Dying of starvation is long and very painful fuckhead. I'm talking to Trump. The funny part is you won't be starving or your family, so you don't give a shit. So keep your thoughts to yourself
Yes, my economic plan code name Project Pyramid does require some investment up front, so you will lose money AT FIRST, but you're gonna make so much money later, and if you get ten more people to invest, I'll even make you a "regional manager"
I guess nobody is willing to tell him that the American people didnt sign up for pain, short term or otherwise. They signed up for fixing the pain on day one like he promised.
It's why #NaziElon called us ALL parasites-so it makes it acceptable to masses that his need to exterminate our Fed. employees,to exterminate all of us.He has gone full Nazi,he even was so brazen to do Seig Heil twice behind the Presidential Seal.Why wasn't he then shackled?fElon mission #DestroyUSA
🚨🚨 In the first days of Ramadan, we face starvation and siege after the crossings were closed. Prices have skyrocketed insanely🥺
We endure a devastating war without a home, electricity, or water, struggling amidst the rubble for life’s most basic needs💔😭. https://gofund.me/ada35961
It astounds me that so many Americans (at least over 77 million this time around) could still not differentiate between people who want to (& did) help them & shysters who only care about their own pockets/generational wealth.
#GOP are highly politically biased, yet they lack any political IQ/acumen
My short term cost cutting plan is to come to the House of Republicans and only feed them once a day, instead of three times. I can cut more costs by feeding them once a week. I can cut costs even more by feeding them (and their kids) once a month. Let's go on!
Why do we have to feel the pain? Why can’t the 3.3 million 1%ers feel a little discomfort up in here? It so frustrating that so many of the poorest people,that rely on benefits to survive, that will never own a house or a stock or a new car voted for this. Their own state can’t help them but still 🔴
The shear amount of people that would have to be disposed of at this point to get democracy back will be World War III. There’s just too many of them to silencer
America almost seems to be at war with itself.
General Patton said: "Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country.
You win by making the other SOB die for his country".
It doesn't feel like it but
WE are in control.
Nothing can happen without our support (be it tacit or complacent or enthusiastic).
This is OUR country. A melting pot of ideas that make a life supportive stew!
We are the 4th branch of government.
April 25th Arbor day
Occupy federal spaces.
I find it all a bit like a hooting themselves in the foot, tho. If everyone is losing jobs, unable to house or feed themselves, and are dead...who the F do the billionaires think will pay for all of their perks?
It's incredible how they're all saying this out loud before the pain even manifests. They know they created the bases for a recession and are just preemptively promoting propaganda to excuse it
Yes, but at least they'll be plenty of forest land availabe to be buried in....won't have to worry about survivor's benefits for my kid either because there wont be any and he'll be dead too!
The idea that this admin is counting on Americans to make sacrifices is laughable. This the country that couldn't give a damn about their compatriots dying of covid, 3mil of them. 😂
PSYCHOPATHS Putin’s/Trump’s/Eloon’s MAGAs are a redux of PSYCHOPATH Hitler’s Nazis = psychopaths (1 in 25 persons in the general population) & their psychotic human pets.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been PSYCHOPATH Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
We endure a devastating war without a home, electricity, or water, struggling amidst the rubble for life’s most basic needs💔😭.
#GOP are highly politically biased, yet they lack any political IQ/acumen
Americans, maybe.
General Patton said: "Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country.
You win by making the other SOB die for his country".
Take that as you will.
WE are in control.
Nothing can happen without our support (be it tacit or complacent or enthusiastic).
This is OUR country. A melting pot of ideas that make a life supportive stew!
We are the 4th branch of government.
April 25th Arbor day
Occupy federal spaces.
-last words
King, court, peasants.
You will be grateful for the scraps I let you have.
The Weekend After That: a wave of tiktoks from the cabs of trucks: "So I just found out this plan kills me. To pay for DEI."
taking forever elongated
death of Bill Murray in the first usa movie edition of "Zombieland" that got a sequel & or additional installments tho i haven't viewed those yet
eeeh zombies yucky
that gasping sound in bed for a long while he utters
Me: "Oh no, not for you. You're gonna do great."
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.