Today, there will be no organized objection to the results of a free and fair election by the sitting President, no mob that marches on the Capitol at the incitement of the President.
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Today, there will be no officers maced by rioters or crushed in the doors of this hallowed institution, no offices desecrated or windows smashed by insurrectionists.
We can, must, and will do our part to ensure that the same is true in every election, regardless of whether one’s preferred candidate wins or loses. We must ensure that our democratic republic survives four years from now, forty years from now, and forever.
This is wrong in so many levels. Trump and Musk rigged the votes. Do a recount or invoke the 14th Amendment. Do something. Do anything but accept that he won.
There is nothing “free or fair” about this current election. Taxation without representation. Today is the day the Democratic Party dies. You have zero backbone and are not upholding your oath of office. DISGRACE and SHAME ON YOU.
Please senator can at least one of you stand up and speak to the 14th amendment and mention that if it were followed Trump would not be allowed to hold office. However “we will not object”.
Trump: computers are the greatest, he was looking at some of them that were just shipped in, some of these vote counting computers, he knew it before they even came in the door. He would be in the back and say "I know that one". I mean he knows this stuff better than anyone"
This is all well and good. But please pay attention to what your base is telling you. Please get much better at listening, communicating and campaigning. The 2026 campaign needs to start now.
You absolutely fucking need to stop him. He is an insurrectionist. Your failure to step up and stop him shows you do not care about us and are also a threat to our democracy.
You spit on their legacy and we will never vote for Democrats again.
Stop lying to our faces. Massive voter disenfranchisement, bomb threats, suspicious RLA results, independent results also suspicious, confirmed acts of war on our election. Insurrectionists are disqualified. These are FACTS.
Nice words but that’s not at all what’s going on on the ground.
He’s being sworn back in again despite the mounds of evidence that proves he is legally and morally unfit to be president. So, nice words but America is gone.
Get money out of politics.That’ll stop some of the show. That’s the work.
That is completely Bullshit.
Stop speaking words that have No true meaning and uphold your Oath.
For once in your life, do what is right for The People, save our great nation! 🇺🇸🌎
The problem is there will never again be an election in the US now, it will only be a pretend going forward, just like in Russia.
Please watch this Sen. Adam Schiff.
Absolutely INSANE move to bring a victim of J6 to relive his trauma for political theater and not in protestation of electing an illegible insurrectionist to the highest office. Uphold the constitution. 14.3
The worst comment yet. "We will carry on the cherished legacy of our Founders." How? By capitulating to the felon who, with lots of help, interfered with our election? No attempt to even look at the anomalies & election interference? How can we "carry on the legacy" when our vote doesn't count.
Can I interest you and your cohorts in authoring an Amicus Brief in support of the scotus petitioner 24-617 Alter v Trump?
(14 sec 3, petition for cert) My contact details can be found on the petition
You gave that up today. The Founders of this country would be appalled at how easily you gave up the country they worked so hard to get going. Because you want to hold to protocol, mistaking it for substance. What disappointments Dems are. You all betrayed us.
I think SCOTUS said that only Congress could disqualify a candidate. If you can't do it today, you should have worked to do it before the election. I mean, we know SCOTUS is full of crap, but if we're pretending rules still apply, then ...
Bullsh!t !! Going fwd are we going to allow traitors who storm the Capitol to be on those "free & fair" future ballots ?? Please explain. You used to be so brave, Mr Schiff. I wont call you senator, you broke your oath to defend.
It sounds like from all your posts today that you're willing to lie down, let an insurrectionist become president, all for the sake of a tradition that only the Democrats care about. This will be your legacy.
Were it not for the #ElectionHack
Harris would have WAY MORE VOTES!
So, this is America?! A constitutionally disqualified man is going to be certified President?! I respectfully demand that Congress honor your oath to the Constitution. As an insurrectionist he is DISQUALIFIED. We the people look to you to do the right thing. #14thnow
And to the Electoral Count Act. It clearly states an objection can be made if the vote was not "regularly given." A vote is "regularly given" to a candidate eligible to be President.
No wanted the DOT claims investigated!! The election wasn’t fair! Not with Elon by his side and starlink counting the votes!! Getting him out of the picture was more imp than looking calm uhh no no no
So you all are going to ignore your sworn duty and certify the election of someone barred by the Constitution from serving as president. Great, congratulations on being completely complicit.
So you're going to certify a convicted felon who per the Constitution will be mandated to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
Here's a prediction,
he's going to execute the law alright,
with a butcher knife.
He'll slice & dice the Constitution to where it's no longer the law any more.
And unfortunately if there ever should be a mob to protect democracy, the fact that today with the installation of a lying traitor for a 2nd chance to destroy our country seems like it would be warranted!
Senator Schiff: Linking an objection to this certification *which absolutely should be happening* to J6 is pretty disgusting. Trump is disqualified by the 14th amendment section 3.J6 was *an insurrection against The United States*.
Weak-kneed shit like you just posted is why Dems lose.☠️☠️ #fucktrump
The sad thing IS that there is none of this. The whole nation should be marching to keep this traitor out of the WH.
He should be in jail.We allowed dis and misinformation to abound and we allowed the Office to literally be bought. We are pretending it was all up and up and it was not. Who said this election was free or fair? Did you all conduct a forensic audit of the election and its results? These questions are why Dems are seen as weak and inept.
However, kamala must certify an election we all know was won before anyone voted due to Elon. We can't prove it so the moron and his wife, Elon will go to the white house.
A person who is vaguely bothered by an injustice is not worth a damn.
A person who refuses to back down because they are just plain pissed is worth the life of the republic.
And to prevent some asshole like tRump from ever taking office again; Congress has to pass a law the limits how much these billionaires can donate to a campaign. That was joke, Co-President Musk and his million dollar lotteries.
You did NOT uphold your oath and neither did any other person in congress. You are all a disgrace and have blood on your hands. Trump is an adjudicated Insurrectionist. 14th Amendment section 3-no insurrectionist shall take office unless 2/3 of each house vote to remove such disability.
Free and fair elections?? You cowards tried to jail Trump on false charges and have been persecuting him since he ran for office. Save your false outrage for Fang Fang.
You and everyone else ignored your oath and allowed Trump in today. You’ve let down your party, the people and the constitution. I have dedicated too much time and money to corporate democrats that continue to roll over. It’s not too late to do something about it or say goodbye to democracy. ✌️
The election should not be certified. Why was there no recount, especially in the swing states??? There is no way he won every swing state. He cheated. We all know it. Elon helped him cheat.
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩. You're helping someone who is constitutionally unqualified by the 14th amendment to be president, letting a fascist destroy this country, all to please your billionaire owners.
There was no objection to an insurrectionist under section 3 of the 14th amendment because you have no spine and are a coward. Or is it the increase in pay now that you are a senator? trump is coming for you and don't ask us to vote again. When you fail to lead the people, you deserve to lose.
There is too. We are challenging the 14th amendment. Get on board or get out of our way. We can't count on Democrats either. We're saving our own lives
However, Mother Nature is sending the biggest, most beautiful snowstorm — a reminder that there will be heavy shoveling in our future ( but it won’t be snow).
Literally your job is to uphold Constitutional law. Please do so. It is illegal for you to fail in this duty.
Do NOT bend the knee! Stand strong. Do your duty! You alone can stop the end of your country as you know it.
You are breaking your oath. History and America would have lauded you as a hero. We are all heartbroken. You had been our last hope. Without Constitutional law, America is America in name only. Democracy has failed.
Free and fair what happened to the 14th amendment and was throwing trans kids under the bus with the NDAA vote fair don’t you dare tell us what’s free and fair after what he says he’s gonna do to this community. Good luck on primary.
We need a permanent memorial in DC to honor those first responders who were severely injured, and lost their lives, because of the actions of Donald J Trump, his co-conspirators, and the violent mob he incited with his lies about the 2020 election. America must never forget this heinous attack!
It's better to voice your opinion with a crowd, then by yourself.
Anything can happen. He's a convicted felon, and there has to be some loophole in the constitution..
He isn't sworn in...yet.
Anything can happen.
Did you really bring a Capitol Police officer to the certification, just to have him watch you ignore your oath and hand the keys to the guy who tried to have him killed? What is wrong with you? I "trusted" you as a beacon of democracy. I'm glad I can't and never voted for you.
Dude, you're just passing along into office someone who literally broke the law several times, incited an insurrection that put y'alls lives in danger, and who knows what else at this point. Don't grandstand on Jan. 6 2021 - this man shouldn't be president
I think the point (those who see Dems as "soft" on these matters are trying to make) is that the opposing side seems to get away with a lot - with minimal negative consequences. Rather the contrary; 2 crucial elections were lost, so being "within the law" seems to be a flawed perspective these days.
I agree the people in the party with the power need to be far more forceful (attn Chuck Schumer) but what does this guy expect Adam Schiff to have done? He hasn't given specifics and general bitching is cheap and easy.
True that, for us who perhaps value truth, facts and descent decorum, it would not sit well having Schiff going on MSNBC or CNN spewing twisted, made up lies about "the right". But since "going high" failed, for the second time, some might believe that acting poisonous somehow remedies stupidity.
There's a distance btw going low and being poisonous, and we Democrats can do it (if there's a will). I'll admit I think Schiff is one who will never sacrifice decorum since that is part of his brand. That's why I like people like AOC Andrew Katie Porter, who unfortunately didn't win reelection.
I hope history remembers you and your colleagues as the spinless cowards that turned your backs on us that you are. You just sit back and keep fucking us over like you always have, just taking your Big Money checks while doing jack shit to ACTUALLY help us out. Shameless bastard.
I get it. I do. But tell me there was nothing else that could have been done. Record turnout. I've NEVER seen lines that long. I know maybe 4 people who voted for Trump, and I live in a Red state. Everyone else was Blue. My GOP Rep didn't even show to debates and won. Come on.
1-It was NOT a free & fair election! Putin & Musk bought Trump the fkn presidency!
2-There had BETTER be organized objection to #TreasonTrump & his criminal cronies violating the #14thAmendment to take office…again…& completely destroy American democracy altogether this time!!!
Why is there no organized objection to making a RAPIST the president? Someone who isn't allowed to operate a charity because he stole from one? Someone who stole government documents? Why are you refusing to do your job?
So…you are just going to let this highly suspicious election go then? Okay, got it. Then why even bring this up? The oligarchs are literally taking over our country as we speak, and all you are going to do is come on here and say “at least we aren’t blah blah blah”. How does that help anyone?
Today, we're exhibiting to the world that there are no consequences for violating the law, or the Constitution, if you happen to be rich enough. Today, we nullify the actions of our Founders and foolishly sacrifice our Republic for a chimera called peaceful transfer of power.
Grow a pair and stand up for the American people. Use the 14th amendment and do what’s right for democracy. Otherwise you are just an enabler full of empty rhetoric.
Shame on the Dems for abetting this take over. You know damn well it was rigged. Thanks to Elonia. This is why we have lost all hope. Dems just roll over. Bernie was right. Hillary got us Trump. The DNC screwed him and the country. Leaving the party.
You, Jeffries, Pelosi, and Schumer, among others, need to go home. We should have burned down the f'ing Capitol instead of being wimps and certifying another stolen election. But that's what you do best: Bring rulebooks to a street fight. F nice and f you, Adam. We need new leadership - STAT!
Fucking pathetic chicken shit cowards folding to fear and shredding our constitution. I swear to god yall better be saving some shit before the 20th cause otherwise you are 10000% complicit.
Why do democrats and all people just pretend maga and republicans are not election deniers and liars.
Who would ever negotiate or speak to them like they aren't liars and deniers.
Why pretend they are normal and nothing happened? It should be pointed out in every conversation had with maga.
You’re obeying in advance…see analytics….sadly, you’re just part of the Schumer/Pelosi corporate democrats playing to lose crew…there is a time not to accept and it is now
Do you expect us to praise you for not even doing the bare minimum of organizing yourselves to refuse to certify the disqualified person? Well no. You're all a disgrace.
You just have no clue about how mad Americans real are. Zero justice, oligarchs making policy by tweet, the stupendously under qualified people in charge. The fact that there is no back bone whatsoever to be found. You’ve ruined a country for a generation or more.
What you’ve done is worse. You’re letting an insurrectionist leader back to power without any consequences or justice. You have failed the country. Don’t you dare act all high and mighty now. Great, just open the door wide and step aside for a felon, rapist, and 2 times impeached president.
I trust that you will honor your oath and object to his electoral votes. He is an adjudicated Insurrectionist and constitutionally DISQUALIFIED from assuming the presidency under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. #14thnow
A convicted felon should not be permitted to hold the office of President. End. Of. Goddamn. Story. It’s well past time for Democrats to grow spines. You included.
Because it's a peaceful transfer of power to fascists. It's sickening how these scum crow on about how they believe the Republicans are fascists, which they actually are, and then do not act like they believe them to be fascists. Fuck, you, coward.
Wondering if we’ll look back and ask if perhaps this (January 6, 2025) was the day the left should have stood up and stopped this farce with whatever means necessary.
Senator Schiff served admirably on the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack. I believe he cares deeply. However, many Americans are struggling with referring to last November’s election as free and fair.
He did serve very admirably, and that was then and this is now. The fact that he invited Hodges to witness the certification is kind of stunning to me. I'm surprised he accepted
January 6 #InvokeUSC14.3onJ6 The rapist inciting sedition by arranging fake electors is not covered as an official act, nor is inciting a riot to disrupt Congress on January 6 2021. Ditto asking your VP to overturn an election. Trump is ALREADY Disqualified under USC 14. Sect. 3. 14thNOW
Russian-sourced bomb threats to blue polling places, trump declaring weeks before that he didn't need votes, Starlink connection/Musk "knowing results" hours prior, trump votes w/otherwise blue down tickets. Nothing free or fair about it.
You invited Daniel Hodges, only to certify a known rapist and criminal? What kind of sadistic BS is that? You are a disgusting, twisted excuse for a human being, and I hope Californians pressure you into leaving office within your first year.
And, no insurrectionist should be allowed to hold any office. And, congress should uphold and honor their oath to protect our constitution. Instead, an insurrectionist is scheduled to be sworn in 14 days from now. And, SCOTUS are enablers.
Senator with great respect, all I request is a Democratic Senator explain to the people in a clear and direct way why a 14.3 objection on disqualification hasn’t been made. House impeached, Senate voted guilty, adjudicated in a CO Court, Confirmed by CO Supreme Court, SCOTUS didn’t address in ruling
Do you not need to uphold the Constitution and require the 2/3 vote of Amnesty be taken to make this country have a qualified President? If the Republicans can’t gather 2/3 support to grant amnesty everything the usurper Trump does will be illegal. How does that square with the rule of law?
When they vote to certify the election. A vote is regularly given if the person is qualified. A vote not regularly given includes an elector voting for an ineligible candidate, voting on the wrong day, or an elector voting as the result of bribery or other improper influence.
Trump won,
1. The House. 2. The Senate. 3. The Presidency. 4. The Supreme Court. 5. The Republican Governors. 6. The Mayor's. 7. The School boards. 8. The District attorneys. 9. The Judges. 10. The Sheriff's and more. WOKE IS DEAD!
We are so fked going into the next 4 years with opposition leaders like this, that have no balls. I come from a Democratic family, and after the debacle of the 68 Dem convention in Chgo, I refused to ID as a Dem for most most of my life. The Obama nomination brought me back, but I am gone once again
IT WASNT FREE AND FAIR!!! Without a forensic audits there's zero way you can responsibly say that. They've been hacking our systems for years. Took 2 minutes at Def-Con years ago.
I still think before the final tally made it to the end of the line, Russian or Chinese hackers intercepted and changed the results.
He kept saying "you'll never have to vote again"
Uep, just a LOT of capitulation and throwing in the towel. A lot of fake statemanlike conduct and violation of people's oaths to protect our country and Constitution.
You want to become like trump, while fighting him?
The time to fight is (among others) when we focus on the next elections and take back control of the House.
Are you going to repeat that when Trump and his crowd of anarchists cancel elections, which they have every intent on doing? You fight fire with fire! F nice.
Fire with fire, how?
I mean even if you think Dems should have voted against certification, they have no majority.
It has nothing to do with being nice.
All this is just virtue signaling on social media.
Maybe there SHOULD be. Please tell us, how many bomb threats were there in this “free & fair” election? Too many to count? The next elections won’t be legitimate, just as this one wasn’t, but as long as yall have your seats it’s fine!
Enjoy your Senate borscht… I mean Senate bean soup today 👍🏼
Adam: You write that as if it's the noble thing to do. You and your congressional colleagues are complicit in the crimes about to happen. History will remember this moment as treason, not as a peaceful transfer of power.
Peaceful transition left four years ago.
It has never returned.
You can only lose your virginity once.
Now you are another American country that suffered an attempted coup followed by a successful one.
You and the rest of the dems, kept screaming about TFG being a horror, a danger for democracy, environment, trade, unions, human rights etc. Now you keel over and kiss his ring, saying it is democracy? Fuck all of you !
Yea, that needs to be addressed. But what the hell, many of our representatives are bought and paid for. We've become what James Madison warned of in Federalist 10 arguing for a constitutional republic. A neoliberal autocrat with immunity and a supporting oligarchy. Like Russia.
This is true, as did the other half of the country - who didn't vote at all.
Difference being that "democrats", in this context, equals politicians - and in America that means being dependent on (influfinanced by) financial contributions. A system that throws right/wrong, true/false out the window.
I’m hoping they’re cooking something with outside agencies ? If not I hope Norway Denmark etc give women asylum I’m done with the crappy USA! It’s for yt racist men! Or Canada can totally take us over!! I’m down
Today, 535 Members of Congress will VIOLATE their Oaths to support the Constitution they swore by certifying the election of a candidate DQ’d from serving by the Constitution.
Today’s legislative inaction completes the adoption of Fascism begun by Judicial Branch on July 1, 2024,
Trump won,
1. The House. 2. The Senate. 3. The Presidency. 4. The Supreme Court. 5. The Republican Governors. 6. The Mayor's. 7. The School boards. 8. The District attorneys. 9. The Judges. 10. The Sheriff's and more. WOKE LOST. ITS DEAD.
Exactly! I want term limits! Nancy walking in looking like the wicked witch of the west! I use to like her ehh no! All the pervy weird little racist republicans smiling? I feel sick
Sorry BUT no you all left us with the weird perv babysitter in order to show how classy we are? No we’re not! Liberals are mad! Something better be cooking behind the scenes? To get rid of that monster!! Ehh
We voted Senators/Reps into office to enforce the law. Trump is an adjudicating insurrectionist and is disqualified from holding office by 14th Amendment, Section 3 of the US Constitution.
If Jan 6th, 2021 wasn't an Insurrection, then nothing will ever be.
Federal laws are proposed and developed by the legislative branch of the federal government (Congress), enacted by the executive branch (the President and the Departments and agencies), and enforced by the judicial branch (the federal court system, including the Supreme Court).
You are wrong in this situation. 14th Amendment, Section 5 specifically states that only Congress can enforce the 14th Amendment Section 3, and the Supreme Court ruled it is non-justiciable and cannot be ruled on by the judicial branch.
Same old bullshit.
You fail to realize we need fighters, not relics like you spouting empty bullshit.
The dad fact is millions of people should be there, should be protesting...but no.
We're going to have a peaceful transfer of power to an oligarchy of tech bros who will destroy America.
Fuck. You.
Trump has no right to be President. He's a convicted felon. He incited an insurrection. He stole classified documents. He is a traitor to our Country. There should be an organized objection to the results.
Wow so you're willing to commit treason against your Country for a rapist. If you thought people were disengaged now, you're about to find out. Just because you have the resources to survive a terrorist term doesn't mean we all do. You're ignoring your oath to our Constitution which is designed to
Protect the Public but I guess our Dem leaders don't care to protect the Public. What happened to that fight during Trump's impeachment? What does he have on you? This is the most disappointing shit I've ever seen I can see the headlines 'Our leaders hand America over to a terrorist organization'
This is because the coup mob won. And that is because yous failed to hold them to account, normalized their insurrectionist leader as a candidate, and oversaw unconstitutional elections. Nothing to celebrate here, in the peaceful transfer of power to the violent, anti-democratic enemies of the USA.
Today I am more proud of my vote for Katie Porter than I was the day I voted. Ultimately I voted for Schiff but I would have preferred Katie who I believe would have fought harder.
Definitely regretting my several votes for Schiff and donation, but is there anyone in the Democratic Party who isn't a spineless POS? I'm not sure anymore.
I'm not sure either. They're all way too cordial and cooperative and keeping their head down. Even aside from the way Republicans would be acting if things were reversed, it's just wrong to ignore the treachery that is republicans.
Shame on every single one of you cowards for not upholding the constitution by invoking amendment 14, sec 3
You have let down your voters and we will remember.
There is nothing “free or fair” about this current election. Taxation without representation. Today is the day the Democratic Party dies. You have zero backbone and are not upholding your oath of office. DISGRACE and SHAME ON YOU.
You've failed all Americans.
Stop lying to our faces. Massive voter disenfranchisement, bomb threats, suspicious RLA results, independent results also suspicious, confirmed acts of war on our election. Insurrectionists are disqualified. These are FACTS.
He’s being sworn back in again despite the mounds of evidence that proves he is legally and morally unfit to be president. So, nice words but America is gone.
Get money out of politics.That’ll stop some of the show. That’s the work.
Stop speaking words that have No true meaning and uphold your Oath.
For once in your life, do what is right for The People, save our great nation! 🇺🇸🌎
Please watch this Sen. Adam Schiff.
Democrats are fucking cowards.
Trump knew you'd be too cowardly to object to the hacked election or his unlawful certification.
Congrats, you've destroyed our country instead of protecting it.
The founders are cursing you.
The Democratic Party is dead. We need a new one.
our legacy has been OVERTHROWN ???
(14 sec 3, petition for cert) My contact details can be found on the petition
and WHY???!!!! 😎🇺🇸😎🇺🇸😎
Were it not for the #ElectionHack
Harris would have WAY MORE VOTES!
How long before this guy commits another impeachable offense? How r u gonna get him out then? Who gets the power then?
#disqualified #14thAmendmentSection3 #14thNow
Here's a prediction,
he's going to execute the law alright,
with a butcher knife.
He'll slice & dice the Constitution to where it's no longer the law any more.
Weak-kneed shit like you just posted is why Dems lose.☠️☠️ #fucktrump
He should be in jail.We allowed dis and misinformation to abound and we allowed the Office to literally be bought. We are pretending it was all up and up and it was not.
And Dems wonder why too much of their base stayed home on 11/5. 🙄
A person who refuses to back down because they are just plain pissed is worth the life of the republic.
Do NOT bend the knee! Stand strong. Do your duty! You alone can stop the end of your country as you know it.
Musk did it in the name of cheap nickel, cobalt and palladium for batteries. As for aluminum and cheap Chinese labor.
Go to
Get Trump out of office? Get Harris back in the White House?
I'm tired of marching, voting and donating my time and money to causes that are ineffective.
Anything can happen. He's a convicted felon, and there has to be some loophole in the constitution..
He isn't sworn in...yet.
Anything can happen.
Why isn’t that being considered??
2-There had BETTER be organized objection to #TreasonTrump & his criminal cronies violating the #14thAmendment to take office…again…& completely destroy American democracy altogether this time!!!
Seriously, WTF?!?!
Blow that smoke somewhere else.
Who would ever negotiate or speak to them like they aren't liars and deniers.
Why pretend they are normal and nothing happened? It should be pointed out in every conversation had with maga.
Primaries are in order…
Today is the time for truth and transparency
I hope I am wrong…
1. The House. 2. The Senate. 3. The Presidency. 4. The Supreme Court. 5. The Republican Governors. 6. The Mayor's. 7. The School boards. 8. The District attorneys. 9. The Judges. 10. The Sheriff's and more. WOKE IS DEAD!
He kept saying "you'll never have to vote again"
The time to fight is (among others) when we focus on the next elections and take back control of the House.
I mean even if you think Dems should have voted against certification, they have no majority.
It has nothing to do with being nice.
All this is just virtue signaling on social media.
Enjoy your Senate borscht… I mean Senate bean soup today 👍🏼
The election was confirmed to have been attacked by foreign enemies during the House Administration Committee hearing on Dec 18th.
You think we're magically better than Romanian's and unmanipulatable?
Stop lying to our faces.
It has never returned.
You can only lose your virginity once.
Now you are another American country that suffered an attempted coup followed by a successful one.
Difference being that "democrats", in this context, equals politicians - and in America that means being dependent on (influfinanced by) financial contributions. A system that throws right/wrong, true/false out the window.
Today, 535 Members of Congress will VIOLATE their Oaths to support the Constitution they swore by certifying the election of a candidate DQ’d from serving by the Constitution.
Today’s legislative inaction completes the adoption of Fascism begun by Judicial Branch on July 1, 2024,
The 535 Members of Congress emphasized for historians that their surrender of Democracy was peaceful.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
1. The House. 2. The Senate. 3. The Presidency. 4. The Supreme Court. 5. The Republican Governors. 6. The Mayor's. 7. The School boards. 8. The District attorneys. 9. The Judges. 10. The Sheriff's and more. WOKE LOST. ITS DEAD.
But go on about American Exceptionalism while others still have savior syndrome.
minds and machines were hacked
Douche Ex Machina
If Jan 6th, 2021 wasn't an Insurrection, then nothing will ever be.
And they wonder why less and less turn out to vote Dem.
"14th amendment Yeah, we're going to ignore that."
You fail to realize we need fighters, not relics like you spouting empty bullshit.
The dad fact is millions of people should be there, should be protesting...but no.
We're going to have a peaceful transfer of power to an oligarchy of tech bros who will destroy America.
Fuck. You.
Just to piss off the mad king
And find a site near where you live and make your voice be heard
You have let down your voters and we will remember.