For all my colleagues who want to be on Donald Trump's 'good side' - just remember:
There's more room under the Trump Bus than on it.
There's more room under the Trump Bus than on it.
Iran were waiting!!!
“There’s no seat on the lifeboat for you”
Don’t just call your reps. They are all fair game. Their votes affect all of us not just their constituents
Make up false charges and indict Trump. Waste millions in taxpayer's $ to investigate knowingly false claims. Get found out by FBI and censured.
Schiff should be in jail, but instead roams the halls of Congress.
How do you all want your biographies to read?
History will remember all of you for what is coming
Moron Donald Trump is
Putin’s useful idiot.
But the real villain of the deconstruction
of America is the 77 million
ignorant old white Trump voting Base.
no matter how true,
don’t change
a damn thing.
Did it get you anywhere in TEN years of this hell scape?
and the COMSTOCK ACT 1873
and the Anti-Abortionist Movement
start talking about this, like Now
don't screw this one up
like the other ones
Weeks of senators blathering, and outlining the absurdity of Trump's unqualified partisan picks..
Every single nominee confirmed.
With Susan and Lisa flipping on votes they know don't matter.
Every freak confirmed.
Weak America..Weak
This little speech is performative. Stop with the collegiality. Ask why Trump’s guys are throwing Nazi salutes, why Black people with jobs enrage them, etc.
Thank you
It's a goddamn coup, ffs! Stop being polite!
Energy + activism + opposition = subdual.
You're welcome. 💙
Stop with the goody goody mantras that no one cares about and start telling people the hard truths that the GOP are traitors to our country, our constitution, and the core of any Christian values country was based on.
Blue states: Impound federal taxes, secure state National Guards, form independent economic zones, defy Trump orders and obtain more autonomy from the federal government NOW.
Ante Pavelić
Kim Jong Un
It is a short bus.
He has evasive tendencies.
AVPD - Avodiant Personality Disorder
This isn't the old GOP.
They're on their deathbed, thankfully
New blood now.
#45-2.0 does not have a good side.
USA --> UHsdiaA
#TripleThreat: #TimeSpace #Cost #Scope
The billions being funneled to the used car salesman that was never elected need to be cut.
DO SOMETHING!!!! Our country is being DESTROYED!
After being beat up in town halls.
Phones won't stop ringing.
Wondering what would happen to they if they stoop up.
Call them, visit their local office.
Keep up the pressure!
Today do something!
Pick up your phone.
You have power.
More than you know.
Use it!
Put pressure on Republicans. Call them everyday!
The power is in your hands, our hands!
You are strong!
What you can do today AND everyday!
Call your representatives in the House and Senate
Local and Federal.
Especially if they are Republicans.
Everyday a different subject.
The system needs help to stop what has already begin.
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
Adam is a chronic ped
No Kings
No Would-be Gods
No Anythings
I want Liberty
Pass on Death
Price of Eggs
More than Meth
Believe not their Lies
or Gaslit Tweets,
both those Bastards
are Grifting Cheats
They find Corruption
everywhere they Squint
not in the Ledgers
but in their Fingerprints