💪 with the bros
Men around Project 2025 believe no-fault divorce is bad because it allows women to leave. They kept that idea on the down low during the campaign but, now in power, they'll attempt to force women to remain in unhappy marriages.
JD said *even w violence* women shouldn't leave
I already have backstories going in my head but I'd like to know specific facts from a few of them. Surely they met in public places, at least at first. Were these drunken Vegas weddings? Careful planning instead of getting to know each other?
Why they do I find mysterious, but I'm sure a lot of books have been written about it.
The Women of Mar-a-Lago
and he's ready to hit the clubs.
Just a thought.
The funniest thing ever.
I tell my trans son that he can cry
Get Ready to Turn Heads: Discover the Hottest Sunglasses of the Season!
All this time I thought they were, but they just didn’t act like douchebags.
Was this wrong?
So yeah, fuck it, I’m Agender. Modern US “masculinity” is an embarrassment.